

Sofia, Bulgaria

Y: The Last Man: 1x01 The Day Before

It's a pretty good start, with decent dramatic writing and solid performances. The inciting event is dramatic and well-done enough. That being said, I don't think the unique setting had a chance to shine in this first episode yet. Still, this looks like they're gonna handle the source material with appropriate heft, so I'm quietly optimistic for it. Slow burn, but that's not necessarily a bad thing.

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Rick and Morty: 4x04 Claw and Hoarder: Special Ricktim's Morty

This is the first R&M episode that did nothing for me. The humor felt tired and most of the jokes didn't land.

Not sure if it's just worse than it used to be, or it's just not as fresh to me as it was in seasons 1-2.

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Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker

I watched episode 7 of the Mandalorian today, so "The Rise of Skywalker" isn't even the best Star Wars I've watched in the last 24 hours.

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Loki: 2x03 1893

As with Quantumania,Kang's appearance here does nothing to make the character more compelling. Majors is a great actor, but his performance here was just so weird and off-putting.

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My Name

The main actress and the actor playing the crime boss are really phenomenal and carry this show. That being said, this series' quality just went down and down from the very high point of the first episode. It went from a hard-hitting exploration of a grief-stricken woman on a path of vengeance, to a middling cop show, to bloody but very melodramatic soap opera with emotions turned to 11 and flashbacks every five minutes.

Also, while the music was fantastic in the first episode, by the time I had heard it 50 times I was very much done with it.

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Mythic Quest: 1x05 A Dark Quiet Death

If you watch just one episode of "Mythic Quest," make it this one. You don't even need to watch the pilot to understand it as it's 100% standalone. Just keep in mind the rest of the show is in a very different tone.

This particular episode is a heartfelt meditation on the power of a creative vision and how time threatens it. It's also really well acted and written. Funny, bittersweet, and surprising.

I gotta wonder if maybe this is the show the creators wanted to make from the get-go but had to compromise their vision until it became "Mythic Quest"...

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The Mandalorian: 1x08 Chapter 8: Redemption

No joke, this single episode is the best Star Wars I've seen since the throne room sequence in Return of the Jedi. I can't think of anything else that comes close except maybe the ending of Rogue One.

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John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum

Better action movie than Endgame. Fite me.

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Y: The Last Man

I don't know what it is exactly about this show, but it's just not compelling TV. I loved the comics (it's one of the best comic series ever), but whatever magic was there didn't translate to the screen despite the series sticking pretty close to the tone of the original material.

I watched 4 episodes and I'm just... bored. Agent 355 is interesting, but only marginally so. Yorick, while charming in the comics, is like a Shia Labeouf imitator who goes "No no no no no!" every three sentences. And so far, it's mostly just people walking from point A to point B through the woman-only post-apocalyptic landscape.

I'm chalking this one up to another proof that creating a faithful adaptation doesn't always mean you capture the magic of the source material. Read the comics instead!

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What If...?: 1x05 What If… Zombies!?

Ugh. After last week's excellent episode, this was a major step down and makes me reconsider following this series. The writing was atrocious, with every other character quipping at the worst of times. (Worst offender: Sharon Carter quipping "Blam" after blowing Happy's head off.) Not only that, but the third act turn hangs on a supremely illogical and shitty character decision.

This, to me, is an example of what happens when the MCU "formula" is handled by bad writers. You get this illogical mess that thinks it's way funnier than it is. Hope this is the low point of the series and not a sign of things to come.

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What If...?: 1x06 What If… Killmonger Rescued Tony Stark?

That was leagues ahead of the crappy zombie story last episode. The premise is intriguing, and the places the story go are fresh and unpredictable.

Unfortunately, the episode just kinda... ends. Like it ran out of time to tell its full story. Unless there's a second part coming that I missed?

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Star Wars: Andor: 1x11 Daughter of Ferrix

Me: "Andor is a Star Wars show where a lightsaber would feel out of place."

Andor writers: "LOL spaceship lightsabers."

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Bill & Ted Face the Music

This was... great?!? I thought it would be a cheap nostalgia grab, but I couldn't have been more wrong. A fun, often hilarious movie that shows a hell of a lot of heart and does justice to the movies before it. Great feel-good movie, and just what the world needs in 2020.

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That was... fine? Not amazing. Sure, the core message is cute and meaningful, but something about the execution leaves much to be desired. This is nowhere near the brilliance and depth of Coco, nor does it have anywhere near the emotional catharsis of Inside Out. Still better than most animation movies out there, clearly, but not one of Pixar's best.

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Okay, I'm out. The idea of showing us an alien invasion through multiple POVs around the world is fantastic, but they clearly didn't have enough material to fill a season, because all we get are tired character moments with little tidbits of alien action. To call it a "slow burn" is to overlook just how wet and slow things are. You'll find yourself wishing the aliens would kill the main cast already because there's no reason to watch otherwise.

It's too bad, because performances and cinematography are pretty good. But this show is an expensive nothingburger.

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What We Do in the Shadows: 3x04 The Casino

Season 3 has been great so far, but this episode was off the charts. There's so much going on here, so many little quotable moments and hilariously unforeseen turns of events, and every character gets their moment to shine.

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Marketing really dropped the ball on this one by letting everyone assume it was "Nicolas Cage as John Wick but with a pig." It's a smart, forlorn, reflective character piece about a broken man who deeply cares for something authentic in an empty world. I'd say this is Nicolas Cage's best performance since Adaptation, but honestly, this understated and quiet film blows everything he's done out of the water.

Do NOT go into this one expecting an action flick. This is a slow indie film with a relentless focus on its main character. The most unclassifiable movie I've seen in a long while, and one that stays with you long after the credits roll.

