

Sofia, Bulgaria

Doctor Who: 12x01 Spyfall (1)

Well, that was fun! I liked season 11 well enough, but this was still a clear improvement. Had a great sense of fun, what with the spy nonsense, plus the alien mystery was interesting and unpredictable. A strong start to the new season.

I particularly liked the Doctor in a tux ("Name's Doctor. The Doctor.") and the unexpected appearance of the Master, although I wish the mysterious aliens were not simply one of his plots. Yeah, if the season keeps up this sense of fun, we're in for a cool ride.

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The Mandalorian: 1x07 Chapter 7: The Reckoning

A return to form after two lackluster episodes. This was easily on the level of the first three episodes of the season.

Not much I can say, except I'm now incredibly excited for the finale.

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The Mandalorian: 1x06 Chapter 6: The Prisoner
Rick and Morty: 4x04 Claw and Hoarder: Special Ricktim's Morty

This is the first R&M episode that did nothing for me. The humor felt tired and most of the jokes didn't land.

Not sure if it's just worse than it used to be, or it's just not as fresh to me as it was in seasons 1-2.

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Star Trek: Short Treks: 2x02 The Trouble with Edward

That's what a "Short Trek" should be: fun, fast-paced, and memorable. Enjoyed it a lot.

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Criminal: United Kingdom: 1x01 Edgar

I was intrigued by the concept of this show, but while the first episode wasn't atrocious, I'm gonna pass on the rest. The idea of the entire story being told in an interrogation room ends up limiting the dramatic possibilities way too much for my tastes. Think about it: there's no chance the person being interrogated is innocent, because then you have no episode. So we're left with guilty people, and the only tension we get is whether they'll confess or not, which we know will happen because otherwise the bad guys win.

And honestly, if this first episode is any illustration of the overall quality of the rest, I'm not interested. The episode is built as if they're racing against the clock and brilliantly lure Edgar into revealing a significant detail, but... the key detail is the patterns of the trunk mat on the victim's cast. A detail which they had from the get-go and for which they didn't need Edgar's admission to implicate him!

So yeah, no. Pass for me. Nice try, but the concept doesn't carry the show at all.

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Marvel's Jessica Jones: 3x02 AKA You're Welcome

A lot of people here seem to hate Trish... I don't, but I still hate this episode. The problem isn't that it's Trish-centric... It's that it's so goddamn boring and pointless. Pretty much everything we see here can be inferred from the first episode, or when it can't, it doesn't add anything at all to the story. There's no dramatic tension to it. NONE.

A 100% skippable episode. Incidentally, this is Krysten Ritter's directorial debut... Big oops there. Better luck next time!

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The Ministry of Time: 3x13 Between Two Times

For those wondering, YES, El Ministerio del Tiempo will return for a fourth season!

This was a great episode. Reminded me of some of Supernatural's most meta episodes. At the same time, I'm happy this isn't the series finale. Hope Amelia, Julian, Alonso and Pacino all make a comeback.

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The Ministry of Time: 2x03 Time of Noblemen

This episode was not as exciting to me as the previous two. The finale wasn't as emotional to me because it felt very derivative of the Doctor Who episode about Van Gogh, and not as well done.

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Humans: 3x08 Episode 8

Loved most of the season, hated the damn "You cannot abort that child because it is the future of both our races" clichéd ending.

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Humans: 3x06 Episode 6

Shout by Triseult

A brilliant yet deeply flawed episode that at once stands out from the rest of season 3 yet painfully underlies its flaws.

The scene where Mia speaks before the Commission is the best one I've seen in the entire series, and the way event unfolds during and after was a true turning point for the story. Tragic, complex, personal yet global.

Then Laura's choice... The sequence was over-engineered and unrealistic. Why didn't Laura say "These are both living human beings and I choose neither"? It was crystal-clear Anatole's purpose was to show to Stanley that humans plaved synth lives below theirs, and still Laura played right into his hands. A badly-written scene that's all the most frustrating that it has massive consequences for the rest of the story.

Such a frustrating, brilliant episode.

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Inside No. 9: 2x03 The Trial of Elizabeth Gadge

Shout by Triseult

Turns out the accused witch was really a witch... What a middling ending.

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Inside No. 9: 1x03 Tom & Gerri

A disappointment after two strong episodes.

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Black Mirror: 4x06 Black Museum

I know Black Mirror is all about grim futurism, but goddamn, that episode went hard at it. Too hard, in my opinion: instead of making us think about the perils and moral implications of technology, this episode was a weird horror vengeance porn with some really dark behavior that would never for one second be considered a good idea in the real world.

I mean, episodes like "White Christmas" had their existential horror, absolutely; but this just felt mean-spirited.

"USS Callister" was amazing and "Hang the DJ" was cute, but the rest of this season has been very disappointing.

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Counterpart: 1x07 The Sincerest Form of Flattery

I love the entire series, but this episode was just spectacular. I love this show.

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Black Mirror: 4x04 Hang the DJ

Lovely episode. I wasn't sure about it throughout, but the ending redeemed it all.

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Black Mirror: 4x03 Crocodile

Second season-four dud in a row for me. The story was clichéd and could have been told without the SF tech.

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Black Mirror: 4x02 Arkangel

Familiar story that didn't need scifi to be told. The ending was dumb, unsatisfying and over the top.

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