
I dont think this movie was bad coz of Adam Sandler, as many claim. It was bad completely by itself. Just plain stupid.. I get that its supposed to be entertaining and not logical, but... Simply DUMB.

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I kinda have a problem with this movie. It's fine entertainment, but nothing as it tries to make itself be.

The movie comes off as a "different kind of superhero movie", when actually, when it come down it - it's just the same: guy, *.some_accident, superpower, mask, girl, save girl as girlfriend, kill villain. The only difference is that it's rated R now, which is better then suck-up movies such Iron Man, Cpt. America, etc.

If it was really different, this boring scheme of a plot should have changed entirely. The "Just add F*cks !" startup doesn't cut it for me.

As I reached my 30's, I've now out grown superhero movies. I though this might be different, but it came up short.

If you're bored of the superhero genre - don't bother watching it. Doesn't live up to the hype.
Plain 6/10.

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X-Men: Apocalypse

This one is just another Marvel blabber. You won't find anything special here. Usually, the X-men series pack some story and intrigue into the film, maybe some schemes or few story lines.
This one here is just the action sequence following to all American default storyline - good guys, problem, bad guy loses, end. 10% story, which contributes very little to the Xmen universe.

As you are probable a fan of GoT I guess, you will enjoy seeing our dear Sophie Turner on screen. But that's not enough. Also, Dolby Atmos is fun.

I was disappointed walking out of the theater.

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13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi

Out now on BluRay.
Great war movie if you're into the genre. Thrilling, exciting, and relatively not a cliche.

If you like Sole Survivor, Black Hawk Down, American Sniper and so - This one's defiantly for you.

Highly recommended (Even that it's Michael Bay).

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London Has Fallen

This is an OK minus action film. Gerrad kills lots of bad guys, never hurts himself. Feels kinda like Call of Duty and some fun action scenes.

However, the movie has no climax point or peak and when its over, you feel greatly unsatisfied.
The CGI is poorly made. Aaron Ackhart has about 10 lines..

Like really bad sex.

6/10 low priority on your watch list.

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Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
  • this refers to Ultimate Edition *

I honestly didn't understand this movie.
Batman has some feud with Super, just cause he's an alien, and also he's pissed off on the rest of the world.
This causes him to take revenge on everything, including said SM, with all hell a against him.

As you know, at some point they make up - for the stupidest reason ever!!! - and turn on the mighty Lex.

Affleck's acting wasn't as bad as they say - it's he's character that lacked proper motivation for it's doings, and relatively not so many lines.

Jesse Isenberg did quite a good job with the material he got, so thumb up here.

The rest - fine.

Over all - many things about nothing. Ult edition is too long.

Fine. 6/10.

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Money Monster

This movie is my perfect score of 7: it's somewhat entertaining so I don't regret watching it, but this review is the last time I will indulge in the movie and defiantly would not watch it again.

It does not offer any memorable nothing: the acting, directing, camera work is fine. The story is OK (many holes but whatever) and doesn't bite into anything. Not painful though, just somewhat entertaining.

You can put this movie on your list, but play it on some LaZy weekday evening but don't reserve your prime time slot for this.

Just for reference: my genre's 10 and 9 are The Big Short and The Wolf of Wall Street.


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Star Trek Beyond

Honestly I'm a bit disappointed in the movie. Sure, you get state-of-the-art gfx (but we wouldn't expect less, so no surprise here), and I love Zach's Spock and the other, but I didn't feel anything special watching this. It was all... pretty expected and with nothing new.

I'm sure the real trekkies will adore this, as it delivers what should be delivered, but for me, I didn't find the interest I was looking (and hoping) for.

Of this series, I loved Star Trek (2009) best, as it had actual character development and many interactions between them.

6.5/10 for me, so voted 6.

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Zero Motivation

It's a sweet comedy about a few army girls that worry themselves very much about very little. It's very serious about the nonsense that the characters are dealing with, just like in real life, which makes it very funny. Nicely acted and written.

