N'Delamiko Bey



The Expanse: 1x05 Back to the Butcher
The Time Traveler's Wife
Star Trek: Voyager: 4x14 Message in a Bottle

This episode still cracks me up after all these years. Hilarious! Robert Picardo is BRILLIANT!

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Sense8: 2x12 Amor Vincit Omnia

The sequencing of the club scene and the 'handover' that was more like a scramble, was one of the tightest of this entire show, with a single shot fired. I thought it was beautifully done.

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Sense8: 1x08 We Will All Be Judged by the Courage of Our Hearts

In the build up to the final episode of the season, the story palpably and exquisitely begins to build.

The discovering sweetness of Will and RIley, the growing closeness between Wolfgang and Kala, the amazing editing and stunt coordination of Sun, Will, Nomi and Caupheus... this was a well done bridge episode. You can feel Whispers closing in, and you can feel the cluster... well 'clustering'.

This was one of the better episodes of Season 1.

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The Expanse: 1x08 Salvage
The Expanse: 1x07 Windmills
The Expanse: 1x04 CQB
The Expanse: 1x03 Remember the Cant
Outlander: 2x04 La Dame Blanche

Oh I cracked up! This episode had so many funny moments... but now I am truly intrigued by the La Dame Blanche.

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Attack on Titan: 4x20 Memories of the Future

I screaaaaamed! This episode was SO SO SO FREAKING GOOD! The voice acting was incredible... and I’m warming up to MAPPA’s art. When it’s all done, I’ll need to rewatch for nuance, but I’m warming up to it. But seeing Eren’s growth as a character from the first episode to now, it’s chilling and thrilling to watch. I watched this episode with an aching heart... but damned if it didn’t start pounding when Grisha said only Eren gets what he wants now. SCREAAAAAMMMMED AT THE SCREEN when the credits started rolling!

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Horimiya: 1x04 Everybody Loves Somebody

This was the episode that melted me... I am now officially hooked.

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Sense8: 1x12 I Can't Leave Her

Creepy fucking Whispers. The trap set over the last few episodes finally springs, and oh my goodness, no many how many times I see this episode (it numbers in the low teens now, never mind my Trakt count) it is still such a beautiful executed twisty bit of lush and balletic narrative. Lana just gets better. I can't believe they won't give her more money to make MORE CONTENT DAMNIT.

The gorgeous soundtrack and score, the wonderful build up and gloriousness of the last ten minutes or so. Wolfgang (my darling), and Kala's growing connection, the solidifying of Will and Riley's love that makes both Riley's sad tale, and Will's fucking unwavering determination just a wonderful watch. A tactile kind of visual storytelling and sharp editing makes this episode exceptional.

I love this show. It's right up there with BSG. My undoubted #2.

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Sense8: 1x11 Just Turn the Wheel and the Future Changes

Sun is an undoubted bad ass... and you can tell she LOVES to cut men's asses.

The urgency continues to build with this episode, and I can feel big bad Whispers just a breath away.

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Battlestar Galactica: 4x20 Daybreak (2)

This episode still makes me cry.

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Battlestar Galactica: 2x12 Resurrection Ship (2)

Still one of my favourite episodes... The drums underscoring the Six's Baltar-assisted escape remain one of my favourite drum sequences of this entire show, and that's saying something considering Bear McCreary's utterly amazing score across all the seasons. But also "You're not my type", Roslin & Adama's sweetness at the end, and that sequence where the combined squads attacked the Resurrection Ship... just fine television. Stands up A DECADE after its release. Now THAT is good television.

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Ghost in the Shell

I first watched this movie with my brother back in 1997, at the beginning of an epic animé phase we both went through that lasted almost two years. It remains, in my opinion, the finest animated film in this genre to date. It's almost prescient in it's examination of philosophical humanity, and the rise of AI. Watching it again, it makes me realise it is the reason why I love robot Sci fi. The only sci fi I love better is Robots in Space.

