

Minneapolis, Minnesota

Star Wars Rebels: Steps Into Shadow

I’m not sure but I think we just met Tom Bombadil.

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What, was Billie Hayes busy when they were making this or something? They pretty much reused her makeup. I wonder if the live puppet show was actually better.

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Star Wars Rebels: The Siege of Lothal

Darth Vader is way better here than in Obi-Wan Kenobi. James Earl Jones even sounds more menacing.

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Star Wars Rebels: The Machine in the Ghost

Chopper steals every scene he's in. It's a little hard to admit, but Artoo has nothing on Chopper.

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Star Wars Rebels: Entanglement

Probably the best of the shorts, even though we only get to know Zeb as a bruiser. But he takes such glee in it.

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Star Wars Rebels: Property of Ezra Bridger

Enjoying these shorts quite a bit. They do a good job introducing the characters that we'll see in Rebels. I wonder if this is the shortest thing to ever be novelised, considering it's basically the last chapter of the book Ezra's Gamble.

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