

Tel Aviv

Manifest: Season 4

S3 for me was abysmal, any point watching this season?

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American Dad!: Season 18

I'm a fan of anything Seth MacFarlane but this is unbearable

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The Blacklist: Season 5

is somebody still watching this? its really all the same all the time

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The Walking Dead: Season 7

For me, as this last few years feel like a Renaissance of TV, and with so much great shows going around, TWD has descended to Barely Mediocre that with each season is just an extremer version of the previous season, but its just the same time and time again.
Not worth watching.

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Black Mirror: Season 6

There's no real punch anymore, no real hurt. Their ideas here are so superficial, easy, shallow and obvious.

Coward writers, coward show runners. All Instagram fake culture, and in the lazy way. nothing real

Oh how I wish back the BBC Black Mirror!! American Black Mirror is so weak !!!!

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After Life: Season 3

It's really the best you can get from TV shows. This is why we have a TV. Absolutely smart, beautiful, thoughtful , perfect. Highly recommend.

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Parks and Recreation: Season 1

At this point I've watched the 3 first episodes. Having just last year (2021) watched The Office US for the very first time (Yes yes I know, but at least i had all seasons one after the other!), I started to watch this because these are the same creators. At this point I must say that Parks' Leslie is a faint and pale imitation of, of course, Michal Scott. The Actor is annoying is Mr. Scott, but not as charming, making her unlikable to me. The rest of characters didn't leave an impression on me. I see that this season has a rate of 69% while S2 is 81% , so i'll power through in hope this gets better.

Mid-S1 score: Meh .

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Black Mirror: Season 4

The British episodes are so much better than the American ones.
They pour a lot of money into production but the story is banal and dull.
These eps are simple. Just people. and they really disturb you.

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Game of Thrones: Season 8

overall impression: bullshit hollywood movie (i.e same crap like marvel, DC).

but hands down, beautifully done BS.

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Workin' Moms: Season 4

I feel season 4 has lost the charm, humbleness and spirit of S1, 2. It now feels like some over compensation poster to Me too or so, by having all the male characters act like useless imbeciles who can't put their socks on only to be saves by their respective female. This Mark character went from being lovely, charming and respectful mam just few episodes ago, to the laziest written dumb Duhh douchebag Hollywood stereotype.
This kind of aggressive shift of writer policies is simply disrespectful to the show and the characters. Thumbs down.

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Tehran: Season 2

bombshell of a season, although different than S1, very recommended! This show is a great example for many FEMALE leads on the show WHO ARE NOT GAY AND LAME CHICS!

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Beacon 23: Season 1

At the time of reviewing this, S2 hasn't come out yet.

Beacon is a very weird Scifi show, nothing very familiar we've seen before. It's extremely slow burn.
I have a major problem with the editing of the show. Very often I felt like while watching the show I missed 1-2-3 minutes of it because scenes don't feel connected to on another! And that is very annoying.

For me, the payout at the end of the season is not at all worth the journey to arrive to it.
I'd say wait for reviews of S2 to see if they take on S1 issues properly before getting into this.
As a standalone season, I DO NOT recommend watching it.

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Beacon 23: Season 1

At the time of reviewing this, S2 hasn't come out yet.

Beacon is a very weird Scifi show, nothing very familiar we've seen before. It's extremely slow burn.
I have a major problem with the editing of the show. Very often I felt like while watching the show I missed 1-2-3 minutes of it because scenes don't feel connected to on another! And that is very annoying.

For me, the payout at the end of the season is not at all worth the journey to arrive to it.
I'd say wait for reviews of S2 to see if they take on S1 issues properly before getting into this.
As a standalone season, I DO NOT recommend watching it.

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Beacon 23: Season 1

At the time of reviewing this, S2 hasn't come out yet.

Beacon is a very weird Scifi show, nothing very familiar we've seen before. It's extremely slow burn.
I have a major problem with the editing of the show. Very often I felt like while watching the show I missed 1-2-3 minutes of it because scenes don't feel connected to on another! And that is very annoying.