Everyone will enjoy this movie, though it's very Israeli so to understand most of the jokes (Like why Daffi wants to transfer to where she wants or why she handles that stapler as seen in the movie banner), you ought to know the culture.


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War Dogs

This movie will Deja-Vu you straight to The Wolf of Wall Street. You'll get the same feeling of money, power, drugs and recklessness, and a fine amount of Jonah Hill. Difference is that here Jonah takes the lead, instead of being Leo's co-pilot.

So take a bowl full of "The Wolf", add a cup of "Lord of War" and just a curt of Hangover's Bradly Cooper, and you'll get a nice and entertaining movie. It won't make you think so much like in Wolf or War, but it tastes good enough. Though don't expect the gourmet of Martin Scorsese.

But surely you will lick your spoon thanks to Ana de Armas.

I recommend this one if you liked said movies, and you have a free night. an even 7.5/10 .

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Precious Cargo

I'm sorry, I'm rating the movie "Bad" 3/10 based just on the first 18 minutes. I couldn't continue watching this. It looks like the most amatur story with all the lamest moves there is.

Simply very "American" bad movie. Watch it only if you love simple action movies. Otherwise avoid even downloading this.

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Nocturnal Animals

Nocturnal is a beautifully horrible movie. It gives you the story that you want but not the finish that you need.
I read online afterwards that it contains many clues. I didn't notice them and still enjoyed it greatly.
Many hate it and many adore it. A sign for a good movie to me. I had both feelings.

If you like Gyllenhaal and his choice of movies u should watch this one.
Michael Shannon - amazing character here.
If you like movies to think about, and that make you work for it - watch it. At night time.
If you're into a quiet and simple staring- keep this one for another day.

Very recommend.

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I didn't hear anything about this movie prior to watching, didn't knew it even existed, so I got it with no expectations.

It's a sweet sci fi romance movies that reminded me of Gataca and Equilibrium in some aspects (Equals isn't an action movie).

I really related to the characters and actually cared for them and wanted them to succeed. Hoult is one of my favorites and both he and Stewart did a great job creating a calm but intense and very intimate and discreet atmosphere.

I recommend for both sci fi lovers and romantics, men or women.

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This is the first and only Marvel I loved in 10 years (and didn't hate).
It's mature, believable with actual characters and development. It actually spoke to my age and not to 13 year olds, with the father-son-kid relationship of Logan and Charles.
It had its real life humor and not Chuck Lorre sitcom lame jokes.
The action scenes were nice and didn't take all the focus, even with the usual "villain-boss" here.

Great performances by Jackman and Stewart, and the girl. Even dramatic I would say.

I highly recommend if you like the universe but especially if you're fed up with the usual predicable pattern, like me.

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Resident Evil: The Final Chapter

I honestly don't know what this movie was about.
It started and I guess also ended, but there wasn't much of something in between.. :/

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Kajaki is unique in a way that it takes place in a very short timeframe- only a few hours in one day. There are no bad guys, just guys.

It's gripping and emotional, and at a point very depressing.

If you like war movies, watch this. But note that's It's not an action film, but a drama.
It's up to you to decide if it's anti-war or not . But a good story it is.

I recommend.

Just be prepared for some heavy British and Scottish accent.

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If you liked this movie (and especially if you didn't and you just wanna rip on it :) , then go ahead and watch

South Park - 15x06 - City Sushi

It's like this movie but in 20 minutes and funny.


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Patriots Day

I just kept thinking what if every city bombing would get a Berg/Whalberg Hollywood movie.

Good piece. Well paced, believable and emotional. The 2 Bergs make a great team.

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Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them

This movie has a little bit of many things, and a whole lot of nothing. When you finish watching it, you realize nothing was accomplished, and as expected, it's just a setup for them to make tons of movie for the 28 or so move movies to follow.

Its a nice one. You wouldn't want to watch it again. Just don't pay to see it.

BTW. They say the name Credence no less than 27 times ! which is tooo much for this dumb character! That pissed me off so much, just STFU with saying his name already!

!! some spoilers from here !!
01:40:03,957 --> 01:40:05,250

01:40:05,668 --> 01:40:07,127
Credence, I can help.

