

Sofia, Bulgaria

My Name

The main actress and the actor playing the crime boss are really phenomenal and carry this show. That being said, this series' quality just went down and down from the very high point of the first episode. It went from a hard-hitting exploration of a grief-stricken woman on a path of vengeance, to a middling cop show, to bloody but very melodramatic soap opera with emotions turned to 11 and flashbacks every five minutes.

Also, while the music was fantastic in the first episode, by the time I had heard it 50 times I was very much done with it.

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Y: The Last Man

I don't know what it is exactly about this show, but it's just not compelling TV. I loved the comics (it's one of the best comic series ever), but whatever magic was there didn't translate to the screen despite the series sticking pretty close to the tone of the original material.

I watched 4 episodes and I'm just... bored. Agent 355 is interesting, but only marginally so. Yorick, while charming in the comics, is like a Shia Labeouf imitator who goes "No no no no no!" every three sentences. And so far, it's mostly just people walking from point A to point B through the woman-only post-apocalyptic landscape.

I'm chalking this one up to another proof that creating a faithful adaptation doesn't always mean you capture the magic of the source material. Read the comics instead!

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Okay, I'm out. The idea of showing us an alien invasion through multiple POVs around the world is fantastic, but they clearly didn't have enough material to fill a season, because all we get are tired character moments with little tidbits of alien action. To call it a "slow burn" is to overlook just how wet and slow things are. You'll find yourself wishing the aliens would kill the main cast already because there's no reason to watch otherwise.

It's too bad, because performances and cinematography are pretty good. But this show is an expensive nothingburger.

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The Ministry of Time

I love this show! High production values, great acting, and the characters are really compelling and well developed. The show is very Spanish in that it references a lot of Spanish culture and history, so a lot of it went over my head, but the show was still super-enjoyable. Highly recommended.

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Julia is a comfy show, albeit not one with as much substance as it would like to claim. The portrayal of Julia feels a little hollow, as she's perpetually disarmingly charming and almost naïve in her pursuits. We never really get to know what makes her tick or what about her drove her to become a TV pioneer. There's also a tendency to put roadblocks in her way that are caricatural at best, and rely a lot on white men being assholes to women. They even did poor Paul dirty for a while, which is really sad considering how supportive and adoring the real-life Paul Child was of his wife.

Ah, but it kind of comes together in the end. And there are plenty of genuine, heartfelt moments that feel earned to make it a pleasant watch. The show kind of wore its welcome in the end, but it was short enough that I didn't mind too much.

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Money Heist

Season one (the heist in the Spanish Royal Mint) is superb television. Tense, full of action and character drama, and exciting plot twists at every turn. Sure, it's sometimes over the top or unbelievable, but it never stops being fun, and all the characters are fantastic and flawed and crazy.

Season two is utter crap and shouldn't have been made.

Note on episodes: the episodes listed here on are for the original play order from Spanish TV. Netflix recut the episodes from season one and broke them down into two seasons or parts. The 15 episodes listed on constitute the first two parts available on Netflix, made up of 13+9 episodes. These two parts are sometimes called "seasons," too, just to add to the confusion.

In other words:

Season 1 (15 episodes) on = Seasons 1 (13 episodes) + 2 (9 episodes) on Netflix (aka parts 1+2)
Season 2 (16 episodes) on = Seasons 3 (8 episodes) + 4 (8 episodes) on Netflix (aka parts 3+4)

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Amazing show. I'm not a fan of rotoscope animation, but the writing and an amazing main character more than make up for it. Smart, meaningful, funny, poignant... A fantastical portrait of a mind unraveling. Highly recommended.

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Solar Opposites

If you've ever wondered what part of Rick and Morty is Roiland's and which is Harmond's, just watch this show. While it showcases Roiland's manic improv, it lacks the character introspection and pathos that made Rick and Morty a success.

Without Harmond's guidance, there's just not much to root for about the alien family. Typically some random shit happens, then things go from bad to worse because aliens. None of them are particularly likable. Some gags are fine but on the whole it all feels pretty skippable.

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Tales from the Loop

Rarely have I ever watched a show that has provoked such a lack of reaction on my part. It's the fat-free vanilla yogurt of SF TV. It's not poorly done, and the acting is okay, but there's nothing interesting to connect with.

Plus, the VFX is too clean, so it lacks the kind of pastoral, grounded yet whimsical quality that Stålenhag's amazing art evokes.

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Killing Eve

After watching season one, I can say this show is pretty great. I wish the show was more believable, but watching Eve at work, especially when she interacts with the bad guy, is really irresistible. Bit on the light side, but really fun, for sure.

I'm probably in the minority on this, but I enjoy the Villanelle scenes a lot less than I do Eve. She's just over-the-top psycho, and she's not even a decent assassin at that. If this were the real world, she'd get caught after one hit and no one at MI6 would break a sweat catching her. Although I admit, she's great to watch when she gets close to Eve.

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Fun little show that doesn't overstay its welcome. It started REALLY strong, but it meandered more as the seasons went on.

My major negative comment on this show is how Sharon and Rob experience conflict... I didn't expect the show to be all love and butterflies, but Sharon and Rob have a way to fight that's just mean and cringe-inducing. I think it's because, often, the conflict stems from them getting irrationally angry at each other and saying overly mean things. The result is that the two mean characters act shitty to each other for a while, severely diminishing the fun of the series. Also, as the show progresses, Sharon gets more and more self-centered and cringey, which I did not enjoy.

Other than that, though, it's a hilarious good time. Carrie Fisher in particular is just great whenever she's on screen.

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Battlestar Galactica: Blood & Chrome

I rewatched this in 2020 as I gear up for a BSG rewatch, and I gotta say, it held up nicely. It's not groundbreaking in any sense, and I wouldn't call it essential viewing for BSG fans... But it's a nice SF action adventure with some cool moments. Not as good as BSG itself, but it doesn't diminish anything about BSG, contrary to Caprica...

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I've rewatched this series 10 years after it aired, and boy did it not age well.

It's just a bunch of nothing happening to uninteresting characters and it goes on and on and on... Nothing happens for entire episodes, only for movement to take place in the last 10 seconds to set up the next episode. There's also a LOT of plot happening with religious factions fighting each other and I... don't... care...

I like some of the characters: Zoe is great, and I like Joseph Adama and Daniel Gladstone. The rest of the characters tend to be mired by boring plots that really don't move the story towards any kind of satisfying resolution.

Someone should re-edit the whole thing into a 2-hour movie and it would probably be fine. As it is, it's 100% skippable even if you're invested in the BSG universe.

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Started with good momentum right out of the station, but by episode 4 it just started to go off the rails. The initial episodes were okay, with some intriguing potential, but flat, predictable writing means that promise was never realized.

If you've seen the movie, there's really no reason to watch this show.

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Not great, not terrible.

The premise isn't bad, but comparisons to The Good Place are hard to avoid and not to the advantage of this show. The technology often makes no sense, which detracts from the drama, and the story gets bogged down by a pointless murder mystery. That being said, Andy Allo in the role of Nora oozes charm; she definitely carries the show on her shoulders, because her co-star is pretty forgettable.

Worth a quick binge, but I'm not sure I'm gonna stick around for a second season.

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