N'Delamiko Bey



Westworld: 1x06 The Adversary

Oh Maeve's so very clever!!! <3 her!!

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Mr. Robot: 1x08 eps1.7_wh1ter0se.m4v

Luke... I am your father!! NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

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Atlanta: 1x10 The Jacket

My boy Earn... progress sometimes looks like a storage locker and $200 extra.

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Battlestar Galactica: 4x20 Daybreak (2)

This episode still makes me cry.

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Atlanta: 1x09 Juneteenth

That's the sound of the man, working on the chain gang... #GoVan

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Westworld: 1x05 Contrapasso

Right now... Delores and Maeve are my girls. I have all the feels for 'em.

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Star Trek: Voyager: 5x12 Bride of Chaotica!

Paris: ...now the vial is sitting on a small pedestal next to the throne.
Janeway: I'll keep an eye out. (salutes) Thanks for the briefing.
Paris: I'll see you at the Fortress of Doom! And remember: You're the Queen!

Star Trek: Voyager: Season 5, Episode 12, "Bride of Chaotica"

I am STILL laughing my ass off and loving this episode. I named one of the makeups from "Quirked" after Janeway's performance in this episode. What a hoot.


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Battlestar Galactica: 3x04 Exodus (2)

Ive watched this episode (indeed all the episodes of BSG) and this remains one of the finest hours of this show. I will never, ever not be awed by Galactica dropping out of the atmosphere, or the demise of the Pegasaus.

When I do my Best of BSG, this is always the number one episode... shit, when I do my best of TV, this episode is always right up there.

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Sense8: 2x12 Amor Vincit Omnia

The sequencing of the club scene and the 'handover' that was more like a scramble, was one of the tightest of this entire show, with a single shot fired. I thought it was beautifully done.

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Outlander: 2x07 Faith

Teaaarss!!!! Teaaarss!!!! I was so moved! Such a well written episode! One of the best of this season thus far.

Although the scenery moved backward and forward, the story was unbelievably coherent. Caitriona Balfe's performance in this episode, from first shot to last was exceptional. Her face was a complete mirror for Claire's inner world, and the drama was tautly written across every tremulous emotion Balfe put on display.

This character's ability to withstand turmoil is incredible, and her resilience and loyalty to be admired. Say what, she is clearly the soul of this show, and Balfe is perfectly cast.

At the end my last thought was, if Randall's been poked in the willie, then how is he supposed to father the lineage that leads to Frank? But the answer is obvious. Mary & Alex.

Ok! Back to Scotland! Hurrah!

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Star Trek: Discovery: 1x02 Battle at the Binary Stars

Oh... yes! Where ever in space and time you are Jomo, this space battle is for you! #RIP (It's another Janeway!!! Kinda! You'd love her!!)

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Westworld: 1x07 Trompe L'Oeil

I saw that coming... Bernard was clearly a host from the nature of the conversations he was having with Delores. This was an exceptional piece of story development though.

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Underground: 1x07 Cradle

I watched this episode literally in tears for portions of it... this was an amazing, well written, well acted, heartbreaking episode.

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The OA: 1x07 Empire of Light

This episode is a bridge. It cements the link between all six of the group, it creates a fundamental break between The OA and her parents, while at first seeming to forge it.

Brit Marling continues to be exceptional in her performance, and in the writing of the screenplay. Although we have no Dastardly Hap to hate, we find ourselves losing some sympathy for Nancy, and gaining immense respect for 'BBA', who not only goes to mat, she puts everything she has on the line for Steve.

Steves breakthrough, while at first seeming to be a betrayal, allows The OA to really shine.

I love seeing the team learn the five movements, and how naturally Steve learns the movements, similar to the way The OA and Homer form a strong understanding around the first two movements.

I am deeply impressed with this show. I understand there are some folks who apparently don't 'get' it. It's ok. Those of us that 'get it', 'get it'. It's just not for you. It's clearly for us.

Exceptional episode, that perfectly preps for the finale.

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Game of Thrones: 7x06 Beyond the Wall

I screamed at several points... the tension was beautifully unbearable throughout. Well made, and pitch perfect.

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Sons of Anarchy: 7x11 Suits of Woe

Oh Jax... you're breaking my heart. Heart hurts for you brother...

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Marvel's Daredevil: 1x11 The Path of the Righteous

Oh my hot damn! Karen girl... I don't know just how crazy you are. I hope to find out.

