

Omicron Persei 8

Warehouse 13

This is the third time or so I've watched WH13. Generally a fun show. 'Pete' throws out some funny one liners and there's a range of great guest stars.

I don't really recommend binge watching the show because you'll notice the inordinate amount of crazy annoying times 'Myka' says Pete's name. I mean enough that you expel an 'Urrrrgh' out loud, and not just 'Pete' but 'Peeeeeeete'.

Also the show introduced a gay character but it was done well and tasteful. His preference isn't the focus, and the character isn't an obnoxious extrovert that just makes you want to turn off. A lot of newer shows could learn much from the way WH13 did it without pissing people off by pushing an overt Agenda.

Just grab some popcorn and have some fun watching Warehouse 13.

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Barry: 4x08 wow

This has to be the best, most perfect of finale's to a show as dark and as humorous as this that I've had the pleasure to watch. It didn't beat around the bush. Each beat had a purpose. Then how can the hands grenade not get a mention. Most rightly so... WOW!

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Silo: 1x05 The Janitor's Boy

Definitely a slow burn. First two eps were more engaging, no doubt to capture an audience and now it is slowly cooking along.

Some good actors in this show. Hoping the attrition rate will slow. So far so good, if the sci fi distopia genre is of interest to you.

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Superman & Lois: 3x08 Guess Who's Coming to Dinner

I couldn't get through the first 15min.
Such a shame Superman and Lois turned into Days of Our Lives. Up, Up, and Away...

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I haven't read the books. I don't know much about this series at all other than its a scifi. I like most scifi so long as the story is well told, acted okay, and generally not get too ridiculously stupid. The mystery is (over the first two episodes) well paced and it's giving us just the right amount of hooks to keep us going.

My question is why do they go out in protective suits? My first thought would be to provide a nice cocktail of hallucinogens and poison, but that's too obvious and predictable.

Then of course the are other major questions that arise like obtaining raw resources, but I guess things like that may get answered as we go along. But I guess Gilligan's Island went for quite a while without answering some major sticking points... but that's another story.

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I'm so glad Futurama is revived (rivalling cats lives)! Bring it on! Such a great scifi comedy.

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Superman & Lois: 3x07 Forever and Always

A family / enemy / love / friends / whatever else triangle... Seriously? They tried to make it less predictable seeing these are the only people on the planet I guess it makes it hard to not get into this tangle.

I might just forget this season and come back for Season 4 if there is such a thing coming.

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Star Wars: Andor

After watching the first 2.5 episodes after it was released and got bored from watching it I returned to e if it got better... And it did!

I just finished the season and I must say it's a darker more along the lines of 'The Expanse' style of Star Wars focusing on a very small portion of that world.

I'm glad I took the time and energy to come back to Andor. I'm now looking forward to season 2!

If you tried watching Andor to begin with push through the first 2-3 episodes and you will be surprised by this storyline. it clearly has No Kathleen Kennedy fingerprints on it.

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Superman & Lois: 3x06 Of Sound Mind

Look, I get the cancer awareness 'thing' and all the family issues going on and the kid being ignored because everyone else being busy.

Maybe they should change the name of this show to 'Family Issues' costarring Superman.

Then we have Bizzaro Superman being regurgitated again. The level is being raised on one end and the show is slipping into a hole. Not sure how much more I can keep myself awake for. I'm not oblivious to cancer or people dying around me. It's part of life.

And when what you enjoy is no longer doing it, why hang around. Life is short and time valuable. We are here to be entertained. Cancer awareness should be found in a documentary.

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The Ark: 1x12 Everybody Wins

So glad this season is done. I couldn't even watch longer than the first 7min. And because I can't watch it because it is that mind numbing I won't even rate this episode. The season is Done and I'm done with this garbage. Have fun with season two, the five of you watching.

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The Ark: 1x11 The Last Thing You Ever Do

How low can this show go? This has to be just for kids 7-12yr olds. It hurts my head watching this believing there will be some actual acting going on and story.

