

California, USA

Naomi: 1x03 Zero to Sixty
Stargirl: 3x03 Frenemies - Chapter Three: The Blackmail

Does anyone else think that something is distinctly wrong with Sylvester? (Beyond his ridiculously reckless destructive behavior; like something's wrong with him causing this behavior.) I have to wonder if, when he "came back" in his coffin (as he explained in episode 3x01), he came back a little incomplete. (He's reminding me just a little of Harold Meachum from Iron Fist.)

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Stargirl: 3x03 Frenemies - Chapter Three: The Blackmail

I'm finding it interesting that Courtney, Nebraska's Conclusion-Jumping Champion of Seasons 1 and 2, is now the one [finally] practicing extreme caution about suspecting or condemning any one in particular.

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Unforgettable: 1x09 Golden Bird

Roe Saunders: "Is it that I look stupid?"
Carrie Wells: [holds that frozen smile]

I do enjoy these interestingly individual characters and their interactions.

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Motherland: Fort Salem: 3x10 Revolution (2)

There was definitely some rushed skimming and skipping across the story elements of this episode (and the one previous), and I sooo wish we could have seen all of those story-bits that simply didn't fit into the time remaining, but I still liked what we got, the wrap-up of the storyline and the resolution for all (well, okay, most) of our good-witch characters.

At the same time, I really do hope that show-creator Eliot Laurence someday goes back and writes the original book series he had in mind to begin with. I'd love to experience and digest the full detailed story as originally intended.

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24: 6x24 Day 6: 5:00 A.M.-6:00 A.M.

Strike Team Jack, always a winning hand.

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24: 6x21 Day 6: 2:00 A.M.-3:00 A.M.

I was kinda hoping for more Die Hard Jack in there, but still... daaamn.

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Motherland: Fort Salem: 3x05 Cession in Session

I suppose if the Camarilla are training that many assassins, they can't expect all of 'em to be any good at it, right?

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The Flash: 8x18 The Man in the Yellow Tie

Mmmm. Errr. Gaak.

Honestly, I really liked the basic idea of the primary story here: Eobard's second-chance return (perhaps earned for that end in Legends) sans most of his memories leaving little more than the Speed Force source designs to drive him but unaware of its "negative" aspect, etc., etc., etc. This storyline alone could easily have fueled a good solid movie. And that's my problem: it should have been a movie, or at least 2-3 episodes, to give it enough room to flesh out and breathe. Jamming it all into one episode this like required simplifying and shortcutting too much of it, leaving it feeling choppy and... well... shortcutted.

A good idea quickly rushed together half-baked yields an okayish result that could have been so much better.

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The Boys: 3x08 The Instant White-Hot Wild

The deadliest flashdance ever. (Daayam.)

And that hint of it's-going-to-be-okay smile emerging at the very end, as he finds the sorely missed taste of supportive family among the power of the dark side...

"Now, matters are worse." —Yoda

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The Boys: 3x07 Here Comes a Candle to Light You to Bed

After listening to that last-minute phone call...

Frenchie, we may need even more of that Novichok nerve agent...

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The Boys: 3x06 Herogasm

The opening warning-disclaimer has to have been the awesomest warning-label writing I've ever seen.

And that's just the moment opening into an episode thoroughly jammed with individual plotline advancements and interconnections, all leading up to that fight and that speech...

Well done. And only two episodes to go...

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The Boys: 3x04 Glorious Five Year Plan

Daaamn. I was really growing to like Alex, too, but... sigh... The risks of trying to recruit from that volatile mix of assorted desperates into what they're trying to do... I can't even imagine.

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The Boys: 3x03 Barbary Coast

Oh, poor Timothy... :-(

And Starlight's hidden fist-clench... damn.

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The Flash: 8x13 Death Falls

Shout by Thogek
BlockedParent2022-06-30T23:31:51Z— updated 2023-01-09T00:11:26Z

Warning: Minor naming gripe.

Hell Storm? Really? I could see that as something flip that Frost might say, or maybe if Constantine was involved, but... uhhh...

Given the trail so far, from Firestorm to Deathstorm to... Icestorm?

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The Boys: 3x01 Payback

I gotta think that a portion of the ideating/writing process for The Boys involves asking the following:
1. Pick an interesting superpower that a lesser-known The Boys "supe" might have.
2. What extremely creative adolescent prankish dumbassery might a not-terribly-wise (or just drunk or high) supe do with this power?
3. What could go very very wrong with said dumbassery?
4. How visually horrifyingly gross can we make that look?

