

Omicron Persei 8

The UnXplained

Catch up whoever hosts this site... The UnXplained have been running season 3 episodes for the last 6 weeks...

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Project Blue Book

Extremely disappointed this show was cancelled! Are you kidding? Had some good actors interesting writing with some elements of historical truth as the basis.

One of the very few shows I was looking forward to every week. Aside from the panic of a basic bug going around reducing the content that is available to us this was a gem shining from the pile of manure we are forced to rummage through.

Not happy with the History channel, not happy at all.

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It's June 2024.
This is the first time I decided to re-watch this show for years.
I must say bingeing this show and knowing the outcome rather than being caught up trying to figure out what's going on, you can really concentrate on the incredible story lines and the intricate and detailed story jumps, the stories within the story.

I'm deep into season 5 and LOST just keeps getting better and the characters continue to evolve and become more interesting. Either find a friend who has this series on Bluray or find it streaming somewhere, but this is THE show to binge if ever you're going to.

Great show to get immersed in!

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Nah... Keep it to being Ended. Don't do a season's not worth it. It's just crap and has nothing of interest here.

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The Fall of the House of Usher

I tuned into this one coz I've had a long time crush on Carla Gugino since Spin City, Sin City and Night at the Museum among others, as well as Mary McDonnell and Mark Hamill.

But sadly even with these and other excellent actors I couldn't stay connected to the story. It looks like it's only a one season show I guess I'm not going to miss much.

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Okay, I'm late to the show and just finished watching season 1.

I can just imagine the pitch for this show and this is how it would've gone...
'So there's a group of people we just drop in on and this community is caught up in a hole of a town they can't get out of. Then weird stuff happens'.
'Like what?'
'Have you seen Lost? Stuff like that, you know weird ass sh*t'.
'But that's already been done'.
'Yeah, but it's different... Ooooh, and it has Vampires!'
'Okay, and then you have those that talk to and see the dead, with some Alice in Wonderland sh*t going on too.'
'Right... so what keeps the audience coming back?'
'Well obviously those that die come back in memory scenes.'
'Then there's trees, strange trees.'
'And you got some Melrose Place sh*t goin' on too.'

You get the idea, I hope.

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Warehouse 13

This is the third time or so I've watched WH13. Generally a fun show. 'Pete' throws out some funny one liners and there's a range of great guest stars.

I don't really recommend binge watching the show because you'll notice the inordinate amount of crazy annoying times 'Myka' says Pete's name. I mean enough that you expel an 'Urrrrgh' out loud, and not just 'Pete' but 'Peeeeeeete'.

Also the show introduced a gay character but it was done well and tasteful. His preference isn't the focus, and the character isn't an obnoxious extrovert that just makes you want to turn off. A lot of newer shows could learn much from the way WH13 did it without pissing people off by pushing an overt Agenda.

Just grab some popcorn and have some fun watching Warehouse 13.

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I haven't read the books. I don't know much about this series at all other than its a scifi. I like most scifi so long as the story is well told, acted okay, and generally not get too ridiculously stupid. The mystery is (over the first two episodes) well paced and it's giving us just the right amount of hooks to keep us going.

My question is why do they go out in protective suits? My first thought would be to provide a nice cocktail of hallucinogens and poison, but that's too obvious and predictable.

Then of course the are other major questions that arise like obtaining raw resources, but I guess things like that may get answered as we go along. But I guess Gilligan's Island went for quite a while without answering some major sticking points... but that's another story.

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I'm so glad Futurama is revived (rivalling cats lives)! Bring it on! Such a great scifi comedy.

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Star Wars: Andor

After watching the first 2.5 episodes after it was released and got bored from watching it I returned to e if it got better... And it did!

I just finished the season and I must say it's a darker more along the lines of 'The Expanse' style of Star Wars focusing on a very small portion of that world.

I'm glad I took the time and energy to come back to Andor. I'm now looking forward to season 2!

If you tried watching Andor to begin with push through the first 2-3 episodes and you will be surprised by this storyline. it clearly has No Kathleen Kennedy fingerprints on it.