For me, the payout at the end of the season is not at all worth the journey to arrive to it.
I'd say wait for reviews of S2 to see if they take on S1 issues properly before getting into this.
As a standalone season, I DO NOT recommend watching it.

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Bob's Burgers: Season 8

"The Bleakening" broke me. I cannot watch this show anymore. its not funny and not anything, just pointless blahhh blahh. deleting it from everywhere.

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Mythic Quest: Season 3

I'm extremely baffled about Brad's arc here.. he give himself up on a fake charge, just to try and claw his way back up to the same position he was just in?!? I can't get my mind around that

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Rick and Morty: Season 6

I didn't understand anything

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Altered Carbon: Season 1

They try to mimic the atmosphere of Blade runner and Total recall, so you get action and effects. But i really didn't get the story and the motives of the character, and some things don't really make sense to me.
Watch it once if you have nothing else to watch, but don't get your hopes high.

7/10 for me.

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Manifest: Season 3

This series was barely flying below 7 but after this season, it landed straight back to 6 (bad puns intended). This season had way too much Divine and God BS in it. It's like the producers try to use this show to make us religious.

I forgive all the shooting around Covid post-prod awkwardness but boy stuff here took a turn for the worst.

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Orange Is the New Black: Season 4

If you are somehow new to this series - start watching it. It's dirty and unpretty, beautifully disgusting, gently straight in your face, and not straight at all.

The finally was a great episode for a great season. This series is well alive and kicking, and keeps us entertained with no compromises!
Good to know (and watch) that there's still amazing talent (Writers and actors alike!!!) out there, in light of all the sh*t shows they throw as us on TV.

Kudos Netflix. You deserve the commercial success that you have.

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The Last Man on Earth: Season 3

I seriously consider flying to the USA, attend a convention, stand in endless lines and attend a panel with the actors, just to ask them how does it feel to star in the worst show airing today, when amazing stuff like GOT and House Of Cards is 1 mouse click away.
Just want to get the loom on their face and go.

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Superman & Lois: Season 2

Weak season.
The show seems to be intended to young adults or teens, and feels like a high school drama on top of everything. In each 3 minutes of the show some character will either cry or have some overly dramatic speech about their feelings and hurts and whinings.

Too much of a soap opera.
Too much wokeness, too inorganic.
Like Star trek Discovery S04, the show is all crowed pleasing without a real personality.
The ending is weak and unsatisfying.

And what about Tal's accent, so exaturated, so forced.

I recommend you NOT to watch this.

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The Walking Dead: Season 4

The Governor is Donald Trump.

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Silicon Valley: Season 5

I love this season. everybody is getting F'd all the time. Especially Gavin! ah!
"Errick" is greatly missed.
Jian Yang is terrible.
Dinesh in this season has become a cartoon idiot and its a real shame.
Jared is awesome.
Gilf is great
Richard is ... still "Dick".
Too bad its only 8 eps.

Cant wait for 6th.

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Bob's Burgers: Season 7

My deep hatred towards shitty The Last Man on Earth has, to my great sadness, poured over to Bobs, through the channel of Kristen Schaal's voice.
I can't stand Louise anymore coz of the bad character of Carol.

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The Last Man on Earth: Season 2

In order for a show to be good, the audience has to love the characters. For that, the audience has to understand them - even if they are stupid!
Friends, Seinfeld, Big band, New girl, Southpark - all are successful, funny shows, which the audience loves the characters (some or all of them) , and all do some dumb shit!

The characters in this show are acting in a way that is too non-realistic.

obviously this is a comedy, and obviously no one in real life would do whats going on here!

But since its that far fetched - it just throws the watcher right outside of the show and making him (the watcher) realize that this is a very ridiculous show, and thus he is unable to really connect and love the character and the show.
I for one, cannot relate to any HUMAN behavior the characters present.

The writers don't know their craft - this show could never be real good or be a real hit.

Show: 6/10
Season: 5/10

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The Big Bang Theory: Season 10

TBBT is like a gum the was chewed too much, and has already lost it flavour. You keep chewing it just because it's still in your mouth.
Well, you should spit it out and just be over with it.

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Friends: Season 4

i hate pheobe she's so stupid it pisses me off

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