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Downton Abbey: 3x05 Episode 5

I've watched the entire series multiple times, regardless of my Trakt count, and this is always one of the most heartbreaking. Everyone's grief is so palpable, and Sybill's character such a softening middle ground... the aftermath so very nearly sundering.

Alas... the sweetest sprite is gone.

One of this show's best episodes in terms of performance.

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Queen Sugar: 1x01 First Things First

Excellent start! Kofi Siriboe is stunningly beautiful and delivers such a nuanced but electric performance. Wasn't as impressed with Dawn-Lyen Gardner, but Rutina Wesley is also turning in an interesting performance. I want to see where they go with the script, but this was a good start. Waiting for tonight's episode.

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Mr. Robot: 1x09 eps1.8_m1rr0r1ng.qt

Oh Elliot... I'm rooting for your crazy ass.

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Marvel's Daredevil: 1x02 Cut Man

That final fight scene in the hallway was one of the tightest I've seen on television. #realtalk

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Sons of Anarchy: 7x04 Poor Little Lambs

The crow flies straight... a perfect line.


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Empire: 1x01 Pilot

I like Cookie like I like cook food!!!

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The OA: 1x02 New Colossus

Well ok! Now we're getting somewhere.

Although, one could not reasonably expect all the answers in episode two, the second episode rapidly advances the story and we finally start to get a sense of why The OA is so seemingly 'unhinged'.

At last, the 'villain' appears. I am also finding the growing byplay between the characters and their rough sketches interesting as well. We get only a little of that in this episode, but I am curious as to what their role is and why The OA needs them to be there. Brit Marling, who plays The OA, and produced, and mostly wrote, is doing an excellent job of conveying all of this character's many textures. While she appears unhinged, she also appears perfectly calm, resigned, aware and purposeful.

I am absorbed as her five listeners to her unfolding tale, and while there are no bells and whistles, this is a story being told in performance and writing, I am immensely curious as to why Hap's creepy serial killer like self is really about. As weirdness goes, this is not Twin-peakish, but it's certainly weird-as-all-out in a very human kind of way.

On to the next episode.

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The OA: 1x01 Homecoming

There I am, engrossed for nearly an hour in one of the strangest stories I've been told in a while, and THEN I see the open credits appear. That it came at a point in the story where the 'weird' turned up 'extra', I must admit, my jaw dropped for a moment. If for no other reason, I can say, I did not expect that.

For a first episode, this does very little in terms of telling us more than Prairie... my bad, The OA, is... well what is she? I don't think any of us could guess from this first episode. The basic premise as it stands is: Blind girl disappears. Girl reappears with sight. She's tapped into something we can't see, but maybe some people can 'feel'.

The way the narrative is built, the way it engages you in a subtle way... yes, let's watch on and see where this goes, but as of this writing, I cannot guess as to what is happening.

This show is oddly creepy, but at the same time, inspiring.... I'd invoke 'Twin Peaks' but maybe it's too soon for that.

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The 100: 1x01 Pilot

This looks interesting... First episode is well constructed.

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Outlander: 2x04 La Dame Blanche

Oh I cracked up! This episode had so many funny moments... but now I am truly intrigued by the La Dame Blanche.

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Westworld: 1x02 Chestnut

This show is exquisite... The character development in two episodes has beaten two seasons of anything else I've watched since Battlestar Galactica.

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Outlander: 3x13 Eye of the Storm

I've just got around to watching the finale, and as a practitioner of the ATRS, it is incumbent upon to register my disappointment in the production team and @RonDMoore for producing this racist shit for television.

There are any number of ways they could have portrayed the African Traditional Religions, however they chose Hollywood's white washed view of MY religious traditions, instead of anything like historical accuracy, or for that matter anything congruent with truth.

There are any number of practitioners that could have advised them, but they chose to prey upon the traditional view of Europeans towards African religions instead of treating it with respect. I am so disappointed in their handling of this portion of the story, it's my lowest rated episode of this show, ever.

And after three seasons, I find myself questioning this show's integrity. Just to be clear: the kind of hodgepodge shit that you portrayed on screen borrowed from several traditions and did not portray any of them fairly or accurately.

#disappointedasfuck in all of them. The ATRs are not some hodgepodge you can borrow from to colour your story without committing to accuracy. How could they get it so wrong in 2017?

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Star Trek: Discovery: 4x03 Choose to Live

So many emotions! I cried more than once... I love the character growth on this show, and the writing is getting better and better every season.

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