

Tel Aviv


hasn't he died like 8 times already in those 7 previous movies?..

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@sanderkip oh! He did more while dead then me in my lifetime!

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American Dad!: 5x08 Chimdale

Where do I go to watch episodes of American dad

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Criminal Minds: 2x05 Aftermath

He got what he deserved. And Spencer is sooo good looking with his glasses

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@ljanew lol u have quite the eye for nurds ;)

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Family Guy: 19x13 PeTerminator

Amusing. And only what, 20 years late?

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@bgodonus around 30 years late you mean xD

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Shout by EugenDong
BlockedParent2022-10-30T20:48:23Z— updated 2022-11-26T16:29:47Z

Poor Michael Madsen.
Hard to watch at times.
In one shot, he jumps on top of a car to wave his gun around.

The movie aged absolutely horrible.
The script makes rarely sense.

I came for the boobies, and wasn’t disappointed.

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@eugenwang yes, we all remember this movie fondly solely thanks to boobies. Nice Boobies don't age!

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Slow Horses

Shout by Speed Demon
BlockedParent2022-04-08T20:15:24Z— updated 2023-03-15T12:38:39Z

3 episodes in...
First episode was 6/10,
2nd episode 8/10,
3rd episode 10/10

Glad I stuck it out during the first episode as this is turning into a really good show.

Season 2 looks like it's already in the bag. Can't wait to see it.
Season 2 was even better, right from the beginning. 10/10.

Season 3 looks great as well!

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@speeddemon Thanks for that you gave me hope. must say, first ep was... boring. I'll give it another chance with another ep, hopefully it will pick up.

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The Tomorrow War 2

What will this be about? , There's no point for a sequel

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@dikjoe they'll probably go back in time just to do the exact same movie again

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Watchmen: 1x02 Martial Feats of Comanche Horsemanship

If it wasn't for the absurd Jeremy Irons bits I would quit watching this show right now.

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@onlime me too exactly. It gets weirder

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Billions: 5x10 Liberty

I liked the scene of cooking eggs, it felt so oddly satisfying, in a way. Homage to the movie Big Night. Awesome! Wthout any dialogue spoken. What a brilliant scene!

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@pato22 Homage to good-ole COVID quarantine!

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Watchmen: 1x02 Martial Feats of Comanche Horsemanship

Review by Andrew Bloom

[7.7/10] There are three versions of the same motif in “Martial Feats”, three moments when Angela has her arms wrapped around someone, supporting their weight, before something major, and a little insane, goes down.

The first is the most straightforward. She, along with Looking Glass and Red Scare, help pull Chief Crawford down from his noose. It is a moment where she is losing a father figure, seeing someone she trusted, who was family to her, taken away from her by vigilantes. There is profound pain in her eyes when she watches the body bag zipped up, and tries to remain calm rather than immediately taking her revenge on Nixontown, even as her brutal beatdown shows how much anger she’s holding under the surface.

The second is a flashback to the “White Night”, where she’s holding her husband close, playing and flirting in the final moments before Xmas. Until all of a sudden, a man in a Rorschach mask barges in and, in a harrowing scene, tries to kill her. The result is an explanation for her closeness with Chief Crawford, a shared survival of something hellacious that hit close to home, that emboldened them to stay in the fight despite tremendous risks, that brought them together as something closer and more significant than two officers on the same force.

And the third is her lifting Will into her car after placing him under arrest. It comes not only after she has learned that her Chief, the man she trusted, was hiding a Klan robe in his closet, something to undermine the faith and love she thought they shared, but also after she learns that this man who claims to have killed Judd Crawford is her biological grandfather. It is something to tear her world apart, to rewrite everything she thought she knew about someone close to her, and a reason to take seriously someone who claims to be his killer.

What does it all mean? Well I think the key is in the opening scene, where we see the development and distribution of a letter to black soldiers fighting in World War II, asking why they fight for a country that treats them as something lesser, that doesn't give them dignity despite serving under the same flag. It seems like that sparked something in (presumably) Will’s father, a realization that despite serving with and under their white counterparts, there was a different war to fight, a level of trust and respect they were not going to get, which gave him, and now gives Angela, reason to question the justness of the battles they’re fighting.

