Todd Fury



Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 7x01 The Bad Batch

Welcome back, Clone Wars! While the members of the Bad Batch kind of feel like they're ticking of a list of stereotypes, they are fun to watch. And this series always excelled with episodes focused on clones, they can provide some of the best stories. I particularly liked the tension between the "regs" and these guys.

Great tease about Echo being behind it all. It can be difficult to keep track of who's who with the clones, but members of the original Domino Squad did stick with me.

I can't believe how good the show looks now. The technology and artistry and experience involved has moved it up to a new level.

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@lefthandedguitarist Agreed. They really upped the visuals AND the audio in these episodes. Even the change to the end credits theme sounds awesome.

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Star Wars: Andor: 1x12 Rix Road

Reply by Todd Fury
BlockedParent2022-12-20T03:36:51Z— updated 2022-12-24T20:45:42Z

Expectations are a weird thing. I expected nothing from this show and got everything I wanted. And it's not over yet - it seems to have just started.

The build-up within this episode was seriously awesome. They were putting in all the pieces and you know at some point there'll be an explosion. And it came. The Maarva speech was so emotional, I was really about to start crying when all hell broke loose.

With all that it was easy to overlook the brilliant scheme by Mon Mothma, putting the spotlight on her husband. And seeing the self indulgent ISB patting themselves on the shoulders. Not understanding they've been had.

I'm still not sure what role Syril will play. So far I get the impression you could remove him and loose nothing. He's always there, yet doesn't really do much. In this episode again.

Oh, and the after credit scene - a nice bonus.

Really looking forward to season two and angry I have to wait for a year.

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@finfan I think this is part of the reason it's so good. We had zero expectations going in. I thought it was going to be some half-baked goofy shallow leadup to Rogue One, but this has really set the bar for a new kind of Star Wars. They tried a lot of new and different ideas that we don't normally see, and they did it perfectly.

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Preacher: 4x02 Last Supper

I enjoyed the first episode more. I'm also a little disappointed that we didn't get to see Jesse beat the shit out of Jesus DeSade. I don't suppose we'll see it as a flashback either as weird as that would be even though that would be the only way now.

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@legendaryfang56 I'm sure we will see it. I think the plane scene was just a flash forward. I don't think they are going to pass over such a crazy iconic character that quickly.

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It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia: 13x01 The Gang Makes Paddy's Great Again

dennis really is a bastard man and i've missed him
also y'all they had an orgy with the dennis doll.... wild. this ep was a lot

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@haljordan It's not a blowjob hole, it's supposed to be his mouth in mid-conversation!

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Ahsoka: 1x08 Part Eight: The Jedi, the Witch, and the Warlord

What type of BS is this. Zombies. Seriously Wtf. This series is plagued with weak ass script written by a bunch of woke teenagers.

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@whos_ur_buddha Look up the history of Dathomir and the Nightsisters. It's not random BS thrown in as a lazy writing tactic.

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Ahsoka: 1x08 Part Eight: The Jedi, the Witch, and the Warlord

Undeads in Star Wars?! People should die for this blasphemy!

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@webxorcist Undead and zombies have literally been in Star Wars since 1994.

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Star Wars: The Bad Batch: 2x02 Ruins of War (2)

It makes no sense to use stun if they are taking down ships and using tank weapons at the same time

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@caiomunarolo LOL yes, how silly! I was thinking for some reason they only had stun weapons and the story was using that as another odd against them. I think you're right though, I think they did have "regular" blasters also excluding the cannon that Wrecker rigged. I'm too lazy to watch it again though.

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Star Wars: The Bad Batch: 2x02 Ruins of War (2)

It makes no sense to use stun if they are taking down ships and using tank weapons at the same time

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@caiomunarolo I was thinking they only had guns that could use stun. Is this not the case, and they are using regular blasters and they have them set to stun only mode?!

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House of the Dragon: 1x02 The Rogue Prince

I'm in love with everything about this, but reusing the Game of Thrones title theme is some bullshit. Djawadi is perfectly capable of writing something new and exciting, or an alternate orchestration at the very least.

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@thoroughmas I think this will be the trend if they make a show after this also. I'm fine with it really as it just kind of sets the mood, especially for casual viewers who don't follow the books. At least they changed up the end credits theme.

