Lisbon, Lisbon


This show is great & amazing scenery. Makes me want to visit Montana.

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@whos_ur_buddha I did. Didn't think it was as good as some of his other work, but I do like the actor. But sometimes if felt a bit boring. Not his best, but I still liked it. Hope you like it as well.

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Just binged the entire thing, I liked it personally and think they did a great job.

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I agree with you. I think they captured the essence of the game and made a heck of a tale.

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Reply by TGVlx

Making it in B&W. Why? It isnt clever or cool, just annoying.

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@trevskie the book was written in 1955. The show is set in the 60s. And it is a thriller/film noir. Feels like a good choice to me. Plus the cinematography is amazing.

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It's a question of taste and opinion. The book being written in 1955 does not oblige to make it black and white, because you know, even in 1955 film was already in color and we all see in colors.

It was a decision made by the production. I don't like it, glad you do.

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Reply by TGVlx

Making it in B&W. Why? It isnt clever or cool, just annoying.

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Uncultured swine.


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Arrogant mud lover!

Just because you're a snob and think that a black and white show is culture. Doesn't allow you to name call. You are the uncultured one.

I happen to agree with the OP.

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The Regime

Reply by TGVlx

Really disappointed with it. Maybe I had too many expectations. Probably will appease some people for the novelty. For me it was really boring and too absurd, but without the humor (at least for me).

I usually don't spend time talking about the shows I don't like, but I was really hoping for this one. I couldn't even finish the first episode.

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Without a doubt that you are right. Yet not always possible in my case. If I read about a show and I like the actors in it I will try and learn about it. In another show I had the opposite, Elsbeth, I had read nothing about it, love the actor and was amazed by it. Nonetheless what you typed is true.

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The Peripheral

Another good show from Amazon. So far some of my favorite shows are from Amazon, Reacher, Thr Boys, The terminal List, Jack Ryan, Wheel of Time and Rings of Power.

The Peripheral just become one of those. Based on a great sci fi book and with good actors and a good adaptation (in my opinion). If you like sci fi and action don't miss it, at least the first two episodes were awesome.

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Thank you very much for bringing this to my attention @pedroraf , I'll be signing this petition.

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Twisted Metal

Shout by Deleted

Good old PSX days. It's probably going to suck though.

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Against all odds, it doesn't suck at all. Maybe it's me since I had no expectations at allz but I'm enjoying this. Saw the first 3 eps and loved it.

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Fatal Attraction

Shout by TGVlx
BlockedParent2023-05-01T09:09:10Z— updated 2023-05-24T23:47:59Z

As usual the show wasn't released and had five 1* votes.
Anyway this is a fresh take on the 87's movie with Michael Douglas and Glenn Close.
It's told in a retrospect kind of way (seems to be the only way they write shoes nowadays) but it's not hard to follow.

They released 3 episodes which I think was smart and allows you to get involved with the plot if you liked the pilot.
Good cast and I really enjoyed the first episodes.

If you like a thriller and haven't seen the 1987 movie do see this. If you seen the movie but like me you are a sucker for a fresh look on an oldie, give it a shot.

Edited for typos.

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Well my typos don't make the show less good.

And yes she's no Glenn Close and he's no Michael Douglas but that's a good thing imho. I think both actors cast for lead roles are doing a great job.

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American Born Chinese

again begging @Trakt to do something about these before-release reviews.

this has 95% critics rating and 100% audience rating on Rotten Tomatoes, yet it's 30% here on Trakt?

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Completely agree with you, I've been complaining about this. Seen the first episodes and I really liked it.

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Echo 3

Looks like I was wrong about this one,by episode four it has become a joke of a show..terrible.

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Totally in agreement. It's really bad and it was a miss, since the cast wasn't bad. The writing and the direction of this was awful.

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This show is great & amazing scenery. Makes me want to visit Montana.

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@whos_ur_buddha Yes! Tulsa King is awesome. All Taylor shows are great. Glad you like it.

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The Patient

Reply by TGVlx

A terrific miniseries from the geniuses behind The Americans. The premise itself is pretty original and darkly humorous. I'm not sure how I feel about the ending but I think that's a good thing considering Joe Weisberg and Joel Fields did the same thing with The Americans, it wasn't what we expected and we should admire that. Steve Carrell deserves some awards recognition, he carries it even in the moments that aren't great (some bits felt like they were added just to keep it 10 parts when it probably could've been shorter). Domhall Gleeson is excellent, but his character got quite repulsive at times which made it difficult even to find his conclusion satisfying, but then again he's a murderer who doesn't realise he's selfish. Anyways, it's not perfect but Carrell turns in one amazing turn that I'm still thinking about and son of a bitch, that ending hurt me.

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@pedrobarragan237 I agree with you.
Regarding Peripheral, maybe because it took me by surprise since I didn't see any trailers or talk about it and happened to see when browsing Prime, I have to say I am enjoying it.
Also I haven't heard about Fallout and am about to go google it :-) tnx for the mention.

