


You: 3x08 Swing and a Miss

Wow Love is so stupid

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Both are. Kinda like her better cause she's impulsive, and a totally different psycho, an enigma even to herself.
Also her "novice" ways, are funny, Joe's? Every episode, more boring, he's just a Dexter without a real cause (the love of his life, c'mon. At first glance. Not even chasing, etc. He sees, he already knows... Hopefully he'll get it wrong (and Marianne alive lol)

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The Great: 1x10 The Beaver’s Nose

Marvelous. wow. It's so marvelous.

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And cleverly so.

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The Great: 2x10 Wedding

this better get another f*cking season, oh my god

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Can't believe it already ended, so much wait!

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The Great: 2x06 A Simple Jape

Shout by deoxys

I'm disappointed. She failed but without consequences at the end (everything is restoted as the beginning of the episode itself) and the patriarc's behaviour is no-sense. What's the point of all?

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It's a comedy. Loosely based on real events...

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Devil in Ohio: 1x06 My Love and I

I can’t make my mind up about this. One minute it appears really interesting, and the next it looks like a CW drama. I like the idea of it, and the way it delves into the effects of cults, but sometimes it’s just like any other show aimed at a teenage audience.

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Thought that too. Maybe, some balance, as it touch a very dark (an real, though the series isn't based on a real story it is a mix of all the cults) heavy,complex some things might seem unbelievable.. But they do happen.
In my opinion, mixing with teenage drama also has a a point as they are usually the easiest targets of these cults.
Without it, it would be a documentary.

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You: 3x08 Swing and a Miss

OOOH F**K here we go again

I said and I'll say it again
Love will be Joe's downfall

she's so stupid and impulsive

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Not sure if she's going to be his downfall (me thinks he's already just repeating himself without a clue, versus the past, he had some ideal of YOU.. Now he's easy at psycho with an idea of what he wants, seemingly... Looooove at FIRST GLANCE, big jump)

Love? She has been, weirdly, the most entertaining part of the the show.

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You: 3x09 Red Flag

Thanks love for killing theo! irritating brat

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As teenager coming on age, mostly aren't... But.. Ooops.. I see a zombie

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You: 3x05 Into the Woods

OOOH man Joe gonna be NEXT level beast for Theo I'm sure

also Love WTF get your shit together

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I thought that at first episodes. Now I'm sort of getting bored of Joe's sudden yet again finding the one and all that will follow.
I'm more inclined now on Love. She's f*cked up, but different, impulsive. Dunno, like a grasp of new air of methodical Joe, that until now hasn't shown something new (character or psycho wise)
Found myself amused by the oops of Love, and watching Joe's dealing with it and his so called purpose, to be a good husband. What? OK. Lol

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Dickinson: 1x05 I am afraid to own a Body

Reply by Thiz
BlockedParent2020-01-03T12:29:19Z— updated 2020-01-06T16:50:31Z

This show is so odd. It's trying to slip in serious moments in an overall goofy type of show. You can't have serious and goofy at the same time when the serious really is serious, it'll just feel disjointed, and rightfully so. Pick one or the other. While the goofy aspect has been enjoyable so far, you might as well become more serious and drop the goofiness all together, or settle down with the serious aspects that are slipped in here and there. There's no in-between.

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In between, as in... Dramedy?
There are all kinds of mixes a show, film, xab do, and there are a lot of them. Another thing is if you like that or not.
Yes they can and they do mix goofy with drama and serious issues.
There isn't a rule, but you have an option. To watch it, or like it, or not. It's really simple.

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The Offer: 1x10 Brains and Balls

Reply by Thiz

Shout by The_Argentinian
BlockedParent2022-06-17T02:28:36Z— updated 2023-06-27T19:12:46Z

Coppola agreed to do Part 2 if Al Ruddy was not involved. But based on what we've seen in the previous 9 episodes, their working experience wasn't that bad. And he chose to walk away?

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Thanks for the link Very interesting! Adds more info to what I would swear it has a lot more.

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Ratched: 1x08 Mildred and Edmund

Reply by Thiz

I love the characters, the plot and even find the ending acceptable, now I’m just hoping Ryan Murphy doesn’t ruin it with season 2.

