

New York, NY

RuPaul's Drag Race: 15x06 Old Friends Gold

That runway FLEW by. I had no time to take in any of those looks. Also…

“This is your last chance to impress me and save yourself from eliminationnnnnnn.”

HOW CAN THEY CUT THAT? I know it’s such a simple thing, but it’s another staple fallen by the wayside. They need to revert back to the old format next season. This is ridiculous.

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RuPaul's Drag Race: 15x13 Teacher Makeovers

I admit that Loosey can be a bit intense and often on the edge of taking herself way too seriously, but I don’t disagree with her here. Mistress’ teacher look was basic, and Luxx’s was even worse. Honestly, both of them haven’t been overly impressive all season. I would feel slighted too.

Even despite a VERY lackluster lip sync, Loosey deserved to be in the finale. Ross’ shoe critique was quite a stretch. Talk about splitting hairs unnecessarily, when there were other obvious missteps for this challenge. All-in-all disappointing. I’m not surprised when viewers believe this show has a preset agenda.

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Survivor: 44x11 I'm Not Worthy

Carolyn is everything. She is most definitely making this season interesting.

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Survivor: 44x07 Let's Not Be Cute About It

Carolyn is everything. Such a unique personality, and she comes across as super authentic and a breath of fresh air for a show where we’ve seen so many personalities. Really, really rooting for her.

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13 Reasons Why: 4x10 Graduation

Probably the best episode of the entire season. It was often a frustrating ride, but this was a fitting end to the show (except you killed the character I was rooting for the most). Bittersweet and hopeful. I just wish there was a little more Hannah.

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Fear the Walking Dead: 5x14 Today and Tomorrow

I am SO.. so very sick of Althea and her stupid :pound_symbol:%&@! tapes. It’s beyond overdone. She could be such an interesting character if she stopped dwelling on such nonsense. It does NOTHING for the story. Ugh.

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RuPaul's Drag Race All Stars: 9x01 Drag Queens Save The World

I’m not sure how I feel about the plan for this season. I love the charity element, and that these organizations are getting some visibility. But — with no eliminations — there are zero stakes each episode as a viewer.

And there doesn’t seem to be any criticisms coming from the judges either. The love fest is nice and all… and these queens have certainly earned their praise… but we still need some CRITIQUE… and I only foresee the concentrated love fest continuing.

My qualms aside… this is an EXCEPTIONAL cast. I can’t help but look forward to what they’ll bring to the stage each week. I think I have to look at this season as a celebration of this show’s legacy rather than a competition.

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RuPaul's Drag Race: 16x10 Werq the World

When I do vote, it won’t be from watching that performance challenge. Am I the only who can never understand what they’re saying? And the decision to have a lip sync for the win was probably based on the fact that the show wasn’t ready to lose Q or Plane Jane… which would have likely been the case.

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Survivor: 44x13 Absolute Banger Season

Yam Yam’s big personality came across, to me, as “showy” and forced. I was not enamored by it like everyone else. And I don’t believe he was as strategic as everybody perceived him to be. He clearly wanted Carolyn out for a while, but failed at convincing anyone else. So I’m not thrilled with the winner. (Although it beats last season.)

I was really rooting for Carolyn, but happy she reached the end. We, as an audience, were lucky to have watched her play. Such a unique and genuine contestant.

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RuPaul's Drag Race All Stars: 8x01 The Fame Games

I could barely understand any of the queens’ lyrics in that challenge. I thought the whole number fell flat in general.

Also, I’m all for positivity, but does anyone feel like the judges are holding back constructive criticism? That they’re being a little too complementary like the last All Stars? Looking on the bright side of a queen’s flawed looks is a beautiful thing, but lite-critiquing does not an entertaining reality competition show make.

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Dead to Me: 3x07 Can We Be Honest?

The amount of secrets is getting exhausting. At this point, Jen and Judy have no reason but to be completely open with each other. Jen holding back the pregnancy news to her was absurd, and annoying.