I suppose it's fair, given that a fair chunk of the human population is foolish enough to engage in all sorts of because-we-can dumbassery (including those who might do so only for being drunk or high), so why wouldn't at least some portion of supes be the same. The realisticness of random supe-ness popping up in the real-life human condition with no correlation to intelligence or wisdom.

Which is why, as part of the story, it works, almost no matter how "WTF?!?!" it can feel to watch. A little like what makes the more realistic (but still drama-ridden) of reality TV work, but amped up to [even more] ridiculous levels.


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The Flash: 8x11 Resurrection

This was another one of those episodes in which I did really like the high-level storyline, but was frustrated by the excessively sloppy/clumsy execution of so many of its pieces. (I get the feeling that Khwalah's probably right about it being at least partially a direction problem.) In any case... sigh. This could have been really good.

High-level story progression: 8/10.
Detailed execution: 5/10.

And why does Deathstorm (in his reveal-pose at the end) look a bit like a big flaming Dammit Doll? Hopefully, that'll improve, too.

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Pennyworth: 2x10 The Lion and Lamb

Shout by Thogek
BlockedParent2022-06-20T03:29:32Z— updated 2022-06-24T04:38:17Z

Curious what they'll name him, or whether the producers/writers had even given him a name by the time this aired...

Captain Stormcloud? Gullystorm? Deathsmurf?

IAC, he looks a bit like one of those armored tanks had a baby with Mr. Freeze.

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Pennyworth: 2x09 Paradise Lost

As fun all of this chaotic confluence was, in some ways, that first living room chat scene (and all its personality interplay) was among the best bits of the series so far.

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The Flash: 8x10 Reckless
24: 5x06 Day 5: 12:00 P.M.-1:00 P.M.

Jack Bauer is a scary MacGyver of emergency enhanced interrogation tactics.

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24: 4x06 Day 4: 12:00 P.M.-1:00 P.M.

Jack Bauer on a one-man rescue-raid mission is always a winning hand.

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Mr. Robot: 3x10 shutdown -r

Leon must be the mostly weirdly interesting individual.

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Mr. Robot: 3x10 shutdown -r

Hmm. So how much of the Dark Army Minions' willingness to die for the cause is fueled by their belief that White Rose will bring them back once the mission is complete?

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Mr. Robot: 3x02 eps3.1_undo.gz

Oddly enough, I rather enjoyed Elliot's unusual take on How to Succeed in Business without Really Trying.

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 7x12 Too Legit To Quit

Shout by Thogek
BlockedParent2022-02-24T22:49:36Z— updated 2022-02-28T22:16:06Z

"We are chaotic."
"But Chaotic Good."
Indeed. :dagger_knife::dragon:

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 7x11 Rage Against The Machines
DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 7x08 Paranoid Android

And so,
following a brief bout of discovery and resistance,
gets her invitation renewed
to remain
in the Twilight Zone

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Dark: 3x08 The Paradise

Shout by Thogek
BlockedParent2022-01-07T04:41:00Z— updated 2022-01-23T05:46:25Z

So, basically, Tannhaus created the break, Jonas/Adam and Martha/Eva perpetuated it, and everyone else suffered through this ultimate twist on Greek tragedy, all until Claudia finally figured out where the original break was. And we all felt our brains stretched and twisted trying to follow all of the convolutions that a bunch of time-traveling breaks and perpetuations would cause, despite what all the other time-travel stories have told us.

Interesting at the end to see some of who would still have existed without all the mad timeloop feedback yarnballing the family trees (and thinking through why they're still there and others aren't), and that Hannah would be the one to somehow Kenobi-sense the millions of voices crying out in release...


There was probably no way to wrap up all of that interwoven complexity in a way that would make all viewers happy, but I'm at least satisfied that this wrap-up make some sense and tied (so to speak) up the loose ends, despite the loss of some characters that will now never be. Well done.

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Cowboy Bebop: 1x08 Sad Clown A-Go-Go

Interesting mix. Some strong story-parallels to the original (both with Vicious and with Pierrot le Fou), with some differences that mostly worked well. (Except maybe for that one-hires-the-other thing; not sure that makes sense given who's involved. And I'm not sure that the reasoning for Pierrot le Fou's emotional crumble at the end was as clear as it was in the original.) Crazy, messy, mostly fun stuff.

But those gorram jerks abandoned Ein all alone on that dock. Not okay, guys. Not okay.

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