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That maybe it's too much asking. It's what he does best (Murphy)

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The Great: 3x01 The Bullet or the Bear

Reply by Thiz

Alright, I did not see that ending coming at all. I am sad. Orlo was my favourite character, I loved how chaotic he became with every season that progressed, and now that's over... I guess it's because the actor got different roles. But regardless, I'm going to have to take a moment before I continue the rest of the season. It feels a little weird to have lost the one character who really wanted for Peter to die, and I will miss the perspective he brought to the story, hopefully they'll have a character who will take his place.

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It's one of the bits based on facts, a Lil bit hurried but things are going fast.
They presented well his loss of faith on the entire chaos surrounding, and his loyalty and respect lost.

Besides that, the kick start was chaotic as the series goes, compared, a lot more, the could have represented the frenzy n chaos not THAT overdone on some parts? Yes. My opinion!

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The Plot Against America: 1x01 Part 1

Reply by Thiz

The premise of '40ies US americans taking on german fashism seems unrealistic.
They show video material from WWII in the beginning, so the war should still be happening.

Anti-Semitism certainly did exist and open hate was certainly a posibility, but it wouldn't have manifested in people acting like bavarians on US streets.

Otherwise nothing special really - We had so many alternate History nazi stories over the last decade - its starting to wear out its effect.

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@player8472 and being 2022... They don't act like barbarian, 2021, none. Thumbs up

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Devil in Ohio: 1x01 Broken Fall

Reply by Thiz

This is a weird one. It's intriguing but as @jecht-sin says, there's a lot of stuff wrong in this opening episode.

Just as weird is that Suzanne Mathis - the biggest flaw of this show, a psychiatrist, is re-assigning her daughter's room just like that, taking away her autonomy and privacy. Something she shouldn't do if she is in any way a competent psychiatrist and no, the fact she wanted to talk to her daughters before meeting Mae while "Ju-Ju-Jules" cut her off isn't changing that decision. A psychiatrist should probably know something about the psyche, triggers, emotions and human behaviour, yet Suzanne is dense af, doesn't even bother with her own daughters, plural, because she is so self-absorbed that she never asks the important questions but rather likes to say the emptiest of words given the chance, coming off as patronizing rather than empathetic or supportive. Just to feed her own obvious narcissism.

Suzanne apparently went through something similar as Mae, our victim, as it was hinted at in this episode so she identifies with her more than she probably should. Obviously Suzanne has some past she wasn't able to overcome yet by becoming a psychiatrist or did become one to help others overcome their traumas. Either way, that is her reasoning to go above and beyond in this story for Mae, to the detriment of her own family. Sucks to be Jules, I guess, excluded in High School by her own sister, ostracized in a sense by her own mother.
I do not find that or the Suzanne character believable at all, nor likable. It's full of clichès and really boring.

Take a traumatized young woman, who was severely tortured, covered in blood, refuses to speak until the threat/pressure of being shipped off is made and put here in a household of a wife and husband with three other daughters. That seems a bit overbearing and dangerous for the family. But then again, that is the actual plot of this show.
Who, in their right mind, would think this is the correct environment to throw that, perhaps mentally unstable, person in? After just a few days barely enough to medically examine her. I guess, trying to force a "normal" environment can be helpful, but that should probably be eased in to avoid any trigger to go off or prevent alienating your own family in this process (Mae taking over Jules' place for example, the already troubled pubescent teen - drama inbound). This whole situation should have been discussed with the daughters beforehand and without Mae being present. Her being there is a "this is the situation, you cannot do anything against it, Jules, you move out of your room, now"-drama-TV-setup. It's manipulative and incredibly toxic coming from a psychiatrist mother.
But the blessing should have been discussed somehow, too. But ignored for making this more mysterious than it needs to be. Meh.

The husband is spineless who should just have said that the buyer pulled out and he couldn't sell the house.
Oh, the mortgage and shame after that little speech/love bombing of his wife, who is a surprisingly shitty listener and uncappable of reading emotional cues, booho. But I guess, it further supports my claim of her being narcisstic, making him the victim of abuse here, so I perhaps shouldn't be too hard on him - yet.
However, this subplot is another unbelievable clichè to make up drama that's going to only serve the plot somehow later on I am sure.

I liked Emily Deschanel in Bones, early-to-mid seasons. Unless there's a twist like her character is somehow the mastermind (not a victim) behind the cult, giving reasons to why she is the way she is Deschanel should have declined to be a part of this.
She's doing okay with what she is given but she is never believable whatsoever.
But again, this episode is somehow intriguing but also somewhat trashy.