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RuPaul's Drag Race UK: 4x07 Episode 7

I absolutely adore Michelle Visage, and I don’t think Drag Race would ever be the same without her and her honest, constructive critiques. She is one of the best judges I’ve ever seen on a reality competition show.

With that said, this episode also proves to us the powerful presence of RuPaul. Her absence took a lot out of this episode.

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Squid Game: 1x06 Gganbu

My heart. I can’t remember the last time I became this emotional from a TV show. Straight up ugly-cried. That was rough. RIP Il-Nam.

Stellar episode. Slowing it down, but ramping up these characters and the stakes.

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Survivor: 39x01 I Vote You Out and That's It

Yas, Elaine! Buh bye, Ron Ron. :wave_tone1: #backfired

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The Boys: 1x07 The Self-Preservation Society

One of my biggest television pet peeves is when a character can explain a situation a trillion times better than they actually do - and they don’t. When they can very easily defend their actions, successfully and succinctly - and they don’t.

That was Hughie here. Frustrating to no end. Starlight doesn’t deserve you.

Rant over.

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Jury Duty: 1x08 The Verdict

I did NOT expect to get emotional watching this show. But here we are lol. It was all actually really sweet.

Also, kudos to James Marsden for signing up for something like this. If I wasn’t already a fan…

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Schitt's Creek: 6x13 Start Spreading the News

I’m not ready. Not even a little.

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Dark: 3x04 The Origin

Why does it feel like this season has very little to do with the first two?

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Black Mirror: 6x03 Beyond the Sea

Wow. Just when I thought it was getting a little too predictable, it went there. That was dark.

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Survivor: 45x03 No Man Left Behind

I love that contestants are in the opening credits again.

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From: 2x10 Once Upon a Time…

Annnnnnnd even more questions. Great.

Also, nothing in this episode made any sense. The randomness of this series is infinite. And I believe that every revelation, every plot progression, will continue to be random. Because, after two whole seasons, NOTHING is connecting. Nothing.

Dear creators and writers, if there’s another season, please give your audience some effing payoff for once. It’s getting ridiculous.

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From: 2x03 Tether

Boyd not telling people about what he discovered is infuriating.

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From: 1x05 Silhouettes

The season is half over and I feel like barely anything has happened. Character interactions are boring as hell. The acting is questionable at times. When is this show gonna kick into high gear? When am I gonna start giving a crap?

It’s a shame because there’s some true potential here.

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You: 3x09 Red Flag

Ok. It’s time for them to get caught now. The cycle needs to end.

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The Walking Dead: World Beyond: 1x06 Shadow Puppets

Badass Iris can’t kill a single, bumbling walker or properly climb out of a window, but she thinks she can defend herself against a gun-wielding, able-bodied adult with her magical unicorn horn stick? Okay.

P.S. It’s Pete from 30 Rock!

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RuPaul's Drag Race All Stars: 9x05 Property Queens

When you take all the stakes away (aka no eliminations, prizes they aren’t winning for themselves, etc.), there’s clearly no sense of urgency to learn your lip sync lyrics. I love seeing all the queens every week, but we lose an element of what makes the show compelling.

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RuPaul's Drag Race UK: 5x10 Episode 10

I am SO happy with this win. She is so deserving for so many reasons.

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RuPaul's Drag Race: 15x15 Reunited!

I cannot wait to watch Mistress lose next week. Next-level arrogance and she clearly revels in bringing others down.

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RuPaul's Drag Race: 15x12 Wigloose: The Rusical!

Lux is a hateful bitch. And her drag is basic, continuing to forever rely on body.

Am I the only one who feels bad for Loosey? Yeah, she’s a bit intense… but this competition clearly means a lot to her. And isn’t that how it should be? That’s still important, right? Cut her some slack.

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RuPaul's Drag Race: 15x04 Supersized Snatch Game

I REALLY enjoyed when we watched the judges deliberate while the queens weren’t on stage, so it’s a MAJOR bummer to see that gone. And another runway look from Salina that’s just horrendous. Sad to see Sugar go, but it sadly made sense.

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