

Omicron Persei 8

Fear the Walking Dead

I sincerely hope that AMC throws this show in the waste bin along with that atrocity, TWD: Beyond. AMC is now on par with the CW as far as the level of writing goes. If they keep churning out crappy TWD spinoffs then they will be bankrupt by end of spring next year. Nobody with half a brain would that rubbish.

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Do yourself a favor and stop the show after season 1. Every character in this show becomes either blatantly ignorant, self-righteous, self-serving, or just down right unlikeable.

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The Witcher

The show has moments of greatness. The world of the Witcher, the characters, and the story are very interesting. However, this show plays like a summarization of the actual story. I wish that was actually presented before the show started. Instead you get a "based on "The Witcher" series" amidst the end credits. That is very "loosely" based as is clearly evident. Like many Hollywood adaptions, this one falls short. If you're looking to fill in all of the gaps, then please check out the novels by Polish author Andrzej Sapkowski.

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Sweet Tooth

The writing in the 2nd season is terrible. The events should have happened in a couple of episodes. Instead it was stretched out to 8 episodes. I can't believe they had the nerve to set it up for another season.

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Great show if you don't mind animation. The series finale will blow your mind.

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This show has such a warm cast of characters and a great performance from the female lead, Emily Rose. I believe that, unfortunately, there was network interference to spread this show out as long as possible. The reason being is that there is clearly a narrative here, but it takes a back seat to whichever "Trouble" is the highlight of the episode.

The problem I have with this being a police crime procedural is that the actual police are rarely even in the show. Nathan is anything but a detective/police officer. He claims to know all of the officers by their first name and yet never speaks to them. One other glaring mistake is that Nathan doesn't have a radio. In fact, nobody seems to know what one is in this city, er small town.

In short, if you're interested in a supernatural drama that you can have on in the background, then this is for you. There are also lots of allusions to Stephen King's works throughout. Don't take this one too seriously and you won't be disappointed.

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Midnight Mass

Shout by Strykar

This was like a Stephen King adaptation, but a flawed one. Stories like this don't work in modern day. One glaring plot hole is how does nobody in this universe know what a vampire is?

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I think, overall, it was an enjoyable series. I agree with others that this feels like it would have been better in short format. I'll also add that Detective Ledroit being queer felt out of place. Almost as if it was added in after the fact.

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Monarch: Legacy of Monsters

I gave this series a chance. I watched until episode 7. By now, it should be clear to all viewers that this was likely a thrown out project that may have started as a sequel to Godzilla 2014, but clearly developed into a CW teen drama. The title should be May: Legacy of the Randa love triangle aka next to nothing to do with Godzilla or monsters.

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If you're wondering about the air dates, then I have the answer. The moderator over at tvdb is a dinosaur and using his paper TVGuide dates. The proper air dates are posted at IMDb and the epix website.

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Justified: City Primeval

This is not for fans of the original series. Raylan Givens' character does NOT fit in this setting at all. This is a cash grab plain and simple. The writers haven't "taken inspiration" from Elmore Leonard's novel. They have literally replaced the main character, a local detective, and replaced him with a US Marshal. Makes absolutely no sense and it's just garbage. Read the novel and skip the show.

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Warrior Nun: Season 1

So many glaring problems with this. Problems that could have been corrected had anyone cares to revise the script. The accents are are all over the place here. American accents from supposed Europeans and the switch from English to American English with the lead character. Something else that really bothered me was that this girl at seven years old becomes a quadriplegic and spends her life in an orphanage. Yet there nuances when she's an adult that would never have been learned. Enjoying alcohol being one. I get the feeling this was intended for young adults and the writers just didn't care. That's how I feel about watching anymore of this sloppiness. I just don't care.

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His Dark Materials: 2x01 The City of Magpies

Wow. Lyra steps through that portal and ages 18 months and none of the characters seem to realize that they have all aged 18 months as well.

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The Stand: 1x06 The Vigil

Why did Frannie run past all of those people before saying "bomb"? It is nice to see the story progressing at a steady pace though.

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The show was great. This is a horror drama and NOT action/fantasy. If you're looking for sparkly vampires, then look elsewhere. I really enjoyed the slow burn and big reveal that came midway through the series.

