

New York, NY

Survivor: 38x08 Y'all Making Me Crazy

Survivor is my absolute favorite reality show. This episode, however, falls among my least favorite.

There was nothing exciting or entertaining about this tribal council. I’m simply not a fan of this whole new thing where people get up and whisper to each other and strategize super-last minute. I was waiting for Jeff to be like, “That’s enough. Sit down, it’s time to vote.” But he let it unravel into this chaos that ultimately, for me, was absolutely impossible to follow as a viewer.

Bring me back to when everyone yelled at each other from the comfort of their own seat before voting - and simply had to guess/wonder if the plan had changed.

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The Americans: 1x04 In Control

Still on the fence about this series. I’ve waited so long to check it out, expecting that type of indifference. I’m not a political person, nor a history buff, so I find myself lost in a lot of that jargon.

Staying for Russell and Rhys. Hoping to get on the right side of the fence as I keep watching.

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Supergirl: 1x16 Falling

This was no doubt Supergirl's best episode to date. My only complaints are James (of course) and that the red kryptonite was somehow Maxwell Lord's brainchild. Otherwise, it was FANTASTIC.

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