A third of the way through, the Watchmen T.V. series is about the murky intersection of race and politics and service and our national institutions. But it also seems to be about an awakening in Angela, one that opens her eyes to realities she thought she knew, of lines between black and white she thought she understood, that are starting to become much more blurred with the light Will’s little lantern is shining on them.

Much of that falls on Regina Hall to carry, and she does an outstanding job here. Whether it’s selling Angela’s surprise at the revelation about her grandfather, her responding with determination and resolve and tremendous pain after hearing about how many of her comrades were gunned down, her reserve curdling into vengeful anger at Nixontown, or her understanding, concerned interactions with her son, all give Hall a hell of an opportunity to show the different layers and shades she brings to this performance.

It’s also an episode that helps build out the world, fill in the blanks for little questions that we might have assumed we knew the answers to, but couldn’t know for sure. We see what exactly the “White Night” was and how it affected the relationship between the police and “The Cavalry.” We learn that Angela and her husband adopted the children of her old partner who was killed that night, something the kids’ grandfather (Jim Beaver!) is clearly none too pleased with.

And we learn more details about the “Redfordrations” -- the financial recompense offered by the U.S. government in response to the violence enacted against black people in America, including the Tulsa Massacre of Black Wallstreet depicted in the opening episode. I’m apt to slate Watchmen a little for resorting to pretty raw exposition for this, but holy hell, it’s hard to complain when they have Skip f’n Gates do it, and include a DNA test to boot. It’s a revelation that helps connect the show’s political themes to something concrete, an effort to portray a right wing backlash to a left wing government trying to take steps to make amends for the abhorrent things in our country’s past, and to establish Angela’s place within that maelstrom.

We also see Veidt trying to make good on Dr. Manhattan’s suggestion that he might try to create a little life on his own. Ozymandias is trying to recreate tomatoes, emotions, people, and seems to be coming up short each time. His part of the episode seems to take place separate and apart from all the other goings on, without much of even a thematic tie. But it’s an intriguing side-story, one of obsession with his old blue compatriot, and one of trying to find passion and, yes, life in something he can create and control.

And last, but not least, we get a look at the “American Hero” T.V. show, giving us a scene of Hooded Justice’s backstory that...well...looks a lot like the aesthetic and style of 2009 Zach Snyder film. I’m not sure if there’s a broader point here, beyond vaguely slating the earlier flick. But maybe the purpose (along with the FCC’s disavowal) is to show the way that these exploits are still being lionized, still meant to inspire and give a hagiography for a form of vigilante justice that has nuts in Rorschach masks going on organized cop killing sprees. It’s a form of justice that the likes of Nite Owl and Silk Spectre once believed in, folks who may have something to do with Will getting picked up and carried off into the night sky.

They’re the other image that comes to mind when I think of two people holding one another in the way that Angela holds her husband, her surrogate father, and her grandfather here. I think of Dan Dreiberg’s dream of the two of them in the nuclear apocalypse. I think of the newsstand owner and his younger reader reaching for one another amid the squid’s blast. I think of these people reaching for one another in these horrible situations, seeking that last bit of connection amid terrible events. And maybe that’s what Angela is waking up to, a human connection that alerts her to something rotten, something ominous, waiting just beyond the horizon.

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@andrewbloom I think flyers were distributed in WW 1, not 2. Black soldiers were notoriously mistreated during ww1 by the USA, who sent them first to front lines. That also explains how the grandfather had this note in 1922's Tulsa thing.

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Stupid rediculus piece of sh*t incoherent movie, huge waste of time

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@steev1st I only saw you ;)

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Way better than I was expecting. Go in blind if you can.
Didn't quite understand all the twists and turns, but I'm looking forward to a second viewing.

Robert Rodriguez's Matrix/Inception? I'm here for it!

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@hgram you mean, if you are blind then go see the movie yes? You'll get a good night's nap

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The Last Man on Earth: 2x18 30 Years of Science Down the Tubes

Shout by Deleted

I laughed so hard at the Sriracha prank, omg...

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Did you really laugh?