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Fear the Walking Dead: 6x06 Bury Her Next to Jasper's Leg

This episode was so poorly written. None of the characters seemed themselves. Ginny put her hand in a walker's mouth?! Get the hell out of here with this nonsense. I was willing to look past the fact that the female cast all appear to wearing makeup now. As well as June spouting off medical diagnosis like this is some kind of medical drama. This show needs be flushed down the toilet with Beyond and the original series needs to be concluded.

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Big Sky

I have to agree that this appears to be on par with what the CW puts out. I was hoping for a thrilling murder/abduction investigation. What I gleaned from the first episode is that this is a half-hearted attempt at bringing to light the presence of human trafficking. Unfortunately, there's just too many glaring holes in the reality of it all.

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Warrior Nun: 1x04 Ecclesiasticus 26:9-10

I'm willing to forget about the multitude of different accents and the severe lack of Spanish/Italian being spoken in Spain. However, I can't look past the fact that Ava spoke with an English accent when she was a girl and somehow now speaks with an American accent.

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Emergence: 1x09 Where You Belong

I hope this show can redeem itself with the next episode. This is absurd. That police chief has terrible judge of character. Also, why has Benny only chosen now to intervene? Answer is simple - because "Hollywood".

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Fear the Walking Dead: 6x08 The Door

Shout by Strykar
BlockedParentSpoilers2021-04-11T22:10:46Z— updated 2021-04-20T03:54:39Z

Recipe to tank your show:

  • Kill the most likable character :white_check_mark:
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The Peripheral: 1x05 What About Bob?

I wish they would stop trying to push the romantic subplot with Wilf and Flynn. They clearly have no chemistry and it adds little too the story.
I'm also failing to see why RI cares so much about stolen information in a stub. They can just as easily cause a devastating world war there and call it done.

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For All Mankind: 3x07 Bring It Down

"I've noticed you're on pills and have had a temper and zoning out all the time." "You want to take a swing at me? Go ahead!" "Oh, by the way, you will still be at the remote controls of the drill operation."
Whoever is writing this season should be fired. It makes absolutely no sense that they couldn't control that drill completely on site. Furthermore, Ed Baldwin has even stated in the show that he saw similar behavior in Gordo and even confined him to quarters. He's also an O-7 in the Navy with a lifetime of experience. No way in hell would someone that is high be allowed to perform such duties. I'm done after this season.

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Invincible: 1x07 WE NEED TO TALK

Oh, wow. That ending! :tired_face:

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The Good Doctor: 4x15 Waiting

5+ hours at the hospital with blood-stained clothes and nobody has offered them a clean set?! Sometimes I wonder if the writers have ever spent time in a hospital.

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The Good Doctor: 4x14 Gender Reveal

I can't believe neither doctor stood to the side of or behind a patient that just had hip surgery. That's not an operational error, it's just common sense. Not to mention if she had hit her head, then the hospital would be facing a huge lawsuit.

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For All Mankind: 3x10 Stranger in a Strange Land

Why was Karen at JSC? "Plot". Why did Molly Cobb need to be at JSC to tell Ed Baldwin how to fly the MSAM? "Plot". Why was Kelly Baldwin (NASA employee) breaking protocol by having unprotected intercourse and then carrying to term? "Plot".
This was a season full of poor writing and weak plot. I should have shut it off after the first few episodes.

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Stranger Things: 4x08 Chapter Eight: Papa

The VFX team seriously needs to open an anatomy book or simply got someone the same age and height as Eleven's at the time of the first season to stand-in for reference. Her head is tiny and in some scenes her whole body.

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Chapelwaite: 1x10 The Keeper

I really appreciated that everything was so well wrapped up and still a bit left to the imagination in the end.

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Servant: 2x08 Loveshack

I officially dislike every character on this show. I have to agree that there is no longer anything driving the story. It's just complete and utter nonsense.

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For All Mankind: 2x08 And Here's to You

Karen went from changing his to diapers to jumping his bones. Who's writing this nonsense? I hope this avenue of writing stops after this season. Talk about ruining a good story.

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