

Tel Aviv


It was too stupid, lame and 100% bad cliches and bad everything. couldnt go past s01e02. Unrecommendaition here.

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Why people like this? I'm at episode 4 and really hurting myself trying to like it. I find it so juvenile, stupid, so NOT funny !
But I also hated Brooklyn 911 for the excact same reasons.
its a 4/10 for me.

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Remember Lost? Remember the Dharma Initiative?
Remember how it started, all mysterious with polar bears and inputting numbers, and how it ended?

Here's me praying to the clicking smoke monster god that we don't have another Lost show in our hands..

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I really tried to lean into the non-liner gimmick of the show, and watched it from outside in (25y before, 6m after, 7y before etc). It wasn't enjoyable. Like the show says, u have to pay attention to many details that don't align with anything until you see all. But it doesn't make it intriguing, only tiring and labouring.

Now, the show itself isn't good enough for you to put all those efforts in, so I just felt exhausted waiting for something interesting to happen, which of course never does, because each episode is supposed to be a standalone on the series so there's never a climax or resolution of everything.

If you watch it, do it linear.

But even then I don't recommend the show because it's just too mediocre.

Just watch this 20min episode of Rick and Morty One Crew over the Crewcoo's Morty - you'll have fun and save yourself 7h 40m of just reaching the exact same result.

Boy it's such a cliche with the crew recruit "what's the job? I'm in" and that music.. ridiculous!

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Adventure Time

The graphics are pretty. As an adult, I didn't find any interest in the show, and would not recommend it.
I Love Futurama and Rick & Morty FYI, and do recommend on those two.

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Apocalypse: The Battle of Verdun

A real good documentary about the WW I battle of Verdun. The show paces real good, everything is clear, images are surprisingly good and overall real interesting.

Watch it if you're a WW buff, played the first Call Of Duty, and especially if you played Battlefield One.

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God's Favorite Idiot

This is as dumb as America can make'em. Don't bother, X it right away.

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This is really the best thing around since a long time ago.
If you're a MacFarlane fan - it's a must for you but actually by reading this review you've already seen it.

But if you're just wondering here - it's great even so.

It's funny (I laughed here and I don't remember the last time I laughed from TV)
It's honest,
It's NOT a cliche , the script is original and counter intuitive to other shitty cheap shows,

And best thing-

ITS NOT WOKE AT ALL!!!! ZERO!!! Every character is there because it fits the story and not to fill up some policy!

This shows give me a sliver of hope for TV and especially American TV.
Thank you for this.

Giorgia is so fun, she's a charming actor, and a just beautiful person.
Highly recommended.

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It's OK.
Fine to watch it, not painful, not very funny. Not memorable, nothing to write home about, nothing to note yourself to wait for next season.
Comes and goes.

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Beacon 23

At the time of reviewing this, S2 hasn't come out yet.

Beacon is a very weird Scifi show, nothing very familiar we've seen before. It's extremely slow burn.
I have a major problem with the editing of the show. Very often I felt like while watching the show I missed 1-2-3 minutes of it because scenes don't feel connected to on another! And that is very annoying.

For me, the payout at the end of the season is not at all worth the journey to arrive to it.
I'd say wait for reviews of S2 to see if they take on S1 issues properly before getting into this.
As a standalone season, I DO NOT recommend watching it.

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The Patient

Beautifully done. Great acting by Domhnall , and by Carell. I really enjoyed his work here, especially because I enjoy his work in Office, 40 yo Virgin and Big Short.

I loved that I shared the feelings and hopes of the main character, even when knowing what's going to happen - exactly like the character did.

I dearly recommend this for any drama and performance lovers.

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The Pacific

As brutal as they come

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The Pacific

As brutal as they cone

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Horace and Pete

This show makes you feel like you're sitting in a theater, watching a play. It feels all warm and cozy, though the characters and dialogs are depressed and disturbed. Its funny in an unfunny way, sophisticated in a layman's way, and plainly unpretentious.

Highly recommended.

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The Good Place

I really struggled watching the first season. It was really hard for me to connect and it seemed too stupid to bother continue watching. Eventually I managed to get through it and just now finished the first season - and it actually was quite fun!! So, push through!!

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13 Reasons Why

I am struggling to watch this! just finished E03 and it's REALLY BORING. Anyone feels like me and suggest I should move on?

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Station Eleven

Every review promised that even though it's a (very) slow burn series, the end will be worth it. So I pushed through. I didn't really connect to about half of the total episodes, and you'll understand why if you watched the second episode.
While the ending is indeed beautiful and emotional - mostly thanks to beautiful acting - I cannot recommend investing in watching everything just for that.

So I'll say - try it. If u like the early eps , keep going and I don't think you'll be disappointed. And if you don't, then don't force it.
I don't regret watching it, but it wasn't smooth for me. Enjoy!

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Brooklyn Nine-Nine

I stopped watching this show halfway S 2. Too stupid, too childish. Sorry.

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Shout by stormsm

This entire season felt like it's a trailer-teaser for some other season or film or whatever. In 3 runtime hours, nothing happened!! Only ALMOST HAPPENED!! Really just a big tease for nothing. As for the human drama, I'd agree that there are some human stories but they are really too very short and flat to actually give the characters a chance to evolve and you get no satisfaction from any storyline.

Overall good quality of production but I don't recommend watching

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\W/estworld give you such an amazing production, that even as a viewer its hard to tell the real apart from the computer made. The quality of the story is no less than superb. Cast are amazing - true, real, and believable every step of the way.

The plot itself is gripping and flowing. By the 2nd episode I'm hooked. I took a small break in the middle of the episode, and found myself just keep thinking about it.
You don't get "cheap" cliff hangers here like in the TWD (which I watch), but actually an ending for each episode.

Only thing is that they say F*ck just all the time, which I think even real people so say so much. Not including Irish.

Extremely recommended, 10/10.

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The Last Man on Earth

3 minutes into episode 3x2 I stopped watching this series, and haven't looked back since.
Made my life much better.

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The Last Man on Earth

Great news! this terrible show was finally canceled after season 4. Maybe humanity stands a chance to escape idiotic extinction.

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Funny and rude and sweet and absurd. Very nice watch. Quick and lite .

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The Walking Dead

Did you know?
The Governor is based on a real-life leader! One Mr. Donald Trump.

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Orange Is the New Black

So season 5 is going to be released week-by-week now? As opposed to until now, when the whole season was released instantly ?

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The Blacklist

Do you still like this show, now that it's in season 4 and like an old senile man saying the thing over and over again?
ughh.. enough with the damn baby !

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Mom for me the "defaultest" comedy you can have. You see the jokes a mile away, the characters will do exactly what you wanted them to do and to say, and you'll feel all safe and off guard.

Its 6 for me = means, I'll watch (each episode) once, and will never consider to watch again (unlike Seinfeld,Bundy,SP - never mind the endless reruns).

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The Big Bang Theory

TBBT is like a bubble-gum that was chewed so much, that it's already lost it's flavour. You keep chewing it only because it's still in your mouth.
Well, you should spit it out and just be over with it.

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