My Hero Academia: Season 6

After a disappointing Season 5, Season 6 opens with a bang and then is consistently good right up to the last few episodes. There are so many awesome hype moments, great emotional beats, and great triumphs in character growth. This season definitely helped me remember why I love this show and why I've stuck with it for so long. I just hope that they can keep it going, full steam ahead, just like this one. Season 6 stands in my top 3 favorites for this show, and is absolutely not to be missed.

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The Traitors

Compared to the US season, this one feels more brutal and deceitful. The traitors are master manipulators and it is interesting to watch it all unfold. It definitely feels like episodes are still way too long but if you got it going in the background while doing something else, the pacing is perfect for that. My wife also watched the Australian version and still came back and said the UK was her favorite.

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Five Nights at Freddy's

It definitely did not live up to the expectations I had. For a game, where failure means many jump scares, there is a surprising lack of them. I think also, there could have been more game influence, like switching through cameras or closing doors, whatever. Where is my sense of DREAD??

That said, my expectations aside, I liked it, and thought it did a great job with what it had. The human characters were okay, but the animatronic suits were absolutely incredible and I'm so glad they didn't go with CGI. There's a weird section of the movie in the middle that I didn't like but ended up kind of liking? The plot is okay? Resolution good?

There's just nothing SUPER offensive about the movie, and it was fun to watch with a group of friends who all have played at least the first few games. Hard to recommend because I know what fan-base we're dealing with, but nonetheless I'd say it gets my recommendation for your watch.

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Asteroid City

When it's coherent it's fine. But it's not very coherent. I don't care if that's the point, it's just boring. Why should I care about these characters and their interactions with each other? And to take it deeper why should I care about the character's characters? If you're going to give me a fictional documentary you could at least make it digestible like a real one. The way this was done just leaves more questions than answers and more boredom and confusion than anything else.

Stylistically it's neat, some lines are good and some scenes I think I understood. But honestly you're better off just watching something else that's not so far up it's own butt. Might have worked better as a TV show. Either way, don't bother.

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Mob Psycho 100: Season 3

A really great 3rd season, focuses pretty heavily on solid character growth and progression through a couple narrative arcs. There are some excellent fight sequences as well, making for an anime that feels like a slice of life from moment to moment, glued together with action and suspense. Really solid.

Watched through it in the span of a day, so I guess it kept me pretty hooked. But I dunno! It's great, and has standout moments, but for me it failed to reach my admiration for the first season (the second season also failed in this regard). I think I preferred this season over the second season but there's just something about that first season that still to this day continues to wow me. I looked for that wow factor, and again I didn't quite find it. But it certainly came close.

It's definitely a must watch if you've seen the previous seasons, and if you're new to Mob Psycho (or even anime) I highly recommend the show, and certainly suggest starting from the first season.

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The Traitors: Season 1

Fun enough of a watch if you just need something on in the background while you do something else. Episodes run a bit too long, the soundtrack goes way too hard, some of the contestants are the most annoying people I've ever watched, and the finale... well let's just say it's as disappointing as 1+1+1=4. But like I said, it's entertaining enough as background entertainment, and they distracted me enough at times to warrant my full attention.

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Dune: Part Two

I never read Dune. I went to Part 1 as a fan of Dennis' previous work and enjoyed the setup for its destined sequel but didn't necessarily think about it as more than a good, middle of the road movie.

I went and saw Dune Part 2 over two weeks ago and still, the concepts rattle through my mind. Paul's journey and ill-spun destiny weave through the tapestry of Denis's gloriously realized Arrakis. All of it rides on the sands of Hans Zimmers score which could not be any more perfect. My mind has expanded and I just can't stop thinking about the whole of it. And for the first time in a decade I'm going back to the theaters to experience it all again.

It is one of the most captivating films I have ever seen. I am glad to have witnessed it in all its glory.

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The Da Vinci Code

I've gone my whole life without watching this and I really should have kept it that way. Look, I enjoy a good mystery. Puzzles. I think comparisons are dumb, but I enjoy National Treasure and not just for the memes and the ridiculousness of it, but I think it's a well-done movie. I even find enjoyment from weird biblical and pseudo-biblical junk in other stories. So I thought this would be a slam dunk. But it's really just 2.5 hours of my life I won't get back. Felt like 5 hours. There are some dumb plot holes that take me out of it. The big twist can be seen an hour or more before it happens. A lot of things happen that do not make sense, all the main characters are mega-genius's or conveniently extra-smart for plot reasons. It all comes together like a trainwreck and makes for a terrible viewing experience. It gets a 3/10 from me for the fact that I survived the entire runtime, contains a few good ideas, and presented some laughably good moments to poke fun of, but I really don't recommend watching it.

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Brian and Charles

There's something so charming about this movie. It's pretty simple, and to that point it's a bit slower paced, but it's a weirdly enjoyable slow pace... I couldn't help but be interested and entertained in the most mundane moments, some scenes so much so that I was enjoying watching more than some big-budget action films have done lately. There's some magic laced in the DNA of this movie in that regard but I can't quite put my finger on what it exactly is. I guess it might just be the feeling of an indie Sundance? A double "A" production? Not sure. But I'm glad I watched it, and I hope other people can enjoy its charm and humor like I did.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem

A solid movie! As many have mentioned, the animation is incredibly charming and fun to watch. Also, like many have said, it's a great representation of modern teenagers, this to an annoying degree even. The amount of pop culture references they were able to shove in here was wild. Because of this The Turtles are more like teenagers, and ultimately I was not a fan of that (I grew up watching the more mature turtles on 4kids), but it was overall a great story with lovable characters embodied by a perfect voice cast.

