Todd Fury



Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny

Personally, I don't understand all the hate around this final installment in the series. I thought this was a pretty good Indiana Jones movie, all in all, and I've watched them in the theater since they first came out (except this one).

Yes, the beginning has some de-aging and it's not great - but you get used to it pretty fast and I was seeing old Indiana Jones in no time. Yes Harrison Ford doesn't do his own stunts anymore but he's pretty old to be jumping horses through downtown New York. Lots of CGI in this one, but that's where we are today - you don't see hardly anything but CGI these days so why should this film be any different?

The story is pretty outlandish, but then again the first one that everyone loves had spirits jumping out of an mythical box so you have to suspend your disbelief if you want to watch shows like this.

If I were to rate this in the series as a whole:

#1: Raiders of the Lost Ark
#2: Last Crusade
#3: Dial of Destiny
#4: Temple of Doom
#5: Crystal Skull (mostly because Shia LaBouff sucked)

I get that some people, particularly with Temple of Doom, will disagree with my ranking but they are mine, not yours.

I went Into DoD with a ton of trepidation, all I heard was how bad it was in places like Trakt, but in reality it surpassed my expectations by a pretty large amount. They had a nice nod to all previous characters (except Brody, that was disappointing to me - I know the actor is dead but a mention would have been nice). I think this was a good final movie for Indie.

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@leewelch75 I agree also. I heard nothing but how bad and woke this was so I went in with very low expectations. I can't stand the new Star Wars sequels so I'm not a Disney fanboy, but honestly I don't get all the complaints about this movie. I thought it was great and felt like an authentic Indiana Jones movie to me. Just because it has a female lead doesn't automatically make it woke, and it made sense because it was part of the story. Strong female characters have always been part of Indiana Jones. This isn't a case of Rey Skywalker where she's just a badass with no explanation or reason at all. Helena's story and history makes sense. What am I missing?

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Solo: A Star Wars Story

World Premiere Review:

If I can sum up it up in one word, it's a giant "meh." I liked all of the new Star Wars up until this point, but this one was so forced. It didn't help that they had to reshoot more than half the movie with a different director, albeit with the great Ron Howard.

First problem, no one can fill Harrison Ford's shoes, it's impossible. The new characters are boring and forgettable. Still, Donald Glover just nails Lando...they should just do a Lando stand alone movie next time. Chewie is also awesome and funny as usual. I should also mention Malla is cannon now from the Christmas Special? Just speculating that's who he kisses with when he frees his people. Lumpy will probably show up in Solo 2. I saw George Lucas shift uncomfortably in the theater a couple seats over during that scene which was amusing. The story is just ok, it's a little slow and boring. At least the action sequences are fun.

Here's my biggest peeve: L3-37 is the most forced, obnoxious Star Wars character since Jar-Jar. I was so happy when this Social Justice Robot, who is supposed to be Lando's co-pilot, gets destroyed close to the end. This attempt to be "relevant to the times" sticks out like a sore thumb and the actress voicing it made me wince every time she spoke. Hopefully that's the last we hear or see of it.

Finally, Emilia Clarke's character has the depth of a sheet of cardboard. Worst of all though was the twist at the end where fucking Darth Maul shows up now post Episode 3. She is working with him and it was so cringey and shoe-horned in, I'm so tired of him not being dead. I tolerated it in the Clone Wars with spider-maul, but he just needs to go away.

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@dannyland I agree that it felt forced in the first 45 minute or so, but after that I started really liking it. I thought the end was pretty satisfying.

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Batman Begins

Wait.. there's a Batman movie before Dark Knight??

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@mr-sackamano There's like 100

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The Mortal Instruments: City of Ashes

1969? Are you serious guys?? LOL

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@lucinda33 This is the default year for something when they don't put in the right year, hehe

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