Todd Fury



Power Slap: Road to the Title

Man I hope these Nevada Athletic Commision refs are making a little extra to take this circus seriously!

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House of the Dragon: 1x10 The Black Queen

Welp, shit's on now I guess.

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Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi: 1x01 Life and Death

Hey let's take a 1 year old baby hunting! What could go wrong?

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Star Wars: Andor: 1x03 Reckoning

Shout by Todd Fury

Karma's a bitch, Timm! Also, we got a "Shit!" in Star Wars!

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Bobcat Goldthwait's Misfits & Monsters

Atkins Estimond was the best thing in this entire series.

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Bobcat Goldthwait's Misfits & Monsters: 1x07 Better World

Atkins Estimond was the best thing in this entire series.

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The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

Forgot how good Martin Freeman was until I watched this again.

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The Orville: 2x08 Identity (1)

I thought this episode was extremely bland, predictive, and really boring until the last 15 minutes, and then it got really good!

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Star Wars Blips: 1x01 Lightsaber

A bit long, but not bad!

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Obi-Wan Kenobi: 1x06 Part VI

Goodbye, "Darth" ! :adult:

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Obi-Wan Kenobi: 1x01 Part I

Reva "Robin Givens" isn't really doing it for me. She feels very hollow, it's hard to suspend my disbelief if that makes any sense. Whenever she speaks, I don't see the character she is trying to play...just an actress trying to play a character. That sounds weird I guess but I don't really know how else to describe it. She's pretty though!

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Star Wars: Visions: 1x02 Tatooine Rhapsody

This one seemed like it should have been about 5 minutes instead of as long as it was. Seems like more of a Youtube short or something. Cool to see and hear Boba though.

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Amazing Stories: 2x21 Miss Stardust

This show has some hits and misses, but this one was really bad!

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Star Wars Resistance: 2x11 Station to Station

This show has a pattern of 2-3 really pointless episodes and then one good one. This was a good one.

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Star Wars Resistance: 2x10 Kaz's Curse

Shout by Todd Fury

Yeah, this was a pretty dumb one. Also having Mika Grey make a remark about the pirates being superstitious just dilutes her character even more. When we were introduced to her she was sort of an Indiana Jones archaeologist/witch doctor type of character searching for ancient relics. Now she's another clown in the circus of characters on this goofy show.

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Star Wars Resistance: 2x08 Rendezvous Point

Shout by Todd Fury

Did they really have to call it "birthday", I mean come on....

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Star Wars Resistance: 2x07 The Relic Raiders

This one was a lot better than the last few episodes, if only because it reminded us that we are still in the Star Wars galaxy.

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Star Wars Resistance: 2x04 Hunt on Celsor 3

Shout by Todd Fury

Kind of a pointless episode, but it was nice to see something die for once in the new Disney series!

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LEGO Star Wars: All-Stars: 1x08 Rolling with BB-8

Shout by Todd Fury

Finale was a bit disappointing, but I knew no one was going to die. I was hoping Roger sacrificing himself one last time would be the end of him. It would have made the story a bit better, but I know it's a kids show so it's alright. Definitely loved this series overall and it was way better than I thought it would be!

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LEGO Star Wars: All-Stars: 1x04 Dealing with Lando

Shout by Todd Fury

Okay so Han and Chewie Strike Back one was definitely a bit disneyfied, but it was great. I'm a sucker for the way Star Wars ties everything together (no pun intended) and really enjoyed this episode. Probably my favorite out of all the Lego All-Stars ones.

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LEGO Star Wars: All-Stars: 1x02 The Chase with Han

Shout by Todd Fury

It's funny how they are trying to hype up Canto Bight so much in these. Making lemonade or chicken salad I guess? Also, super cool way of showing us how Chewbacca was captured and became a prisoner of the Empire!

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LEGO Star Wars: The Freemaker Adventures: 2x13 Return of the Return of the Jedi

I'm a sucker for those tie-in, crossover endings that they always seem to do with Star Wars and this one didn't disappoint!

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LEGO Star Wars: The Freemaker Adventures: 2x04 The Embersteel Blade

Shout by Todd Fury

Okay, the Graballa part where he was on hold with the automated hologram thing was pretty funny. "REPRESENTATIVE!" "Please hold, a customer service agent will be with you shortly." "Ugh, I HATE this song!"

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LEGO Star Wars: Droid Tales: 1x03 Mission to Mos Eisley

Shout by Todd Fury

Oh man, the part at the end with Chewie's medal really cracked me up.

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LEGO Star Wars: Droid Tales: 1x01 Exit from Endor

Really love these Lego episodes. This one pokes fun at Star Wars so much that it's almost at the Robot Chicken level.

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Gimme a Break!

Lol, imagine if this show came out today. Everyone would be losing their shit.

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F is for Family

So much Phil Hendrie in this show. I love it!

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Preacher: 4x04 Search and Rescue

Shout by Todd Fury

So. The part where the saint blew on the gun and shot a hole through the entire freaking planet was BAD ASS, but when Eugene just popped right out on the other side I was like, uhhhhh. I get that it's Preacher and it's a crazy world, but that was just plain weird and a bit of an eye-rolling moment.

It hurts me to say that because Preacher is my favorite comic book of all time, and this is probably my favorite show of all time.

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Preacher: Season 4

Fuck man, I don't want this to ever end! I want to live in this world forever.

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Buck Rogers in the 25th Century: 1x16 A Blast for Buck

This was the most boringest episode of them all so far.

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