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I get the reverence people have for the character, the franchise, the history of it all, etc. But I could not believe how bored I was. Scenes drag on and on. Michael being unkillable is scary, but the dude is pretty slow, and reckless. Back in the late 70's, early 80's I could see how a stalker killer portrayed like this with long drawn out shots could increase the tension of the movie because that's just how scary things used to scare people but it just falls so flat in comparison to the horror of today, (and let's face it, the short video ADHD brain rot killing us all).

I ain't watching this again, and I won't be recommending it either. Felt like I wasted my time. Could have just read a synopsis and called it an evening. Would have been just as scary.

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The Thing

One of my favorite horror movies! Not really a horror movie these days though paha (by the metric of making me scared). This last watch felt more like a murder mystery who-done-it than anything else. The story keeps you on the edge of your seat for its entire duration, the characters all likable (to a point hah), and good glory the REAL FX and prop work... marvelous. Imagine where we would be today if humanity spent money on technologies to further FX rather than CGI?

Anyway, this is a definite recommendation from me, for anybody. Especially great during the spooky season, but man, just put it on if you want a good movie to grace your eyes.

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The Others

After enduring Polish subtitles to watch this through YouTube, I have to say, it's quite good! I'm not sure why it's not on any streaming service. There certainly is a sense of tension throughout the entire movie, and the characters all work quite well together as they more or less attempt to understand the mystery that unfolds under the roof of this house.

I think the pacing of this story goes quite well, and it always left me thinking. I never really felt I had enough information to really put together what could even possibly happen next. I kept turning to my wife through the duration, spouting my wild theories about what could potentially happen (more for fun than anything else), but even my wild theories couldn't hold a candle to where the plot goes.

The twist near the end is certainly what pulls the movie together and what will cement it in my mind. The reveal for it is perfectly executed and left my mind turning well after the credits rolled.

If you can find it, I think it deserves a watch, and my recommendation.

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Crooked House

I think the criticism in the comments are a bit harsh. While it is certainly dull at points, I did find myself thinking about the characters and if they could have done it, which is what you're looking for in this kind of movie. Even all the way up to the end, I wasn't sure, and then things went crazy. It's gonna be boring if you passively watch it without your brain. But if you use your mind as though you're the detective you will be entertained.

I think what hurts it the most is the fact that it does seem quite true to life. Nothing peculiar happens while our lead man investigates the family. There's a few developments besides the typical "where were you last nights" but they don't drastically do anything besides make you think slightly more than you have (if you've been paying attention).

So ultimately I think many people would like this movie if they go in with an open (yet willing to be active) mind.

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You know, it's a fun little movie. Made me chuckle a few times. Has some Indiana Jones DNA. It definitely has a B-movie feeling to it, with a kinda hokey plot, characters and acting. But for a small evening of relaxing fun - not bad. Perfect if you're playing a game or something on the side.

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Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part One

What can I say, it's dumb fun! Action is thrilling, fights are energetic, and the race for the Maguffin is entertaining to follow. Top it off with real stunts from Tom Cruise and you got a good movie.

That being said, there is so much to cringe at, plot wise. The biggest of which: I think several years ago the AI angle would have worked but it's just too much of a hot button topic to the point it's just silly. The omniscience makes it a catch-all, taking tension out of the stakes, not to mention it cheapens any victories the heroes gain along the way.

There's a lot of other cringe worthy stuff too, but I think those thoughts are more subjective, and really if You're just here for the action you probably won't even care lol. So there ya have it. A stranger's thoughts on the movie opening weekend.

Small Aside: Can we have more beat downs in clubs with distant booming progressive house music? On a roll this year with this and John Wick 4 and I am loving that. More of those please lol.

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Moonrise Kingdom

I thought this was a pretty good adventure. Some of the jokes landed pretty well and the plot kept me engaged the whole time. I enjoyed the progression of the story and thought the ending was nice.

There's a weird scene in the middle that just doesn't sit right with me? Directing kids to be intimate with each other... I mean, in real life, sure those scenarios can happen, but realistically we had a bunch of older men giving borderline pedo commands to a pair of kids. They didn't need to be sexualized to that degree to get the point across for that scene. And it's hard to overlook that.

That aside, everything else about the movie is quite endearing and shows off Wes Anderson's masterful eye for making pretty good movies.

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My Hero Academia: Season 5

Probably the weakest season of MHA. I think that for a few reasons. I am mainly attracted to this show for the hype moments. Characters "breaking" their limits. Yelling loudly while destroying villains or themselves. It's a good time. The slow character progression in the students and villains is a bonus. But this season barely had any hype moments. There's a couple of breakthroughs for the plot - like Black Whip and the evolution of the league of villains - but the filler in-between is so boring that it felt like a chore to get through. It's not offensively bad but it's such a step in a different direction that I am pretty disappointed. I hope next season picks up and is a lot more interesting from moment to moment. And they better have cooler hype moments.

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Episodes are too long, jokes don't really land, and it has such a brainless ending that I didn't even realize the show was over.

It's not all bad though. If you're just looking to have something on the TV while you game or something you may occasionally look up and be treated with one of its rare funny moments. But the show is so drawn out you really don't have to pay attention to know what's going on.

Truthfully, I would advise not giving your full attention to this as you'll probably get bored and feel it's a poor waste of your time.

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Employee of the Month

It's fine. I certainly thought it would be a little funnier, but I guess it has plenty of "air out the nose" level jokes to make a decent watch out of it. But overall from plot to characters it's just kinda okay. The most entertaining thing about it was that it was very clearly a Costco lol.

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