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The Stranger

the scripted shows coming from Quibi have been good, but i hate the mobile only short "bite size" format that is forced. if you can get past that, this series is worth a watch

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Blood Drive

this. was. fun. cheese!

loved it

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Shout by T-TOWN
BlockedParent2023-10-30T17:25:00Z— updated 2023-11-27T21:04:08Z

i think this show was ahead of it's time. watching this in 2023, i couldnt stop laughing.

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depressing trudge from start to finish

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Trixie & Katya Save the World

definitely not as good/funny as UNHhhh

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Lady Dynamite: Season 1

wtf did i just watch?!?! weird show, but gets better as the season progresses

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Werq the World

it was a fun easy watch, but there were alot of reused video to pad the runtime - this could easily have been just a full length documentary movie with chapters for each performer w/ wraparound material to bring everything together, instead of the individual episodes.

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The Expecting

Shout by T-TOWN
BlockedParent2020-12-02T23:08:03Z— updated 2021-01-07T16:25:11Z

the pieces were all there for a decent "show" (loosely used as all quibi shows feel more like a movie edited to 10 minutes or less quick bites to force fit an annoying streaming format) and the actors were talented, but the story unnecessarily dragged to an non-ending that was easily expected and unsatisfying.

plot/story is in the same vein as Rosemary's Baby

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Dahmer - Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story

this show is definitely a slow burn, but Evan Peters makes it worth your wild with his amazing acting as Dahmer; the entire story is heartbreaking and terrifying.

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American Horror Story: Season 10

imo - two half baked scripts mashed together into a "double feature" of weak conclusions. the acting in the 2021 alien segments were abysmal for the most part. episodes 1-5 of ptown vampires and the Eisenhower alien segments in the second half were the most watchable/enjoyable.

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this show is so well done, it's very disappointing it was cancelled, as i would have loved to have followed other true stories in this format and quality.

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Cobra Kai

i am not a fan of the movie(s), but this show was an excellent freshmen season. worth a watch for both nostalgic fans and people looking for solid entertainment.

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The Other Black Girl

i know black + girl is going to piss some people off, but this show is really solid and worth a watch

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feels like something that would end up on Freeform or cancelled by Fox within the first season. likeable actors written as overly stupid characters that just happen to be tripping over and into success with each 5 minute episode. it's not terrible, but it's not very funny either. luckily, the show is only about 60 minutes in total, as i probably would not return after the premiere/pilot of this show with a normal network runtime.

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it's watchable, but not rewatchable.

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When the Streetlights Go On

some shows can thrive in short format "bites", but this is a prime example of one (of many) completely hindered by the experience. this felt rushed, the reveal was unearned and just left me frustrated on the way this was executed overall.

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The Returned

i haven't watched the original, but the US version was average, slightly dull/slow, at times, but i binged the entire season in two days, was very disappointed it ended on a cliffhanger, when it could have been a limited series and ended properly, i think A&E mishandled this show

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Guilty Party

this show has no ending
it just needed 1 more episode to wrap everything up
very frustrating

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Death and Other Details

i really hated the ending
i liked everything else though

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the first half was intriguing, but the second half went off the rails in a bad way. it was hard to finish, tbh.

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Tuca & Bertie: Season 1

push through the first couple of episodes and you'll be truly rewarded with some very meaningful/emotional content

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Agua Donkeys: Season 1

it feels like Napoleon Dynamite with it's deadpan quirk, but the real gags are few and far between

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Pretty Hard Cases: Season 1

excellent chemistry between Moore and MacNeill

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obnoxiously redundant to the 2013 version season 1 of Broadchurch, even down to the casting of David Tennant in both. the different killer/timeline twist wasnt enough to justify the US remake, in my opinion. i know this happens a lot, but it doesnt make it feel any less lazy and pointless to just reprocess shows/movies and throw in a potential what/if twist end, instead of offering new original content.

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The Purge: Season 2

season two is probably one of the best outings for The Purge franchise, even though it mostly takes place the 364 days surrounding the big event. the character development, suspense and urgency are all paced wonderfully over 10 episodes - investing in the stories being unfolded for everyone involved, instead of just nameless fillers to beef up the kill count. it's a great watch.

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Central Park: Season 1

Shout by T-TOWN
BlockedParent2020-09-08T18:43:22Z— updated 2020-09-18T20:23:40Z

i feel like this show is going through some growing pains. im willing to follow it into season 2, but i hope it improves. i can see instances of greatness and some episodes are better than others, but it's not as good as i had hoped nor as good as the people involved can do.

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Crossing Swords

i was excited to watch this, thought the animation style was great, but everything else fell flat and was disappointing. was hard to finish season one.

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The Purge: Season 1

The Purge franchise has been hit n miss for me, personally, and this season has been a total letdown.

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Gordon Ramsay's 24 Hours to Hell & Back

i enjoyed Kitchen Nightmares UK & US. i even watched Hotel Hell, which was decent. but this one just felt too scripted and planned, it just spat bland and generic drama. im burnt out on Ramsay, at this point.

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The Man in the High Castle

i LOVED season one, which is the only season i have watched, so far, because it seems like Amazon is sooooo slow to release new seasons and unreliable about renewing original content. i will watch it to completion one day, and i highly recommend you do, as well.

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