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Star Wars: The Bad Batch: 1x06 Decommissioned

A great fun episode, and Omega continues to be endearing with her endless optimism. Also delighted to see Rafa and Trace back and maybe now people will finally start to see how great they are!

Interesting ending moment, my first thought was Ahsoka but I guess that wouldn't make that much sense... would it?

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@lefthandedguitarist I feel like she's coming...

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The Mandalorian: 2x06 Chapter 14: The Tragedy

Maybe it’s going to be an issue in the next episode, but Mando left his jet pack on the hillside, and never retrieved it. If he had, he would have been able to get to Grogu in time.

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@linrey I thought that was what Boba shot that exploded and killed the cluster of stormtroopers. Was it just a planted pack of explosives or something?

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Preacher: 4x07 Messiahs

Well, they butchered what happened to Jesse after he fell off the place in the desert. So Jesse died and got imprisoned in Hell instead of surviving and losing an eye, and his memory of how it happened; his fight with God? We already know he'll lose an eye because of the title sequence, but what difference does that make if they've already changed the scene in which it happened in the comics? At this point, I'll be genuinely surprised if he'll still lose his eye due to his fight against God.

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@legendaryfang56 They might still do that confrontation but in a different way. I'm disappointed also that they didn't play the desert scene out the way it was in the comics.

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Preacher: 4x05 Bleak City

Holy hell, this episode was boring. It wasn't necessarily bad, it's just that nothing worthwhile happened. The plot is barely moving forward, and nothing else is happening that makes the episode enjoyable. Not to mention, every step forward is dragged out for far too long. Eugene's character is pointless, serves no purpose, and is not interesting, whatsoever. And I don't care about the archangel and his beloved, who happens to be a demon.

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@legendaryfang56 I have to wonder though. Could they be the parents of Genesis?

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Star Wars Resistance: 1x20 No Escape (2)

[6.7/10] Underwhelming finale. Again, the only thing I really liked here is Tam’s choice, which is a little unexpected, but has meaning because it’s both a tough call and one that’s well motivated. Tam is turning her back on her friends, but those same friends also lied to her, and the First Order is offering her the chance to have her dream, something Yeager didn’t seem particularly energetic in delivering. It’s a hard thing to watch because Kaz and Yeager clearly care about her, but it’s understandable, which gives it some power.

That’s more than I can say for the rest of the episode. The good guys flushing stormtroopers out of airlocks is fine but not especially exciting. The dogfights and Kaz blowing up the red first order trooper from the first episode is generic and not particularly satisfying. And there’s a fair amount of the usual capering and sneaking around without anything to distinguish it.

Even the blast into outer space, which should be the highlight set piece, is surprisiingly languid. They try to include Big Damn Hero moments for Hype/Aunt Zi and Synara, but it feels shoehorned in. And the whole “who knows where we’re going?” thing feels like a cop out. Hell, Kaz seems barely moved by the fact that his family is dead.

Overall, this is a thud of an ending to a disappointing first season of this show. I’m a big fan of what the Star Wars team has accomplished on the animation side of things, but in its first season at least, Resistance lacked the stakes of The Clone Wars and the engaging character beats of Rebels. In season 1, it’s just another generic kids show, which feels like an insult to the powerful, even redemptive storytelling that Dave Filoni and company delivered before.

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@andrewbloom I was very excited to see Tam leaving with the First Order! Really hoping that they pull off something different and turn her into a bad guy!

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Star Wars Resistance: 1x19 No Escape (1)

[7.0/10] There’s a lot of filler in this one. I don’t know why, in the lead-up to the finale, we need to have Kaz getting in a scuba suit fight with some stormtroopers, or to see a ball droid vs. ball droid street fight. I guess it’s supposed to be fun, but the show’s animation is so stiff and stuttery that it’s hard to get into it. At least we get a lot of fun Neeku banter. (His bits about blowfish and being called “buddy” were positively Pinky-esque.)

The one part of this episode I found really interesting is Tam being coaxed and turned by Agent Tierny. While she’s obviously playing Tam, she’s using true things, like that Yeager kept things from her and put her in danger, that give Tam a right to be mad. The actress who voices Tam still feels a bit wooden to me, but there’s at least good character writing for how she’d be sympathetic to the First Order and disillusioned about her mentor.