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The Ark

I've forced myself to watch this first season and the last two episodes are yet to come.

Firstly I want to ask WTF happened to this show? With Devlin and Glasser at the helm (Devlin brought us the Stargate movie, and Glasser, Stargate SG1) I kinda expected a far better show than this pile of stinky crap.

There is far too much criticize about this show but I can summarise it with a 3/10.

It's appalling to put it kindly.

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Well this was a Fun Surprise! Started watching the first ep and was so hooked I watched the whole season.

Great cast, wickedly funny and quality writing. Loved the way they incorporated the finger clicking and 'Thing' is so friggin Cool! Other family members are great too.

Has a kind of Buffy flavour to it. If you liked the Addams Family, dig dark humour, just good shows that are off tilt then get... start watching Wednesday! Solid 8.5!

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The Peripheral

Our little girl Chloë Grace Moretz is all grown up from the 'Kick Ass' days but she's still kicking ass in this scifi series and she's playing the part well. As with all the primary cast kudos to the casting crew.

The Peripheral is a mix of real-time and 'virtual time' and without giving anything away it isn't hard to (not like WestWorld became), follow.

The other characters have good backstories, and as I'm writing this with ep6 under my belt, there is a lot to keep you interested not just the main Flynne (Chloë) thread.

If you like sci-fi with an original story plot with hints drawing from the likes of 'Matrix', 'Ready Player One', 'Free Guy' and 'Westworld' then you need to give 'The Peripheral' a look. I'm quite impressed as it's tight, SFX are good and the story is coming along very nicely.

The only thing I found distracting is the lack of Flynne wearing a pendant (when you watch it you'll understand). it's got my solid 8 to 8.5

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Shout by tropolite
BlockedParent2022-11-19T15:11:59Z— updated 2022-11-21T23:16:55Z

Very enjoyable indeed. Binged the lot and it was a blast.

You need to like mystery, sci-fi, subtitles (heavily used as there are migrants going to America) and having said that you need to be engaged continually to keep up.

There were a couple things that griped me, but it's more personal. I'm getting quite frustrated by the lead actor (not only in this show but others too), that has a husky voice and on top of that she is a quiet talker and whispers 90% of the time making it very hard to hear her especially the way these shows are mixed, always seems to have higher than normal background noise or music. It isn't all the women actors. Just damn annoying.

Then there are the predictables. But all in all the season engaged me, the actors held my attention.
The beetle... interesting. My overall rating for this season would be 8.5/10

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The start of season 20 along with the end of 19 is going down hill fast. Probably best to bow out gracefully now and wind this up while it's still reasonably watched.

Season 20 should be the last and even make it a 13 episode season.

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The Putin Interviews

This is a very candid group of interviews that I really don't foresee any other President or Prime Minister of other countries doing to this extent.

There was little that wasn't discussed. There was obviously sensitive parts of a conversation that Putin chose not to speak of and those were so as not to embarrass his counterparts.

I've seen many of his speeches and interviews over the time and I have to say President Putin presents himself honestly as he does in these interviews. He has a very good sense of humour too.

I encourage anyone that has a 'media outlook' on Me Putin to watch these interviews and make up your own mind about this man. He clearly loves his country and her people. It it's also good to listen now, as numerous 'truths' people have presumed to be correct, then get further details from Putin himself only solidifies what independent journalists have said all along and that contradicts the main stream media versions of the same subjects.

If you have any interest of world events and politics this is a must watch miniseries.

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I've just finished watching this show.
It's June 2022 and if you can't see how crazy 'coincidental' this series is to the last 2.5yrs and going to reality, you really aren't paying attention.

Everything from the flag colours having some issues (running all the way through this series), a 'flu' virus or the fear of the threat of one, global injections, and if you've kept up with that you would know of the danger of the shots themselves, depopulation, infertilisation, and if that doesn't make you think twice or three times, later in season 2 they bring up fertilizer reductions, wheat shortages, and increase in China tensions... after all that you have to wonder did the creator of this series have a vision of 9yrs in the future??
If you didn't see this, where have you been for the last 2.5yrs!

