Rebecca 'Pankeiko' Arcangeli


Venice, Italy

Fargo: Season 2

Two episodes to the end, and I'm quite sure I liked Season 1 best. I have nothing against gory television, but there are way too many moments of senseless violence, whereas in S1 there was always a sense of things being beyond the characters' control. Also, I find that S1 had more relatable (if not likeable) characters, and the thrill of the story wasn't about "I wonder when they're getting shoot", but rather, "Will they go to jail or will they run?" S2 is a bit like Game of Thrones: you know characters are going to die, you just don't know how or when yet; in S1 you think they'll live up until they get killed. Knowing death is coming is a bit anti-climatic.
That said, it's still an awesome piece of fiction!

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