

California, USA


Who else saw moments in which Magnifico looked a bit like Homelander?

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24: Redemption

This is kinda like a two-episode prelude a few months before Day Seven. Perhaps not entirely necessary to watch and understand Day Seven, but the bit of background is definitely helpful.

That, and any excuse to watch Jack save some people and fight off an evil strike team is good enough for me.

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Spider-Man: Far From Home

Something about MJ standing firm, wielding that mace, seems worthy of an approving I-like-this-one look from Thor.

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Avengers: Infinity War

So much wow.

I'd wondered how this movie would manage to handle so many varied superheroes and their interactions. I'll just say here that: It works.

And now I'm going to be wondering for the next year: What the heck did Stephen see?
And why was Nick's unquestioning impulse to send a message to them/her?

I suspect we won't know much on those until the releases of Captain Marvel and Avengers 4.

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The Circle

Anyone else feel the movie suffered from a bit of "unfulfilled potential" in not really closing the full circle of its plot?

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