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The Patient

Reply by TGVlx

A terrific miniseries from the geniuses behind The Americans. The premise itself is pretty original and darkly humorous. I'm not sure how I feel about the ending but I think that's a good thing considering Joe Weisberg and Joel Fields did the same thing with The Americans, it wasn't what we expected and we should admire that. Steve Carrell deserves some awards recognition, he carries it even in the moments that aren't great (some bits felt like they were added just to keep it 10 parts when it probably could've been shorter). Domhall Gleeson is excellent, but his character got quite repulsive at times which made it difficult even to find his conclusion satisfying, but then again he's a murderer who doesn't realise he's selfish. Anyways, it's not perfect but Carrell turns in one amazing turn that I'm still thinking about and son of a bitch, that ending hurt me.

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The ending was horrible, and I'm not referring to Strauss death.

I wonder if I and waited and watched this in a binge I would feel different. The 20min episodes then making us wait a week for it? They did the same thing with She-Hulk. I prefer episodes like Peripheral from Amazon with +50min.

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The Patient

20m episodes... Why?

Anyway it's a good start, but will be painful to wait a week for a 20m episode...

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@ethan-tocco touché :joy:

p.s. - for the 5 words needed rule

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The Sandman

The first five episodes were really good,the "first main villain" was a little underwhelming.After episode 5 the quality took a nose dive,Rose and the plot that came with her were uniteresting to say the least,the best written characters took less screen time in favor of Rose and her ghost shaging babysitter and even The Corinthian(who was amazingly played by Holbrook)that was supposed to be the big baddy for Season 1 was treated like an aftertought in Rose's journey.By episode 4 I was hopping this show had many seasons but I finished season 1 not knowing if Im even watching the second.

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You should have put a spoiler alert.

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Reply by TGVlx

Can't wait for this. Although I'm a bit worried about Nick Santora being behind it, I really don't like the way most of his shows are run, but I absolutely love their pick for Reacher. It still hurts me to think Tom Cruise was Reacher...

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@jrgooner He really was rubbish lol. I'm happy with the actor they cast. Now just hope they give us smart and overpowered Reacher from the books :-)

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Around the World in 80 Days

A brilliant adaptation of the classic with some twists that in my opinion do not harm the history. I would go as far as it improves it, but again that is just my opinion.

It is for me the best adaptation I've seen of Jules Verne's book. The characters are well cast, so if you like adventure, drama and a little comedy don't miss this show.

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@jeaneats For sure. I have yet to pick up on New Amsterdam, will binge during Easter vacation.
If you have time give this a look. , I've been stuck watching it, the episodes are short but it's a delightful rom-com with a twist.

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Around the World in 80 Days

A brilliant adaptation of the classic with some twists that in my opinion do not harm the history. I would go as far as it improves it, but again that is just my opinion.

It is for me the best adaptation I've seen of Jules Verne's book. The characters are well cast, so if you like adventure, drama and a little comedy don't miss this show.

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@jeaneats Well I'm not ashamed to say I liked Twilight movies, I also saw True Blood and Vampire Diaries lol
Definitely the Good Sam could have that Dr. House feeling, see ep.2 and let me know what you think.

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Around the World in 80 Days

A brilliant adaptation of the classic with some twists that in my opinion do not harm the history. I would go as far as it improves it, but again that is just my opinion.

It is for me the best adaptation I've seen of Jules Verne's book. The characters are well cast, so if you like adventure, drama and a little comedy don't miss this show.

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@jeaneats Regarding A Discovery of Witches, I like it, but I do like this type of shows invoking witches and paranormal, but the show is basically about the love between 2 different creatures a Witch and Vampire.
I liked episode 2 more than 1, but it's still a rather slow paced show, could be good. Sometimes you can fall in love with a show because it's actors and I like Jason Isaacs. So i'm giving it a chance.

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Around the World in 80 Days

A brilliant adaptation of the classic with some twists that in my opinion do not harm the history. I would go as far as it improves it, but again that is just my opinion.

It is for me the best adaptation I've seen of Jules Verne's book. The characters are well cast, so if you like adventure, drama and a little comedy don't miss this show.

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@jeaneats Nothing like a cheesy rom-com :-D And speaking about it, have you seen "A Discovery of Witches" - If so do you like it?

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Mayor of Kingstown

Reply by TGVlx

Another Tyler Sheridan show. After Yellowstone success he's in demand, and that's a good thing imo.
He's new show 1883 is about to be released, so he will have 3 running tv shows of hight quality.
If you like some criminal drama, mixed with some dark grit plot lines, don't miss this one.

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@helmheim Hi. No this one is a stand alone.
The only spinoff, as of now, is the show 1883 -, wich is kind of a prequel to the Dutton's story.

