


WandaVision: 1x09 The Series Finale

Man that was a clusterfucky way to end this solid show. I don't know if this was another case of fandom over-analyzing and setting themselves up for disappointment or if the writers really had no idea how to close storylines. I can understand some open ended setup stuff like Agatha being depowered and White Vision (and even that was pretty rushed) but to get no resolution for almost anything is just lazy. Nothing for Monica, nothing for Faietro, nothing for Darcy or Jimmy hell I cringed hard when Wanda walked past all the people she tortured for weeks and apologized to MONICA. Also, Wanda somehow learned to make runes and reverse uno'd Agatha basically in what was basically a deus ex so unless this is some avatar state shit where old knowledge is manifested without her understanding it that scene makes no sense.

That being said it's still a solid opener to Phase 4 and hopefully the rest of this year's lineup is good as well. Also, I'm 100% on board with the new outfit, Lizzie looks killer.

"The real Mephisto was the friends we made along the way."

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The Flash: 5x13 Goldfaced

How did it all go so wrong? Eobard went from ruthless calculated killer to relationship adviser in 5 short seasons. What a joke!

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The Flash: 5x14 Cause and XS


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The Good Place: 4x13 Whenever You're Ready

It was a good ending. Even knowing Eleanor was gonna be the last to leave I personally would have preferred if she would have become the head of The Good Place especially since they had Michael resign to become a human so it kinda bothered me when they decided to not mention who took over, and eventually when he came back it would have been a good parallel to the first episode (as cheesy as it would have been). Even when she went she didn't really convince me that she was actually ready to move on cause she seemed to be the only one with the drive to actually stay there. Did Michael actually keep his memories or not? Jason's exit was kinda watered down with that unnecessary extra appearance but hey whatever. I think in retrospect I would have preferred this season to be about this new system and them ironing out the kinks instead of the time jump even if the ending was the same cause personally the earlier half of this season was kind of a slog.

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Friends: 10x04 The One with the Cake

Hi, Emma. It's the year 2020. Are you still enjoying your nap?

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The Flash: 5x22 Legacy

I'm ready for this nightmare to end

Thank you Barry for this meta line that encapsulated this finale so well.

More cicada shit? Got it. Weird resolutions with little to no context? got it. Selective timeline alterations? got it.

Let's be honest guys the only saving grace this episode had was the Eobard scene (yea that thing we actually cared about that kept being treated like a Z plot. remember?) and even that got ruined cause they rewinded it.Cicada has to be the worst Villain so far, just completely unlikable even as a villain, made worse by the GraceCada version we got later. The plot point that kept ending but never did till some time wimey bullshit. Cisco decided to take the cure without getting a second opinion? yea sure. Why would Nora even disappear? none of the events that brought her to that point were changed in a manner that would make her disappear.

7 for the ep just for Eobard and the angry helicopter sounds. 6 for the season, I hope the supposed writing staff shakeup we're due for next season brings some soul back to this show.

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The Good Place: 2x09 Best Self

Shout by superrob1500

Upon rewatching there's some foreshadowing layered in here which I love: Chidi tells Eleanor that he wishes they've met on earth in different ways including "You come knocking on my office door asking for help with philosophy" which they indeed do in the finale!

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Ms. Marvel

This is definitely one of the Marvel shows I've watched. The pacing was pretty good until episode 5 where it dove off a cliff and didn't come back. It felt like the writers got reminded the show only had 6 episodes after finishing ep 4 and they had to wrap it up in the most neck breaking way possible. A shame really cause I really liked the cast.

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Blue Planet II: 1x07 Our Blue Planet

It really is a shame that as true as the things mentioned in this chapter and documentary are, it always ends with an individual call to action when we know damn well that not the larger issue and these type of shows are unfortunately too complacent and wont actually call out what the aCtuAl roots of these exPloITAtive acts of vandaLISM against the earth are. They are systemic not individual and no amount of cardboard cups are gonna do anything if the roots are not addressed.

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Obi-Wan Kenobi: 1x06 Part VI

Ben left Darth Vader alive a second time. That's just irresponsible at this point. First time I can excuse due to the circumstances but the second time... come on man.

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Obi-Wan Kenobi

The most I can say it's that it's "fine" it has most of necessary the parts there (Ewan and Hayden) but something is seemingly missing (probably some soul) so the show just rings hollow to me. A real shame cause this is the first Star Wars project I mustered the energy to watch since TRoS but I probably should have stayed in my cave. A shame really cause I really wanted this to be good. People asking for a second season are delusional.

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Obi-Wan Kenobi: 1x01 Part I

I did find it a bit ironic than they made a pretty sloppy girlboss scene with Leia and her shitty cousin and then immediately rope her into a damsel in distress subplot. The rest was fine considering this is the first SW content I've watched since TRoS incident.

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Moon Knight: 1x04 The Tomb

Getting real The OA Season 2 vibes from that third act.

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What If...?: 1x04 What If… Doctor Strange Lost His Heart Instead of His Hands?

Marvel doing dark stories with their characters? A welcome surprise. I love Doctor Strange and seeing him implode from his own vices was really cool to see. I don't however understand how in this particular one they jumped to him and Christine already being lovers since at the point of his crash in the movie they weren't a (formal) thing.

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The Midnight Sky

So Clooney goes from point A to B. Aether goes from point A to B and back to A. Some dialogue happens, completely inconsequential to the events taking place. So in summary nothing happens for 2 hours. Looks nice tho, get some actual writers next time and maybe you have something Georgie boy.