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C'mon it's one episode, and everything already figured it out. No need to spoil, but it gets complex and all what doesn't seem right,...

Oh well. I'm defining a TV series. It develops. Not on one episode!

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Devil in Ohio: 1x01 Broken Fall

Reply by Thiz

There is so much wrong on this episode. A girl gets found in the middle of the street, abused, with wounds clearly depicting an evil symbol and for three days no policeman (or woman) shows up. No guards, nothing. And the dear doctor even takes her home, to live with her kids, because the county has no funds or whatever. No discussion about the blessing either.

Oh well, it’s a mini series. Hopefully it will have few scares, no matter how stupid.

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Stupid?as cults do not exist. And in one episode, akkn must be cleared...
Better to watch a documentary? Just saying.

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Devil in Ohio: 1x05 Alight

Reply by Thiz

Dani, probably the only likable character in this besides Detective Lopez, is absolutely adorkable but I think she is severely neglected in this family. She's shoved to the side way too often or just used as a plot device. Given she is the adopted child that is very telling about the entire family and their dynamic. So much for "fitting in", more like she falls through the cracks of this family. Cracks we saw in this episode, especially between the parents.

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Fitting and belonging it's mostly as it is shown, and known, the way of cults work. Targeting young people, the better, as they don't understand, feeling as they belong is the point. Also from the victim point, belonging to that family, willing to (whether she does or not it's for a viewer to realize, I guess by this episode) she wants to rely, belong, is easily surprised to any sign of acceptance.


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The Great: 1x10 The Beaver’s Nose

Reply by Thiz

Just out of sudden, everything ends in ep 10
I mean WTF

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Occasionally based on

And by the way it didn't. There's s second season
Already known, for long time Ago.

Maybe you meant.. A cliffhanger... Dunno..

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The Great: 1x10 The Beaver’s Nose

Reply by Thiz

I’m in tears :sob::sob::sob: Why, Why, Why!!

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Trying to joke, sarcasm..
? Isn't one of the other, just a "what is this person implying? Really!

May be sarcasm, doesn't explain the rating nor anything. Boggles the mind.
In any case joke, whatever it would be perfectly understandable, don't understanding nothing. At all.
More so, being here watch it all, for what exactly..

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The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel: 3x08 A Jewish Girl Walks Into the Apollo…

Reply by Thiz

Honestly, I was scared the whole act she'd slip up out of nerves and reveal to all of Harlem about Shy being gay. But she didn't. She did amazing. And then, insecure, paranoid Shy kicks her out of the tour after all the times she was there for him when he needed it? What an ungrateful child. He was not a very good singer, anyways.

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@abtr It's enough that Shy knows what she's talking about to fire her. But he should have had the decency to tell her in person. And if she wasn't the person that she is she could have told the manager "If you fire me the next time I will talk about Shy on stage I will not only stick to innuendos".

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This. 100% agree
Reggie was in the middle from the start of the that night, taking advantage of her melting out. He chose carefully what to tell her and what to let omitted. His jealousy is shown in various scenes, and the very first time Shy tells her about his relationship with Reggie, over controlling, and more. And others when we see Reggie himself do it or talking to Susie about things that have to be done. Until the very end when he does the same, as in a i told you so, warning to Susie. Menacing almost
Sad and frustrating.

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The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel: 3x08 A Jewish Girl Walks Into the Apollo…

Reply by Thiz

Honestly, I was scared the whole act she'd slip up out of nerves and reveal to all of Harlem about Shy being gay. But she didn't. She did amazing. And then, insecure, paranoid Shy kicks her out of the tour after all the times she was there for him when he needed it? What an ungrateful child. He was not a very good singer, anyways.

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@onlime sure, but on the flip side (and I don't exactly remember all that she said anymore), I don't think anyone would immediately think gay. I noticed most (if not all) of the things she pointed out about him during the first couple of episodes, and it never occurred to me that he was gay. I just saw a suave guy who liked being flashy

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This. Those called innuendos, doesn't seem to be the case.
She even didn't get it until Shy tells him almost word by word, I think it was "come on, midge".. Silence and OH!.
I also didn't catch the chance of him being gay, before and after that interaction. It is implied. Can also being taken as his very state of fear, of Reggie not knowing about it, as an abusive "friend manager for his own good" (yes also another kind of friend) but continues on next episodes emphasis on how Reggie talks about things he has to do, which do lead to think violence.
The pick up fact csb be seen by Shy telling her his name, bonding, cause she's a woman. But gets very tricky. She did know/understood . Or I think she did, correctly.
Anyways, what she joked about if she knew, were also not her intent on suggesting that. She was joking and exaggerated, sarcastic. What is her style, and I doubt the public would pick up those jokes as more than that (in those times). It is said by Reggie, for those who know, it got to close to home.
Those, his entourage. Blaming her was, in my opinion, his own set up from the start of that night, taking advance of her meltdown, his obvious jealousy and not letting her talk to him. Do we know if Shy in fact didn't want to even get her a chance?