My brother died last year, and this is the first time I've watched this film in a decade and it made me miss him a great deal. Miss him, and appreciate that this was our 'thing' back when we were young and foolish.

One note: I've watched both Japanese sub-titled and American dubbed versions over the years. While I appreciate the American dub, my favourite still remains the original Japanese language film.

#BeKindToCylons #KeepEmClose

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Battlestar Galactica: 3x04 Exodus (2)

Ive watched this episode (indeed all the episodes of BSG) and this remains one of the finest hours of this show. I will never, ever not be awed by Galactica dropping out of the atmosphere, or the demise of the Pegasaus.

When I do my Best of BSG, this is always the number one episode... shit, when I do my best of TV, this episode is always right up there.

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Outlander: 2x07 Faith

Teaaarss!!!! Teaaarss!!!! I was so moved! Such a well written episode! One of the best of this season thus far.

Although the scenery moved backward and forward, the story was unbelievably coherent. Caitriona Balfe's performance in this episode, from first shot to last was exceptional. Her face was a complete mirror for Claire's inner world, and the drama was tautly written across every tremulous emotion Balfe put on display.

This character's ability to withstand turmoil is incredible, and her resilience and loyalty to be admired. Say what, she is clearly the soul of this show, and Balfe is perfectly cast.

At the end my last thought was, if Randall's been poked in the willie, then how is he supposed to father the lineage that leads to Frank? But the answer is obvious. Mary & Alex.

Ok! Back to Scotland! Hurrah!

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Westworld: 1x02 Chestnut

This show is exquisite... The character development in two episodes has beaten two seasons of anything else I've watched since Battlestar Galactica.

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The Matrix

Still resonates after an almost mind boggling twenty years.

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His Dark Materials: 1x01 Lyra's Jordan

I loooooved this. I am not Colombian, but I am from the Caribbean, and so much of myself I saw. Representation matters! It was really beautiful!

And the message and music (while I have thoroughly outgrown Disney musical fare) made this a very heartwarming film. Being magical (in an Afro Caribbean way) the disaporic magical traditions are beautifully represented (much like Coco did before it for our ancestral veneration).

Representation really matters.

Finally, the animation is freaking exquisite. The modeling and texturing : chef’s kiss :

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The OA: 1x01 Homecoming

There I am, engrossed for nearly an hour in one of the strangest stories I've been told in a while, and THEN I see the open credits appear. That it came at a point in the story where the 'weird' turned up 'extra', I must admit, my jaw dropped for a moment. If for no other reason, I can say, I did not expect that.

For a first episode, this does very little in terms of telling us more than Prairie... my bad, The OA, is... well what is she? I don't think any of us could guess from this first episode. The basic premise as it stands is: Blind girl disappears. Girl reappears with sight. She's tapped into something we can't see, but maybe some people can 'feel'.

The way the narrative is built, the way it engages you in a subtle way... yes, let's watch on and see where this goes, but as of this writing, I cannot guess as to what is happening.

This show is oddly creepy, but at the same time, inspiring.... I'd invoke 'Twin Peaks' but maybe it's too soon for that.

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Fire in the Sky

Watched this back in 1993 or 1994 on Cinemax I believe, always stuck with me and the rewatch was good. This is a good script, well acted. Production is of course not much, but it was still a good watch. The true story is even better.

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The Expanse: 3x01 Fight or Flight

Trying to distract myself with a Game of Thrones rewatch while I wait on the premiere. Because, this is my shit right here.

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Fena: Pirate Princess: 1x08 A Knight's Vow

I adore Yukimaru and his red ears!

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Attack on Titan: 1x13 Primal Desire: The Struggle for Trost (9)

Oooooh! Love me some Levi Ackerman. This show is so badass... I’m rewatching for the second time in a month. I. Love. Me. Some. Levi. Ackerman. What I say? What I SAY?

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Mad Max: Fury Road

You know it's a mad apocalypse when men going to war with a metal band (because what is anarchy without a soundtrack). #realtalk

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Westworld: 1x06 The Adversary

Oh Maeve's so very clever!!! <3 her!!

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