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Wonder Woman 1984

Sneaky Hans thought I wouldn't notice Beautiful Lie playing when Diana was giving her speech to the world. If only he'd re-score JL for the Snyder Cut.

Movie was ok but I preferred the first one. This one felt more adventurous while the first one felt more heroic. That's not a bad thing but it's maybe just not my thing. Cheetah got a bit too close to Cats territory but thankfully avoided it narrowly. Max was just a weirdo with no real plan and the whole thing with the kid just felt like a crutch to justify his redemption. Guess I just didn't enjoy Diana being nerfed for half the movie.

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Stargirl: 1x13 Stars & S.T.R.I.P.E. (2)

Shout by superrob1500

Good finale even though I felt the resolution was a bit hasty, but I understand we needed some setup time for S2. The cliffhanger was also good, maybe Starman will become the new mentor for the JSA and fill the know-how gaps that Pat couldn't.

Too bad the CW most likely won't do this justice as well as all the other stuff left up in the air like: Shade, Eclipso, the pink pen, Magician's wife, Fiddler's son, Icicle's son, Icicle and Brainwave probably being alive somehow, Yolanda probably going on some downwards spiral after killing Brainwave, Henry maybe actually being alive and I could go on but honestly as someone that's watched their fair share of CW shows, I know what I'm bracing for. Hopefully I'm wrong. Kudos to the DCU people for an actual engaging superhero show post MCU era.

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Stargirl: 1x10 Brainwave Jr.

Count em that's two (2) dead teenagers so far. But seriously it shows that this show is not afraid of having stakes which I find refreshing after so many of CWs stake-less shows (which I fear this will become by S2). I do think Henry is not really dead, it would be weird if they wasted the time that they did taking us through the journey of discovering his powers and the struggle with his dad for nothing. Also he's clearly the only one that could actually stand his ground against Brainwave (c'mon we all know Courtney had luck). But hey maybe I'm wrong.

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Stargirl: 1x08 Shiv (2)

It's finally picking up, I liked that they bypassed the trope of the mask and made Cindy know about Courtney's identity. I'm hoping that a nice frenemy dynamic will emerge between them. Finally some progress with Henry too, dunno what the deal with him is gonna be.

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Westworld: Season 3

Meh is all I can really say.

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The Flash: 6x15 The Exorcism of Nash Wells

Take a minute to analyze the great writing in this show and let it sink in that Maya died cause Adventurer/Rock Climber Nash Wells didn't have a longer rope.

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Cosmos: 2x02 The Fleeting Grace of the Habitable Zone

Nothing like a good Sagan speech to get a bit of hope for humanity back.

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The Flash: 6x08 The Last Temptation of Barry Allen (2)

Man I really hope that's the last we see of Ramsey cause my god he has made this season borderline unwatchable for me. The whole Bloodwork premise sounds like it's meant to be much better than it's being portrayed by this atrocious writing.

Babel protocol leaves any team flash member currently not at Star Labs outside? Who cares? Fuck em! Pretending there's stakes by saying "no coms" but it actually means we can't talk to each other? sure. Cecile is paralyzed by fear? nah she's just a zombie detector. Truly awful stuff.

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The Morning Show: 1x08 Lonely at the Top

I really must commend this show for showing the nuance needed to deal with these grey natured situations and not going all preachy for either side.

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The Morning Show: 1x07 Open Waters

Holy shit that scene with Alex flying off the handle at Lizzie was hilarious.

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The Good Place: 4x09 The Answer

Shout by superrob1500

Ah the clip show episode, the telltale sign of a dying TV show. Pretty weak for a midseason finale if I'm gonna be honest last episode served that purpose better. I am glad Chidi is finally back though.

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The Morning Show: 1x01 In the Dark Night of the Soul It's Always 3:30 in the Morning

This might be a minor thing but it's really refreshing to see a show with such casual cursing, it really helps to capture the real way humans in this kind of environment actually talk and not be like "oh fiddlesticks my co-anchor got fired!"

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The Flash: 6x04 There Will Be Blood

Heh I guess i only took 4 episodes for me to get annoyed at this show this time.

Honestly Ramsey is such a cringy character and his motivations are complete whack. "argh, none of my cures work and I can't get dark matter, I guess the only way to save people is to scare people and kill em' to get their adrenaline filled blood" I mean who writes this shit? And we're supposed to stomach this guy for a whole season?

This episode was a prime example of the inconsistencies in Barry's running that have plagued this show from the start: "Oh no Frost he has one of the doctors by the neck! I certainly cannot run super fast to pry him off and imprison him in Star Labs, I'll just plead to him to not do it. Oh no! he has killed him and jumped out the window... guess we lost him"

Finally, the whole Crisis thing is getting old already and what makes it even worse is that we know Barry isn't actually gonna die which makes much of the events this season so far moot.

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The Flash: 6x01 Into The Void

Solid opener. The physics/tech gobbledygook was a bit over the top even for my taste. 2 ton cars are flying into the black hole but not the people? sure, but it's a minor gripe. I'm concerned with that Ramsey guy cause if that is gonna be the main villain hohoo this season is in troubled waters already. Anyways hoping this season doesn't spiral into mind numbing chaos like the last few. You got the benefit of the doubt from me again Flash, don't let me down.

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Stranger Things: Season 3

Shout by superrob1500

Very good return to form after a lopsided Season 2. I honestly watched this thinking it was the last season so since apparently it's not, great cause they did leave some stuff hangin'.

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