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The Ark: 1x09 The Painful Way

This is the most appropriately named episode... The Painful Way. The way this episode is acted, directed and written was probably the most painful in this garbage show to date. Terrible 2/10

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The Ark: 1x08 Every Single Person Matters

Wow... I didn't realise how ghastly a show can be. Don't waste your precious time on this... It's gawdaweful.

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The Ark

I've forced myself to watch this first season and the last two episodes are yet to come.

Firstly I want to ask WTF happened to this show? With Devlin and Glasser at the helm (Devlin brought us the Stargate movie, and Glasser, Stargate SG1) I kinda expected a far better show than this pile of stinky crap.

There is far too much criticize about this show but I can summarise it with a 3/10.

It's appalling to put it kindly.

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The Ark: 1x03 Get Out and Push

This is so bad... I had high hopes, and that was a mistake. I'm done.

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NCIS: 20x10 Too Many Cooks (I)

It's come down to doing a triple cross over episode... Only points to how bad the show has become to try to keep interest in it.

It used to be a go-to show for me to watch, but since Mark Harmon's departure this show has gone downhill so very fast.

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Well this was a Fun Surprise! Started watching the first ep and was so hooked I watched the whole season.

Great cast, wickedly funny and quality writing. Loved the way they incorporated the finger clicking and 'Thing' is so friggin Cool! Other family members are great too.

Has a kind of Buffy flavour to it. If you liked the Addams Family, dig dark humour, just good shows that are off tilt then get... start watching Wednesday! Solid 8.5!

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The Walking Dead: 11x24 Rest in Peace

You know those long drives when you were young and at the beginning you were excited for the adventure... But after a long while the inevitable comes out of your mouth; ARE WE THERE YET??

We finally made it. It was a good adventure when it first began but the journey became too damn tedious and boring especially the last few seasons.

Thank you for the ride.

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The Peripheral

Our little girl Chloë Grace Moretz is all grown up from the 'Kick Ass' days but she's still kicking ass in this scifi series and she's playing the part well. As with all the primary cast kudos to the casting crew.

The Peripheral is a mix of real-time and 'virtual time' and without giving anything away it isn't hard to (not like WestWorld became), follow.

The other characters have good backstories, and as I'm writing this with ep6 under my belt, there is a lot to keep you interested not just the main Flynne (Chloë) thread.

If you like sci-fi with an original story plot with hints drawing from the likes of 'Matrix', 'Ready Player One', 'Free Guy' and 'Westworld' then you need to give 'The Peripheral' a look. I'm quite impressed as it's tight, SFX are good and the story is coming along very nicely.

The only thing I found distracting is the lack of Flynne wearing a pendant (when you watch it you'll understand). it's got my solid 8 to 8.5

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Shout by tropolite
BlockedParent2022-11-19T15:11:59Z— updated 2022-11-21T23:16:55Z

Very enjoyable indeed. Binged the lot and it was a blast.

You need to like mystery, sci-fi, subtitles (heavily used as there are migrants going to America) and having said that you need to be engaged continually to keep up.

There were a couple things that griped me, but it's more personal. I'm getting quite frustrated by the lead actor (not only in this show but others too), that has a husky voice and on top of that she is a quiet talker and whispers 90% of the time making it very hard to hear her especially the way these shows are mixed, always seems to have higher than normal background noise or music. It isn't all the women actors. Just damn annoying.

Then there are the predictables. But all in all the season engaged me, the actors held my attention.
The beetle... interesting. My overall rating for this season would be 8.5/10

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1899: 1x01 The Ship

Well, just like 'Dark', the creators of both series, '1899' has its running shoes on from the opening credits. There is already enough mystery and interesting characters introduced to make your taste buds salivate for more, and it's only episode 1.

Be prepared for a plethora of subtitles as the ship they are on is a ship of migrants from various countries. But if you like quality shows you wouldn't be adverse to subtitles at all.

Overall, as episode 1 of a new series is concerned you wouldn't be wasting your time checking this new series out if you like science fiction, mysteries, and interesting characters.