01:41:46,685 --> 01:41:47,996
- Bar the area.
- Yes, sir.

01:41:48,020 --> 01:41:49,460
I don't want anyone else down there.

01:42:02,242 --> 01:42:03,410

01:42:06,371 --> 01:42:08,123
It is Credence, isn't it?

01:42:11,210 --> 01:42:13,545
I'm here to help you, Credence.

01:42:14,546 --> 01:42:16,799
I'm not here to hurt you.

01:42:36,401 --> 01:42:39,071
I've met someone just like you, Credence.


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xXx: Return of Xander Cage

people i dont understand why would someone even bother watching this? not to mention pay for it.. They obviously shit all over your face and mouth! so why give them all these human hours, wasted on it?..
Help humanity by just not watching it.

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The Great Wall

I actually went into this movie with the idea that's it's an historic piece about actual events!
Just imagine my surprise when aliens started showing up. I seriously considered turning it off, but I stayed.

Although this doesn't fit the recent works of either Damon nor Pascal, i enjoyed their batter and lightness. The action is nice and doesn't take itself too seriously, and most important - the characters aren't dumb!

So overall, just tune yourself before watching it, take it easy, and I believe you'll enjoy. Especially if you don't have anything else to watch - but don't clear out your day for this.
For me, watching this the one time only is enough. 7/10.

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Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales

Pirates of the Caribbean:Bad movies have no End.

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Useless movie
( nothing to add)

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The Shallows

I had no expectations but the movie was surprisingly nice! i believed the girl and what happened on screen. watch it casually, don't free up your time for it.

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this is a normal movie in no way. the story is not straight forward and i went online afterwards to read what it was about. it's all metaphorical and ideas, and not a plot like we are used to. it's in the genre of The Fountain, Tree of Life, Knight of Cups, etc.

Its really a love it or hate it film. If you're just into casual watching - don't watch this one.

I didn't like it.

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Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle

I'm 34 and extremely hard to satisfy with comedies and non-drama movies. If something doesn't make sense it ruins the movies for me and I'll give bad review.
In this one, not at all! I was entertained the entire movie! I doesn't take itself seriously and there are great self-awareness moments. Everybody did a good job, and my wife and I had lots of fun.

Easy 8/10.
Very recommended for everybody!

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A Quiet Place

Its the best thriller you've seen in the last few years. It accomplishes so much with so little words. We (and the rest of the theater) were on the edge of our seats from the 3rd minute until the very last second.
You'll connect to the characters emotionally and identify with almost every move they make. Everything is believable and makes sense, which is very satisfying to have.

Extremely recommended/Must-see to anyone who's willing to accept a little sci-fi, and enjoys thrillers.

  • Apart from that, I'm very impressed that a beginner director made a movie with relatively a small budget <20M$ , and made such a smash.
  • Finally something good that has Michael Bay's name in the credits (I despise the transformers series).

I bet that after seeing this, M. Night Shyamalan said "this is what I was supposed to do instead of the crappy corn-field movie.."

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Journey's End

I was hoping for more than i got.
This movie takes place in a period of 3-4 days and involves about 5-10 soldiers characters. Its mostly about how they feel and what they think, and very little about actual action sequences.
It comes off better as a book or play, but unfortunately, its not so strong as a movie.

I was really looking forward for a WWI epic, but its only a small story.
Recommended if you like war movies. I wish i could give it an 8, but it's a 7.

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Ocean's Eight

Its fun and entertaining, more than i expected. Bullock, Hathaway and Blanchett were good, but i didn't buy Rihanna for a second.
Critics might have been to harsh on this.

Final act and ending were somewhat weak.

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The Vanishing

I stopped watching after 75% of the movie - i completely lost interest in the movie.

Then I came here and saw that others feels exactly like me - The first half is charming with the scenary, bleek atmosphere and somewhat of suspence, but after some events occur in the story, everything start to mess up and it simply wasn't worth following up :)

So I leave it like that, i'm taking the others' advice and i'm now going to sleep.

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