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Around the World in 80 Days

I actually really really loved this adaptation and I do not entirely understand the backlash. It's not necessary a negative thing taking a classic story that's been told countless of times in countless adaptations and changing some of its bits in order to create a new, in my opinion equally (if not more) interesting one, instead of retelling the same old one for the millionth time. Abigail's character was a very spot on addition and fit the story perfectly. The historical aspect of it all which was not very present in the book made the story way more captivating for me. And of course, David Tennant is extraordinary in everything he does and this role was made for him, even if he was a slightly different Fogg than the always calm, always self-collected one we saw in the book. Speaking of Fogg, the Estella storyline was also a great addition for him, one that I personally much prefered compared to Aouda's in the book.

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I agree with everything you wrote. I also think this was a fantastic adaptation and the changes made improve the story.

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Station Eleven

I love the concept of the story and loving the characters.
I like how the story is developing, but the constant jumps are trying. I understand it was a success in a movie and then in a show and now everyone does the same, it's really annoying imo.

all in all it kept me wanting to see more, so I hope it keeps getting better.

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@tgvlx You hope it will get better, so you give it a perfect score?

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Yes, I gave it a 10 rating to counter balance the 1 it was given months before the TV show even went on air.

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Station Eleven

I love the concept of the story and loving the characters.
I like how the story is developing, but the constant jumps are trying. I understand it was a success in a movie and then in a show and now everyone does the same, it's really annoying imo.

all in all it kept me wanting to see more, so I hope it keeps getting better.

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@tgvlx it was the same in the book which, from the first episode I've just seen they've been following quite faithfully

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That is good to know, I haven't read the book, so it's nice they are sticking to the source.

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This show is great & amazing scenery. Makes me want to visit Montana.

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Well you usually go around ditching about a lot of shows, glad you like this one.
Have you seen Mayor of Kingstown? It's his other TV show on Paramount+? And his new TV show 1883 that is going to launch on the 19th of December?

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Y: The Last Man

Reply by TGVlx

I don't know what it is exactly about this show, but it's just not compelling TV. I loved the comics (it's one of the best comic series ever), but whatever magic was there didn't translate to the screen despite the series sticking pretty close to the tone of the original material.

I watched 4 episodes and I'm just... bored. Agent 355 is interesting, but only marginally so. Yorick, while charming in the comics, is like a Shia Labeouf imitator who goes "No no no no no!" every three sentences. And so far, it's mostly just people walking from point A to point B through the woman-only post-apocalyptic landscape.

I'm chalking this one up to another proof that creating a faithful adaptation doesn't always mean you capture the magic of the source material. Read the comics instead!

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Well I haven't read the comics, loved the idea but seems poorly executed. And Y is really annoying.

Seems that the cancelation was inevitable.

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season 1 : 9/10
season 2 : 10/10 ( for me )

i literally didnt expected the climax which i saw in season 2 finale , story was more gripping than season 1 thats why i liked this season more , nd BTW season 3 is coming because it ended with a very much likely possibility

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I wonder what did you think of season 3?

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3 episodes in and I very much like what I am seeing here. I'm totally recommending it if you are into SciFi, however this ain't Star Trek Discovery or Star Wars. It's got a slow pace, comparable to the first season of Expanse with lots of political drama. It's also a bit confusing for now, since the story jumps from timeline to timeline and you have lots of characters to keep track of.

I have never read Asimov's books, even though I love SciFi, so I can't speak for how faithful this adaption is, but production value is off the charts. I also love how they realize certain concepts in a way I have only seen in some SciFi anime so far, like very mild spoilers from the first episode: a space elevator where the ride down takes over 40 hours and that thing is a proper space station, earth being turned into a matryoshka world where the sky is only a projection and they even show a ship with a black hole drive.

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So far there are a lot of things that are different from the books, and some are even making no sense.

That said, the show is still great in my opinion, I'm loving it, it does hurt to see Assimov vision a little bit butchered, but I think, at least for now it's working visually. Hope it stays like this.

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Wow, it has Sam Neil and a Plot which can go in either direction.

This is either going to be awesome or total crap...

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I agree. I hope it's awesome... Also people continue to vote without any episode being released

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One of Us Is Lying

Reply by TGVlx


Reply by Deleted
BlockedParent2021-10-09T11:40:33Z— updated 2021-10-14T19:50:10Z

I don't understand why people do this. This had a awful rating months before the pilot aired.

Anyway I liked it, reminded me a lot of the 80's type of Teenager movies. It seems to be a mix of "Breakfast club" meets "I know what you did last summer".

Give this one a watch and see if you are entertained.

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@blackrider true, but I saw the first 3 episodes and rated it a 4-5ish at max.

Also I know what you did last summer will be airing soon, the TV version.

Also: TGVlx throws 10s around :rofl:

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Well that is solid, you rated after you seen it. I respect that.

Not everyone will like the same shows. What I think is really dumb is to give bad ratings without ever seen an episode.

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