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The Walking Dead: 11x23 Family

We are finally on the eve of the finale.
They aren't going to pull a part 1 and a part 2 on the finale are they? I wouldn't be surprised.

A very predictable episode and some of the interactions were, a low pass at best. Sneak, sneak, yell?
Well only one more episode to go, hopefully.
Will we get an appearance by you know who or you know who 2?

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The Peripheral: 1x03 Haptic Drift

I'm enjoying this show. The cast are good, they are well suited to the rules they're in. Chloë is a good watch, she's really growing as an actor. 'Burton' nailing it. All of them are.

The sci-fi is a great mix and isn't as, let's say, as 'ethereal' as WestWorld so with Jonathan Nolan as part of the creative team in this case it's a good thing. Give the show these first three episodes and if you are fan of sci-fi in the realm of Matrix, Westworld, with hints of other good sci-fi I'm sure you'll find this entertaining and with giving it at least a whirl.

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The Walking Dead: 11x21 Outpost 22

Unfortunately more exposition where we needed expiation. I'm all for character development but we've had most these characters for years and others quite frankly should've found a nice zombie being invited over for dinner many episodes ago.

Couple things have continued to confound me... Why hasn't the fuel gone stale after all these years, it doesn't last forever. And where the hell they get these brands new Jeeps n bikes?

And of all the dumbest questions ever asked why do people asking where the train is going? You Know where it's going and where it has gone! There's bloody tracks! Just follow.. The tracks.

Sometimes you have to wonder who are these writers' audience, people with brains, or people that use to have brains, now they just eat 'em.

If we don't have the (what I expect as the) pay off in these last few episodes (3 to go) I'm gonna go Zombie on people myself.

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The Peripheral: 1x02 Empathy Bonus

It had me totally intrigued and immersed in this story already.
The ensemble is well put together, the writing is good, giving us enough reveal and mystery, while keeping the time frame depicted as realistic.

See Amazon, you Can put something together that can draw interest and keep an audience. It doesn't have to cost a Billion either. I may have wrote out loud what I was thinking. Ohh well.

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The Peripheral: 1x01 Pilot

Set several years in the future this sci fi has a somewhat unique story that can go all sorts of directions. This has got me intrigued so far. Interesting cast, interesting characters. So far the story is humming along quite well and I'm looking forward to following episodes.

This has my interest far more easily than another recent Amazon series of recent times. Worth checking it out.

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The Walking Dead: 11x20 What's Been Lost

We are witnessing a show that is being bled dry.

The early scene of Daryl being pinned was so lame all to show he is vulnerable to danger even though we've seen far more dangerous moments Daryl easily deals with in the past.

Then the writers are clearly drawing out the final shows as their writing has become far too predictable.

Let's hope the finale of the last two to three episodes make use of the last handful and not serve us more fillers till the very last episode.

Not saying I haven't appreciated the many seasons of great performances, thrilling conflicts, and monsterous humans, and of course the zombies. It is just wearing very thin in this last season with it broken down in so many release parts etc.

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House of the Dragon: 1x09 The Green Council

One of those episodes that may fool the watcher to think nothing much happened. And yet much was said without words... those wonderful complex pivots of intrigue that an episode will be looked back upon.

Viserys the King of peace is dead.
The White Worm begins her role.
Ser Larys expands his role ... feet ahead of what we first thought.
The dagger will play its part in time to come.
The King the Conquerer, an omen of what is to come?

I love the writing for this show as it refuses to simplify and explain using verbal dialog every nuance, every action to an audience focused and invested on this story.

I'm disappointed the finale for this season is nearly upon us, yet I'm impatient for it to arrive. Solid 8/10.

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NCIS: 20x04 Leave No Trace

Sadly this show is in free fall. It's been falling for the last couple seasons but this season it's thrown in to top gear and pushed the pedal to the metal. No Gibbs, no Abby (yep, still miss Abby big time). I've been with the team from the very beginning, and loved coming home to watch the show.

Now, it's become a chore. Jeeze, it's been 20 seasons... I doubt I can make it half way through this season. I could only give this ep a rating of 4.

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