The rest of this is mostly place-setting. Buggles helping Kaz get to Torra, and Neeku and the refugees discovering that the Colossus can fly feels much more like setup than anything necessary for this episode. The same goes for Yeager and Captain Doza getting tossed in the same cell.

That just leaves the direct tie in to The Force Awakens with Kaz witnessing Hux’s speech on Starkiller base, just before it blows up the Hosnian system (something captured with an external camera for some reason?) It should be a devastating moment for Kaz, but we’ve only seen his dad once, and the actor who voices the character doesn't have the abilities as a performer to make a moment like that land.

Overall, this is a fairly underwhelming lead into the finale, with more filler and setups than anything worthwhile outside of Tam’s experience, but maybe it’ll be worth it with the payoff in the next episode.

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@andrewbloom I haven't watched the final episode of Resistance yet so I don't know what happens, but it would be very cool if they had her leave with Tierney never to be heard from again and then have her show up somewhere in Episode 9 as a villain!

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Star Wars Resistance: 1x19 No Escape (1)

[7.0/10] There’s a lot of filler in this one. I don’t know why, in the lead-up to the finale, we need to have Kaz getting in a scuba suit fight with some stormtroopers, or to see a ball droid vs. ball droid street fight. I guess it’s supposed to be fun, but the show’s animation is so stiff and stuttery that it’s hard to get into it. At least we get a lot of fun Neeku banter. (His bits about blowfish and being called “buddy” were positively Pinky-esque.)

The one part of this episode I found really interesting is Tam being coaxed and turned by Agent Tierny. While she’s obviously playing Tam, she’s using true things, like that Yeager kept things from her and put her in danger, that give Tam a right to be mad. The actress who voices Tam still feels a bit wooden to me, but there’s at least good character writing for how she’d be sympathetic to the First Order and disillusioned about her mentor.

The rest of this is mostly place-setting. Buggles helping Kaz get to Torra, and Neeku and the refugees discovering that the Colossus can fly feels much more like setup than anything necessary for this episode. The same goes for Yeager and Captain Doza getting tossed in the same cell.

That just leaves the direct tie in to The Force Awakens with Kaz witnessing Hux’s speech on Starkiller base, just before it blows up the Hosnian system (something captured with an external camera for some reason?) It should be a devastating moment for Kaz, but we’ve only seen his dad once, and the actor who voices the character doesn't have the abilities as a performer to make a moment like that land.

Overall, this is a fairly underwhelming lead into the finale, with more filler and setups than anything worthwhile outside of Tam’s experience, but maybe it’ll be worth it with the payoff in the next episode.

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@andrewbloom While I know it won't happen, I would LOVE it if Tam actually joined The First Order and became some powerful evil character.

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Preacher: 3x05 The Coffin

Shout by MrBlonde


Now we're talking!
So much Tension!
So much Action!
So much happening!
So much fun!

This Music together with the fight Scene... Awesome!^^
Angelville has found his fucking groove!
And Gran'ma just looks now just the way she is supposed to be!

The Allfather has arrived!
He looks a bit fake, but how they film it helps and to their defence: In the Comics he is fucking huge!
So far, I like it. He is such a Evil guy!
Can't wait for them to go too far!

Humperdoo can dance. I don't know what's there to complain? XD

"I am one of the good guys, 'cause there's way too many of the bad."
Jesse is back in the coffin and with him:
John motherfucking Wayne! Finally!
God, that was so awesome! :D

Cassidy with a Vampire Dating App?!
Sure, why not?
Cassidy knows for sure how to take his pills.
What could possibly go wrong? XD

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@mrblonde Jesus tapdancing Christ, this was a good episode! I too was so happy to see Grandma look the way she is supposed to also!

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The Acolyte: 1x01 Lost / Found

I liked how there’s a character who ignores safety protocols while working on a fire burning in on a ship in space, and her name is OSHA.

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@danterner I thought that was pretty funny too.

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Ahsoka: 1x05 Part Five: Shadow Warrior

I don't understand why they'd do young Ahsoka and not have Ashley Eckstein as the voice. Even this version doesn't match the plucky Clone Wars version. Whole thing still feels like a fan film still to me. Love Filoni but this series been so underwhelming for me.

Massive Star Wars fan but honestly end up looking forward to the credits so I can put something else on.

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@aeronmelon We absolutely saw how weird old Indy's voice was in the young CGI scenes but I think they could have done a decent enough job processing Ashley's to where no one would notice except the hardcore nerds.

