


Happy Birthday to Me

Reply by Joshua

My, how time changes us... I recall this being "one of the best ever" 'Horror' movies I had ever seen back when it came out in the 80's. Watched it today again and it was so lame in EVERY aspect. I seem to remember the kills being much more inventive and gruesome (trust me, they're not!) and now this is almost laughable. I was tempted to turn it off with the opening scene where "Virginia" (Melissa Sue Anderson) screeches to herself, "Come, Winston, give Mommy head! haaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!" I thought to myself, "If this is a precursor to how the acting is going to be, I should just quit right now..." Unfortunately, I didn't. Although touted as a "horror/slasher" movie, this is more like a whodunnit that wants to be a horror movie. And the "reveal" is far too early in the film; I was quite surprised/disappointed in how quickly they gave this one away...and afterwards, there was nothing left but to wait out the conclusion which took farrrrrrrrrrrrr too long to arrive. Save yourself 2 agonizing hours - they're better spent in a dentist's chair or at the DMV - of sitting through this horrendous tripe. There is absolutely nothing remotely "scary" or horrific about this one.

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It wasn't Ginny that said that opening line. It was Bernadette.

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