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The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel: 3x08 A Jewish Girl Walks Into the Apollo…

Reply by Thiz

Honestly, I was scared the whole act she'd slip up out of nerves and reveal to all of Harlem about Shy being gay. But she didn't. She did amazing. And then, insecure, paranoid Shy kicks her out of the tour after all the times she was there for him when he needed it? What an ungrateful child. He was not a very good singer, anyways.

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@abtr She put plenty of inuuendos in there. Everybody who knew understood what she was talking about, no matter if intentionally or not.

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I agree. Also i feel ambiguous about all of it.
Yes it was to close to home.
I kind of understand Shy overreacting, scared of this happening again or losing his trust. Without him knowing that she was said to talk about him, leaves the question of what would he do, maybe not immediately, but timely understand her intentions and that she was is indeed still a newbie - clearly shown after not having a clue what kind of public she was about to perform for. Taking advice from who she knew was a friend of Shy's, but not the same. She knew he trusted her to the extent of telling what he didn't tell anyone, his real name.. There, they bonded deep.
It's understandable he could have felt not only exposed but a lot of things more. The add-on of not knowing she was told and under what conditions, it does for the viewers feel like a big overreaction. We know that, we don't know if he knew.
That's when I feel ambiguous about the whole situation.
Because, even he doesn't know that, he did know she was a "raising" comedian, She's right about she shouldn't be opening for him, not having the expertise ti fill the place for what she just learns overly ingenuity, but that part of the her character, she does not know much about lots of things (being told by her father to be careful about how she will use her voice on that live commercial, again not having a clue about the person, being just a paycheck. Wasn't enough until she read what she was saying, and decided to stop. By the time, I understand that naivete, that's her lack of interest of knowing about the world outside the bubble she was raised, even more when she's noticing the impact of what she says could be crossing not only the politically correct lines, but also her own beliefs and obvious reasons in that case. It was Susie big mistake not doing that knowing already the mess that was showbiz at the time, it happens again in every spot of radio, not reading contracts etc. Ultimately the same with the Apollo performance. It wasn't that much of research, just stop and think about the program and connect the dots,even under the pressure she was already in from another mistake and losing her mother did in some way affect her. Plus the Lennon disaster. She chose to leave her alone. Being not only friend and manager, but knowing the "biz" and the implications of what Myrian is told at last second. Being in New York, and not being the same as her usual act for the public she was to take a stand.
Here's also something Shy couldn't not known about. He chose to place her over a biggest star, outside of her league and the place she was to perform, her naivete and knowing she could not have been ready or at least make sure that she was. That I do see as a childish picky decision, where Reggie enters to help, seemingly, that's when is obvious on purpose, some loose advice, easy to mishaps, while she was freaking out. He knew it was some help, omitted lots of lines to not cross... Easily to see he was also putting her in trouble, by jealousy and his over controlling relationship with Shy, something she did know, and to SOME extent, could have took his advice carefully, even being nervous.
What she is told at the last second by Reggie, makes it clear. The clarification of "not talking about being friends, it was way too close to home".
About the audience getting "it", doesn't seem to me it would have been so obvious, in that time and being a stand up act made for sarcasm and jokes. Yes she could have been more careful, but she did what she could, from the start, overwhelmed by the bad reaction of the public, she managed to do what she could under a lot of pressure and her own lack of knowledge. As other have put it, she is learning over the course, not being minimally prepared, could be seen as her own fault but also Susie's. It was devastating the final scene also, so frustrating. Until then she didn't know what she did wrong. Did she? Or was a cluster of many things happening so fast and her bubble ish personality. She was content that she did OK, rushed to see her apartment, pack and go. Not so much help between that time to be able to try to reach Shy.. Could that time, of not waiting the show to end, being taken from Shy as she did it on purpose or she didn't care about. Many ifs and maybes. Is What makes it so frustrating and sad. She lost a lot. And lots more that she still has to to know about. Her talk with her mother was on point, she's trying to get her life as a independent woman. She's learning. Even with the Benjamin situation she has a crash to reality she didn't consider. He was right.
For a end of season close up, leaves a lot to be found next. Also, i do wonder if it was so necessary to put all those (way much) together at last time, episodes before being completely rushed and much left without a little proper set up or closing. Is it all being done to get to the final episode? If that, there's a lot of stuff to deal with, for even a new season or just starting again from scratch, what already has been done. The ending leaves a path for a repeating story, or a point that comedy starts to be dramedy, and gets uneven, very easy to get into melodrama. Hoping the best for next season, there's s lot to be tied up well enough for not ending up tiring the concept. This episode can be seen as another kind of fail for Myrian, this being a total disaster. Unifying that, with all the things that happened on the 7th episode, is way more than just a disaster.
Let's hope the writers have a good way to tie them up and not let it be gone as another chain of obstacles for her cause they went for more than a chain.

