

Sofia, Bulgaria

Norsemen: Season 2

Shout by Triseult

After a compelling first season, season 2 offers more of the same. Except now there's a lot more weird homophobia with Orm and a whole lot of handjob jokes. But the season's biggest sin might be that it just feels like more of the same. The beats feel pretty much the same until the last two episodes where things heat up a bit.

Another weird thing the show does is its incapacity to kill any character. Even the guy Arvid kills in the first episode of the series kind of comes back as a twin. The sad exception to this rule is Frøya... I'm guessing the actress decided she had enough, because damn, she was the best thing about this show by far.

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Black Mirror: Season 4

Overall, the weakest season of "Black Mirror" so far. "USS Callister" is awesome and "Hang the DJ" has its moments, but the rest is pretty forgettable. The last episode, "Black Museum," is just downright mean-spirited.

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Money Heist: Season 2

Season 2 of Casa de papel is a textbook example of what happens when a show gets too popular for its own good. Gone is the careful balancing act of season 1, where we empathized with both the robbers and the hostages; instead, the robbers are now international superstars who are taking the fight to The Man.

The writing has taken a nosedive, and the show now feels like poor fanfiction. Just watch season 1 and leave it at that. You'll be better for it.

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