That joke was so cheap, i was it 10 miles away (even from before the episode started :)

I envy you, that you can enjoy this show.

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Black Mirror: 6x01 Joan Is Awful

Awful, Netflix / American influence has ruined once a great show. No more suspense and intrigue, just half baked ideas and crude bottom of the barrel shock scenes

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@cisk EXACTLY how I feel!!

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Manifest: Season 3

My god (pun not intended) that got shoehorned in so badly. If I wanted bad fanfic about Christianity, I'd get on AO3. They took a relatively good concept, but it seems to me that they wrote themselves into a corner they couldn't escape via other means than a perpetual deus ex machina.

Unfortunately the worsened writing is not being redeemed by good acting, pleasant soundtrack or captivating sub plot arcs. If you want to watch it, don't continue reading.

The characters have gotten hit on the head way too many times during the past few seasons and their IQ loss is noticeable and painful to watch. Their intelligence is not the only thing that has been impacted though, they have increasingly terrible emotional and exocrine system. The main characters are constantly stupid, overly emotional and wet (I wish I were kidding about the last part).

All that is followed by reoccuring characters (who weren't passengers) repeatedly witnessing miracles and still not believing what's going on, thus becoming hindrances at the most ridiculous and idiotic moments. Exacerbated by the absolute inability to communicate properly, my F*****G god. The overuse of certain tropes makes them intolerable, especially when accompanied by the noticeably repetitive and b***h-a*s plot-spoiling soundtrack. All that unfortunately makes most sub-plot much more worse than what you can find in amateur-written fiction.

If you want a sci-fi about some bigger coordinated plan then Travellers is much better, if you want time-travel there's an even bigger selection, if you want mystery Lost is there. This... is not worth it.

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@fdcba spot on review, brother Adrian (facepalm)

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Tyrant: 2x07 The Awful Grace of God

The first scene of this episode forced me to quit the show. The car approaching the palace, so unreal! Maybe the worst scene I've ever seen in this kind of series, which are supposed to have a certain level of production quality.

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Yeah that defiantly was sucky CGI, but push through!

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Gotham: 2x21 Wrath of the Villains: A Legion of Horribles

Reply by Nick

Resurrects Fish Mooney?? man this is getting crazier and madder.. Just throw some aliens and some gods there and we're good. Realism has .. never was in the building.

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Use the spoiler tag next time!

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I quoted straight from the episode description.

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Gotham: 2x21 Wrath of the Villains: A Legion of Horribles

Resurrects Fish Mooney?? man this is getting crazier and madder.. Just throw some aliens and some gods there and we're good. Realism has .. never was in the building.

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Galavan is dead for only a few episodes, he's body's still warm! Fish has been dead for practically a whole season.
LoL !
Such an outreach.

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The Walking Dead: 6x03 Thank You

There are no more Asian people in the TWD Universe! lmfao

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@mbze430 wtf dude you spoiled me whole episode !!!!!!! >:o

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Black Mirror: 6x02 Loch Henry

I really thought there was going to be one last reveal at the end to show that Davis was secretly a part of his parent's disturbing acts

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@schlumaas it is actually worst and way horrible this way, when him being not knowing. His overall loss is much much more severe, while directly contributing to his success

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The Signal

I must say that it is only 4 episodes, very easy to watch and it is not common sci-fi, maybe a bit "hardcore" no CGI no battles no nothing, pure mystery and psychological states. I'm torn about the ending, for sure i didn't want the common alternative but this was little underwhelmed. Nice watch.

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@great_vc Yes it was a nice way to show aliens without showing shitty aliens and having it ruin everything. But I agree, even with that relative smart choice, its an underwhelming ending.

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Review by Blakblu
BlockedParentSpoilers2017-04-02T11:14:11Z— updated 2017-04-04T09:04:27Z

Smartest creature ever. Super adaptable, evolutionary. This is by far the bad assiest being ever imagined. The science in the movie was up to my extremely lofty standards. For the first time, ever in a horror movie, this thing could theoretically actually exist makes the movie extremely interesting. The main reason I gave it a 9, is due to the fact, they should have sacrificed the first guy, immediately. I had one other issue, but that would tip spoilers. Other than that, this is a great, thrilling, mind bender of a horror sci-fi movie.