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Wonder Woman 1984

So the first Wonder Woman movie was a fluke and DC is back to making mediocre movies. Good to know.

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Rick and Morty: 4x07 Promortyus

I think this is the first episode where the high concept just didn't feel original or interesting. There have been boring episodes before (season 4 has been pretty weak so far), but this one just feels so skippable. Some nice jokes, but otherwise pretty flat.

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Loki: 1x05 Journey Into Mystery

I swear, this is the most bats--t insane comicbook thing the MCU has ever produced, and I LOVE it.

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Battlestar Galactica: 1x01 Part 1

I rewatched the miniseries in 2020 and HOLY HELL does it hold up. Blows nearly anything else from the last 17 years out of the water. Now, granted, the show did... falter later on, especially in later seasons, but the miniseries is an incredible achievement and hasn't aged at all in nearly two decades.

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Well, damn.The reviews for this were good, but even by keeping my expectations in check I still ended up disappointed.

It's really a kids' movie, and not a very good one at that. It's not, say, The Incredibles where you can indulge in the fantasy as an adult and stll enjoy it... It's the kind of kids' movie that condescends to its audience. The Wizard and the bad guys are just terrible, barely on the level of a Scooby-Doo villain, and the entire conflict at the heart of the movie makes no sense.

There's a bit of humor in having a teenager in an adult superhero body, but most of those jokes were shown in the trailer or don't amount to much more than predictable humor. Worst, there's no attempt at all by Levi to act as if he's Billy Batson in Shazam's body... The two characters may as well be completely different people. Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle this ain't.

A hard pass as far as I'm concerned.

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Free Guy

A killer concept with a very bland execution. Featuring Ryan Reynolds in the daring role of Ryan Reynolds.

What really hurts this movie is the way the real-world game concepts take second seat whenever the plot needs something to happen, and no amount of stupid Twitch streamer reaction shots can save the verisimilitude. There's also a really bland romance subplot shoehorned in that brings nothing to the story and is so blindingly obvious its resolution feels more like relief than payoff.

Also, those Disney "Easter eggs" were dinosaur-sized. Disney really, REALLY didn't want you to miss them.

That being said, Taika Waititi makes a really excellent Disney villain, even when his material kind of sucks.

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What If...?: 1x07 What If… Thor Were an Only Child?

"What if Thor had reality-bending dumbness powers?"

A failed attempt at humor and a complete waste of time. Special shout-out to this episode's Darcy for being the most painfully unfunny character in the history of the MCU.

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Devs: 1x03 Episode 3

Not as great as the first two episodes.

There just wasn't a lot of forward movement with characters and plot, and having Lily fake schizophrenia without the audience being clued in was a weird choice. I do like how they figured out that the flames were fake. It was obviously done in a rush, and it was not meant to be viewed repeatedly with the ability to pause, so I buy it.

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The best and worst of Hollywood, all in one package: bombastic, over-the-top action scenes, famous actors chewing scenery like it's going out of style, but very little heart and truth in the characters and dialogues. None of the characters are especially sympathetic, except perhaps Hector and Odysseus (played by an underused Sean Bean).

The movie claims to be "inspired by" the Ilad, but it should be noted that it plays fast and loose with the events of the Trojan War as chronicled by the Greek Epics, of which the Iliad is but a small part. It's loosely based on the Epics at best (for instance, the Trojan War was said to have lasted ten years, but here it goes by in the space of a week or two), and it makes no real effort to convey Bronze Age warfare with any accuracy.

This was also peak Brad Pitt, so we get to see his naked ass a few times for good measure.

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The Ministry of Time

I love this show! High production values, great acting, and the characters are really compelling and well developed. The show is very Spanish in that it references a lot of Spanish culture and history, so a lot of it went over my head, but the show was still super-enjoyable. Highly recommended.

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Julia is a comfy show, albeit not one with as much substance as it would like to claim. The portrayal of Julia feels a little hollow, as she's perpetually disarmingly charming and almost naïve in her pursuits. We never really get to know what makes her tick or what about her drove her to become a TV pioneer. There's also a tendency to put roadblocks in her way that are caricatural at best, and rely a lot on white men being assholes to women. They even did poor Paul dirty for a while, which is really sad considering how supportive and adoring the real-life Paul Child was of his wife.

Ah, but it kind of comes together in the end. And there are plenty of genuine, heartfelt moments that feel earned to make it a pleasant watch. The show kind of wore its welcome in the end, but it was short enough that I didn't mind too much.

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Tammy and the T-Rex

This may very well be the quintessential "so bad it's good" movie. It's over the top, cheesy, and filled with moments that will make you gape in disbelief. Plus, it's got a smoking-hot Denise Richards showing just how much she wanted a Hollywood career by giving the best performance she possibly could under the circumstances, and a young Paul Walker who quickly gets replaced by a robot dinosaur once a lion mauls him. It's also got stuff like a T-rex doing charades, so yeah.

Honestly, it's absolutely a B movie, but its plot moves at 100 mph and is never boring. I've watched recent Hollywood blockbusters that held my attention far less.

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The idea is cute: a boy of mixed Jewish/Muslim heritage reconciles the two sides of his family with food. Unfortunately, the story is very much paint-by-numbers, and the beats are ultra-predictable. The cultural conflict is also presented in a pretty patronizing way. Additionally, the entire movie rests on Abe's parents being extremely tone-deaf to the interests of their kid, and said kid unabashedly lying to them about going to work for an adult on the other side of town.

Noah Schnapp was pretty good, though, aside from the forced teenager lingo. #FellowKids

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