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Finished watching Reacher this week.
Finally a show with depth, some dry wit that punches you in the side when you're not expecting it and some moments that are quite touching, again when you least expect it.
Reacher, the character is good example of this series... it's not a character with a well crafted sponge costume on, it is a character that you get what you see, brawn, a unit that can crash through obstacles to crush his target.
If you like action, disappointed with flimsy stories and characters and are completely over current trends... Welcome to your new favourite show!

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The Walking Dead: World Beyond

Okay, I'm going to get to the point... This show sucks!!
How can a show start this bad, and continue!
I was rooting for the zombies kill of this 4 pack and the two lagging behind.
And more surprising there's a season 2.
Just don't bother... I'm pretty sure it was watching this show in the first place that created the zombies.
1/10 for tyre fire.

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Elementary has its moments and has a fairly good balance of comedy, drama and interesting moments.
Holmes and Watson take their time to become bonded but they do.

There are some glaring errors at times in the writing. One example is on a case they determined the shooting (that we saw) was fired from 'a semi automatic MP5'.
But the firearm was full auto. There are others but I won't add them here.

Overall it's an enjoyable watch. It is a show that I looked forward to weekly and recently I've been enjoying the second revisit to the show. There are good story lines and quite the cast to put some extra oomph in the series. There's also an interesting long story arc that eventually presents themselves.

Overall a good watch if you're into Whodunits dramadies.

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The Watch

I've watched this all the way through. I've watched all the other Discworld mini series / shows that have been released to date and The Watch is the most disappointing. Just because they name a show to cash in on the popularity of a classic, funny, series of books by a true creative artist, Sir Terry Pratchett, doesn't mean it will instantly gain the same level of praise when the show really just gets hijacked by identity politics, bad acting, bad scripts by activists and not talented screenplay writers. Comedy is all about timing timing timing and this has all the timing of an abacus. If this continues to be the way of television entertainment, there's no point continuing with this lifetime hobby and passion. May as well paint or program apps instead.

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The Blacklist

At the end of season 8 with season 9 green lit I wanted to share without spoilers my honest take on the show in general. I've had Blacklist as my go to show when airing. It's been 8 seasons so there has been some real clangers and some episodes that could be termed snooze fests. But over all the show is intriguing and very watchable with James Spader being brilliant with the other cast members having their excellent moments also. The have been some epic, spiking a touchdown, knockout in the first round, exceptional episodes that I wouldn't be able to do justice to with just words. Some excellent writing! One of the most touching and unforgettable episodes paying tribute to Clark Middleton's character Glen Carter "Jellybean". Simply outstanding! This has to be The Best farewells to a loved character and cast member that I can say ice seen in any show (And I've seen a Lot of shows). The Blacklist is good viewing in my humble opinion.

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The Blacklist

Yeah! Great wind up of Season 8. What's better is The Blacklist is green lit for Season 9. Now the only trouble is waiting for Season 9 to be run.

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Superman & Lois

This is a quick review of the eps since the return of the show after the impromptu bug pause. The show is kicking it out of the park, seriously! Some were thinking the show would lose its direction on but I'm very happy to say it seems more like there is a better focus on the characters. There's some seriously great acting by 'Lois' in ep08.

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Resident Alien
The Nevers

I've watched the four episodes available so far and even though Joss Whedon is steering this (I hope he treats the actors better in this than his other projects), and at first I thought uh-oh more woke dribble, but I always give new shows four episodes before I come to a conclusion whether to keep watching or not. I must say it 'may' come across as Woke, but it is set in a women's orphanage and the premise was only women were Touched (but later reveals suggest not). There are some really good sfx and unique moments along with shock moments. Overall there is some solid acting (and some not), and the writing isn't bad. My suggestion, watch the first four episodes before deciding on whether to delete a show from your list. Give it a shot. I'll continue to watch this season to completion before making my mind up.

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