And for those who ridiculously state this was "like Alien". This movie had a super intelligent, highly evolved bacteria. This was never done before. Actual physics and biology was implemented. It wasn't just some creature out of the mind of a teenager. The crew were attempting to contain and survive. Never before have I saw a movie, that was about containing an entity while above the planet. This used an actual space station, that is real and does exist. This was not a fairy tale of a movie, as was Alien. No one was hunting this thing down with guns and such. This movie is about what can actually happen as we go frolicking around our solar system. This is something that we should actually be worried about. That is completely ground breaking in every way possible. The Europa Report was closer related to this film, but even that was not as real of a threat as this movie, since it was on a Saturn moon, using theoretical science and fictional equipment. Life used all actual equipment, actual science, and actual crew reactions, although, I would have sacrificed the first guy, immediately and launched the immature state of Calvin at the first sign of an issue. And one last thing, Calvin didn't even kill anyone, except the first guy, who was attempting to incinerate it. I bet in part two, we will find out he is actually peaceful.

This movie was nothing like Alien. Besides the fact that the setting was in space and there was a creature hunting them down (or was he?). The Alien was killing, Calvin was surviving.

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@blakblu I like your review. I mostly felts the same thing. I only wished, to complete the idea that the creature was only surviving, that they didn't give it an "evil" "face".
If it would have left faceless - then that would be absolutely right.

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Silicon Valley: 3x03 Meinertzhagen's Haversack

That plot twist was so fucking WEAK. "Hey someone dropped their stuff, let me pick up this one single piece of paper and read it. AH it's their secret master plan, I'm telling my boss right away." I cringed so hard I think I dislocated my spleen somehow.

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@eiricorn thats awesome u ranked 2 ! this show busts my balls so hard and i'm so pissed about them, that only this kind of emotional response gets this rating. undoubtedly u continued to watch the show

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Sense8: 2x11 You Want a War?

Man, I really loved the first season but I have no words to describe this season. It was amazing, fantastic, awesome, amazing, raw, painful, happy, and even more adjectives. Please, Netflix don't let us wait almost 2 years for a new season.

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@fabioacribeiro you won't have to wait 2 year. its canceled!!

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For All Mankind: Season 2

Season 1 was tolerable, but season 2 is boring and mind-numbing. Got to the first 15 minutes of episode 3 and couldn't take it anymore. Goodbye.

This show started with promise - the Russians getting to the moon before the Americans, but they're now changing history. Reagan president in 1976?! Margret Thatcher also PM in 76?! Emails and colour monitors in the late 70's. Please.

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@speeddemon man looks like u missed a big chunk of setup and because if that everything looked that weird for you. It's actually built very nicely. Recommend you clear your slate and watch S2 again, it's good.

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John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum

Guns, a lot of guns

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@kingprawnie no no. It's a reference from The Matrix famous lobby scene

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Breaking Bad: 2x13 ABQ

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--- ping statistics ---
7 packets transmitted, 7 received, 0% packet loss, time 6019ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 138.454/154.582/193.168/24.003 ms

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@kimme lol 2 3 4 5

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Better Call Saul: 6x09 Fun and Games


(by "he" I mean Vince Gilligan and the rest of the cast and crew and by "it" I mean making this show so consistently high quality)

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@arteeten so horribly true. He just kills any other show out there and ruins everything for us. Now that we know such high quality is possible, how can you watch anything else??? It's the show we need, but not the show we deserve.

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Hannibal: 1x09 Trou Normand

Reply by stormsm

Abigail reconized the taste of human flesh at the dinner with Lounds in Hannibal's house? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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Yes so it seems, without any reply though.. Maybe the confession was the result of that..

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Westworld: 1x07 Trompe L'Oeil

Best episode so far. I pride myself on seeing most things coming in a series, but this episode blew my mind. I had no idea Bernard was one of them untill he said 'What door' near the end of the episode.

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@orinmons Reminded me of good ol' Battlestar Galactica!! spoiler to those who didn't see it: where all the "6" were revealed, especially the XO. He was shocked as I was right now.

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