Todd Fury



Star Wars Resistance: 2x10 Kaz's Curse

Shout by Todd Fury

Yeah, this was a pretty dumb one. Also having Mika Grey make a remark about the pirates being superstitious just dilutes her character even more. When we were introduced to her she was sort of an Indiana Jones archaeologist/witch doctor type of character searching for ancient relics. Now she's another clown in the circus of characters on this goofy show.

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Star Wars Resistance: 2x08 Rendezvous Point

Shout by Todd Fury

Did they really have to call it "birthday", I mean come on....

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Star Wars Resistance: 2x07 The Relic Raiders

This one was a lot better than the last few episodes, if only because it reminded us that we are still in the Star Wars galaxy.

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Star Wars Resistance: 2x04 Hunt on Celsor 3

Shout by Todd Fury

Kind of a pointless episode, but it was nice to see something die for once in the new Disney series!

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LEGO Star Wars: All-Stars: 1x08 Rolling with BB-8

Shout by Todd Fury

Finale was a bit disappointing, but I knew no one was going to die. I was hoping Roger sacrificing himself one last time would be the end of him. It would have made the story a bit better, but I know it's a kids show so it's alright. Definitely loved this series overall and it was way better than I thought it would be!

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LEGO Star Wars: All-Stars: 1x04 Dealing with Lando

Shout by Todd Fury

Okay so Han and Chewie Strike Back one was definitely a bit disneyfied, but it was great. I'm a sucker for the way Star Wars ties everything together (no pun intended) and really enjoyed this episode. Probably my favorite out of all the Lego All-Stars ones.

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LEGO Star Wars: All-Stars: 1x02 The Chase with Han

Shout by Todd Fury

It's funny how they are trying to hype up Canto Bight so much in these. Making lemonade or chicken salad I guess? Also, super cool way of showing us how Chewbacca was captured and became a prisoner of the Empire!

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LEGO Star Wars: The Freemaker Adventures: 2x13 Return of the Return of the Jedi

I'm a sucker for those tie-in, crossover endings that they always seem to do with Star Wars and this one didn't disappoint!

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LEGO Star Wars: The Freemaker Adventures: 2x04 The Embersteel Blade

Shout by Todd Fury

Okay, the Graballa part where he was on hold with the automated hologram thing was pretty funny. "REPRESENTATIVE!" "Please hold, a customer service agent will be with you shortly." "Ugh, I HATE this song!"

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LEGO Star Wars: Droid Tales: 1x03 Mission to Mos Eisley

Shout by Todd Fury

Oh man, the part at the end with Chewie's medal really cracked me up.

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LEGO Star Wars: Droid Tales: 1x01 Exit from Endor

Really love these Lego episodes. This one pokes fun at Star Wars so much that it's almost at the Robot Chicken level.

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Preacher: 4x04 Search and Rescue

Shout by Todd Fury

So. The part where the saint blew on the gun and shot a hole through the entire freaking planet was BAD ASS, but when Eugene just popped right out on the other side I was like, uhhhhh. I get that it's Preacher and it's a crazy world, but that was just plain weird and a bit of an eye-rolling moment.

It hurts me to say that because Preacher is my favorite comic book of all time, and this is probably my favorite show of all time.

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Buck Rogers in the 25th Century: 1x16 A Blast for Buck

This was the most boringest episode of them all so far.

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Star Wars Resistance: 1x10 Station Theta Black

Definitely the best episode of the series so far. It's getting better.

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The Late Show with Stephen Colbert: 3x156 Natalie Portman/Marc Maron/Alt-J/Pusha T

Marc Maron is really annoying. Also, why are there so many rap guests on this show?

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Camp WWE: 1x04 Vince Is Just Not That Into You

Shout by Todd Fury

Weirdly overly gay themed episode. Not offensive or anything, just weird.

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Steins;Gate: 1x01 Turning Point

Pretty good so far! FYI, the Funimation website has English dubbed episodes for anyone who doesn't like reading subtitles.

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24: Legacy: 1x01 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Wow. I was expecting this to be really bad, but it's not. It "feels" like 24! If you're on the fence about watching this because Jack Bauer isn't in it, don't let that stop you. It's good!

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The IT Crowd: 2x01 The Work Outing

Best episode so far, haha!

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