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Ahsoka: 1x01 Part One: Master and Apprentice

Why do robots need a cape? It’s not like they can get cold.

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@whos_ur_buddha They can't be cold but they definitely be cool.

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Banshee: 2x04 Bloodlines

This was just horrible... that Amish teacher should not be alive.

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@typongtv Pretty sure he isn't anymore!

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12 Monkeys: 3x03 Enemy

Deacon should absolutely be dead. Why can't they kill off characters in this show? Stop doing that! It's dumb! Every show that keeps characters alive too long and keeps ressurecting them like this looks dumb! Though what they're doing with his character isn't that bad.

And the time jackets are cool but OP as hell.

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@warden1 He's a good actor though. I'm glad he's still on the show.

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12 Monkeys: 2x05 Bodies of Water

I don't like the addition of more meta/jokey dialogue this season. Last season the humor was more subtle, but here it's sometimes awkwardly overt.

I often feel like the supporting characters are better than the main ones. Ramsay is a great character, and Jennifer is also a great character. Also, i ship Cole and Jennifer more than Cole and Cassy.

There's no way Deacon could have got out of that. I don't like him but he's growing on me.

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I don't like the addition of more meta/jokey dialogue this season. Last season the humor was more subtle, but here it's sometimes awkwardly overt.

Completely agree. It's too much. One or two lines per episode would be okay but it feels cringy. I kept rolling my eyes.

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Star Wars: The Bad Batch: 2x05 Entombed

I generally can't stand the voice of Wanda Sykes. But this proves that having a unique sounding voice doesn't replace an actually talented voice actor. Whenever she speaks it sounds like she's either reading from a microwave user manual or reading a bedtime story to her kids. It feels seperate from the rest of the cast. But that might just be me since I don't like her voice to begin with.

That said, these last two episodes really don't seem to drive forward the overall story. I'm just bored waiting for some actual development.

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@noxiuz I agree with this, but she seemed a little better than her voice in the last one. Hopefully she isn't the new Cid.

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Star Wars: The Bad Batch: 2x03 The Solitary Clone

As always the soundtrack of this show is out of this world. It really does wonders to the mood of the episodes.
I don't really know what's going on with Cody but I hope that he will reunite with Rex, becacuse I want those two to become friends again. And I also hope that they won't try to redeem Crosshair because I think he's beyond redemption at this point. Especially after this episode where he basically commited a war crime.

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@bence-55475357-947e-44d4-85e6-001de37fdc9e I hope so also. I want to see him get what he deserves and it's not redemption.

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Star Wars: Andor: 1x12 Rix Road

I usually do not watch TV episodes till after the credits roll but there is actually an after credits scene here that noone should miss!

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@mellowb Thanks so much!!!!! Almost missed it.

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Star Wars: Andor: 1x11 Daughter of Ferrix

Except one great space battle nothing happening. Andor is a collection of boring and really great episodes. So far each story arch has started with a quite boring episode and endet with a fantastic episode. Would be nice if we got all episodes of an arch at the same time - make less episodes but each episode about 2 hours. Or make the opening episodes less boring ...

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@ggfera Could not have possibly said it any better. That's exactly how I feel about this show and why I like it so much.

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House of the Dragon: 1x07 Driftmark

Was it Laenor at the last scene with no hair?
Great episode

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@shukibenj Yup, indeed it was!

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The Mandalorian: 2x08 Chapter 16: The Rescue

If I hadn't gotten spoilers about Luke Skywalker, the ending would have been a lot more crazy, but it still didn't take away the weight of it all. This arc is over, and I'm really excited for what they plan on doing with Mando and Boba Fett in the future.

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@jonthemantis That's why I go full media blackout regarding anything having to do with whatever I haven't watched yet.

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Game of Thrones: 8x01 Winterfell

Name a less iconic couple than Jon and Daenerys, I'll wait.
Their romantic storyline is purely fanservice (who asked for this, anyway?). Everything about them seems forced and their scenes are so cringey that it gives me actual physical pain to watch them. Teenagers write better fanfiction on the Internet every day. And to add insult to the injury, Kit and Emilia have the on-screen chemistry of two small rocks placed next to each other. Someone please make this stop.

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@carolinaoftarth Agreed, I rolled my eyes quite a few times in this episode. Painful!

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