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You: 2x09 P.I. Joe

Reply by Thiz

Episode was great and was going to give it 9/10 until that nonsense at the end

Love killing Candace with cold blood doesn't make any sense at all, if she killed her by mistake then broke down and Joe had to fix everything for her and cover that up I would be down with that, but her murdering someone with cold blood in the name of blind love is just bad writing

Hopefully the last episode would make me forget this nonsense cuz this season has been amazing so far

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Exactly what I thought. Love vs Candace? What? Let's see

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You: 2x01 A Fresh Start

Reply by Thiz

So happy this is back, parts of this were similar to season 1 but the show is very self aware about those moments so it works. Definitely intrigued to see where the story goes this season!

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Agreed. It seems to be self aware and keep the story of HIM. this season stating with humor and confusion even to the viewers i guess, at least me. :)

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You: 2x02 Just the Tip

Reply by Thiz

Joe can eavesdrop on a conversation in public better than anyone that has ever lived.

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Yes. A super cat like hearing it seems?

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You: 2x02 Just the Tip

Reply by Thiz

We've seem to have a new Dexter in the making. Only this time with selfish motives and non-righteousness.

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Totally agree! Dexter like vigilante, but even more psycho?We'll see?

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The Morning Show: 1x06 The Pendulum Swings

Reply by Thiz

So much drama because of a divorce...

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@thiz Not really. I am complaining about the show making this a big deal when there are more interesting plots to develop.

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For her was a big deal, and for the plot wise. It wasn't about her daughter but the implications wich were a lot. Being a News Sweetheart, it would crumble her entire image.
Not without reason and she knew that.
Her collapsing at the wildfires isn't the drama of all the episode, it's implicit just there when it hits her about family and not image, all those years of neglect she tried hard to diminish them were crumbled watching people losing it all, and rescuing her beloved ones and PETS. Denial is strong, but eventually it would catch her.
It's drama. But it wasn't just a scene to or divorce drama. All the implications, fame and "make believe" on screen and life even her husband being a good sport and keeping up with the facade. That happens a lot, especially with movie, TV, music stars. Even politics.
It was well done and accurate. Watching the behind the scenes, and how it did affect her no matter how much she tried to look and act strong, she failed just in middle of her work! It does shows her character as a strong and professional woman, but also human. (another thing the show premise has. Privacy, pretend, power, money, it's consequences and tipping constantly, they are TV personalities , powerful professionals, etc, and human no matter what the perception of others they are people, no?)

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Living with Yourself: 1x08 Nice Knowing You

Reply by Thiz

It started with a good storyline, I loved the idea but at the end I didn't like it. I hope there won't be a 2nd season.

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Agree 100% hoping ends there

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The Morning Show: 1x06 The Pendulum Swings

Reply by Thiz

So much drama because of a divorce...

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It's drama, no? Unless you wanted to watch the wildfires you could watch an actual morning show

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Dexter: 4x12 The Getaway

Reply by Thiz

Hands down, the best episode in the whole series.-

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@soyrawl very rare times I do consider one episode of a whole series as BEST. THIS is the case. It was... perfedct.

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Dexter: 4x12 The Getaway

Reply by Thiz

Unbelievable pain...yet unable to express the anger.

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@karibear ditto! I didn't see it coming, but if had it, would have be total perfection either way

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