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The Great British Bake Off: 6x05 Alternative Ingredients

The people are just so... Pleasant.

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Star Trek: 1x09 Dagger of the Mind

This one was OK. Wasn't too interesting, it was neat to see the Vulcan mind meld used (for the first time?). Was not quite sure about the female doctor, party and Captain Kirk thread -- but, it seemed pretty extraneous.

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Quantum Leap: 2x22 M.I.A.

Such a sad episode. Poor Al :(

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Ransom: 1x04 Joe

The "hacking" and "hackers" in this episode are laughably embarrassing.

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Shooter: 1x01 Point of Impact

Shout by mookie

The pilot was good up until the end where the whole conspiracy to kill the President hinged on the random chance that Bob Lee Swagger would run across town to the apartment where the rifle was. First, there was no way that the conspirators could guarantee that Swagger would be there. Second, how did Swagger know which apartment to go to -- I mean he scouted it, but that doesn't mean that the other shooter would be at that apartment (and he wasn't). I have read the book and seen the movie, the basics of the book are here in the TV series, there are some changes (like Swagger having a family). I hope the series doesn't play fast and loose like they did with the pilot.

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Shooter: 1x02 Exfil

Shout by mookie

Wow, they gave away the conspiracy in the first ten minutes of the second episode. So much for building a mystery.

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Christopher Kimball’s Milk Street Television: 1x02 The New Baking

Christopher Kimball was never my favorite part of America's Test Kitchen or Cook's Country. Sure, the guy has an encyclopedic knowledge of food, but he was never fun and always so passive-aggressive to the presenters. After he left and Julia Collin Davison and Bridget Lancaster took over, America's Test Kitchen got much better. The show became more fun, all the presenters and hosts gelled and the show became infinitely more watchable.

Now that Kimball was back with his new show, I was curious to how it was. After watching this episode -- I missed the first -- I came away unimpressed and may remove it from my DVR schedule. The show is not that fun to watch and to quote The Joker, "Why so serious?". Kimball continues to be caustic and passive-aggressive to the new presenters. And I do not agree with the washed out overly white presentation of the show -- it feels like the show was shot at an IKEA.

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Designated Survivor: 2x01 One Year In

It looks like Season 2 of Designated Survivor continues to use the emergency-of-the-week template. It’s getting old. It is nice to see Paulo Costanzo on the cast.

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Wisdom of the Crowd: 1x01 Pilot

I gave this show a shot and I am done with it. The premise is ludicrous, the writing is bad and the “high tech” aspects of the show are laughable. Richard T. Jones is a fantastic actor and he deserves better material than this.

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The Brave: 1x04 Break Out

Finally! A good, genuinely exciting and thrilling episode of The Brave. This episode benefits from the fact that the episode spent more time with the team in the field than the team back in the office. The field team is where the action and excitement is. The excitement is not in the office where we only get shots of people staring at giant screens and getting reaction shots when things happen to the field team.

I still think Anne Heche is horribly miscast for her character and having her in the field didn't buy much. I would have really loved to see NBC merge the two leads in Taken (Jennifer Beals and Clive Standen) with The Brave. Beals would carries more gravitas than Heche and would be much better in the role of Patricia Campbell. Standen would make a fantastic addition to the field team.

I have to give a shout out to the sound department for The Brave, the sound in this episode was fantastic. I love the sound of the sidearms indoors where they were more of a "pop" than a "boom", which for me sounded genuine.

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SEAL Team: 1x05 Collapse

Shout by mookie

The Nate arc continues to hinder the show. The Spencer romance thing also continues to hinder the show. I do like how they are using the Spencer character in other ways now, specifically in showing how dangerous SEAL training is.

The large portion of this episode focused on the mission and that was a good thing. The mission this week was tense and well-done. I liked Ray's interaction with the reporter. I also like the small things that are thrown into the show for authenticity. One of these things happened early on in the episode when Hayes meets the weaselly ambassador. The ambassador greets Hayes as a Lieutenant, but Hayes corrects him by letting him know he's a Master Chief and then saying "E-9".

Again, I wish the show would focus on the mission and drop the extraneous bits. The Nate arc needs to end or be forgotten about. The Spencer arc needs to lose the romance and focus on the rigors of SEAL training.

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Ghosted: 1x06 Sam

Shout by mookie

Not as funny as previous episodes, but there was an interesting cameo in this episode. Sonya Walger appears in this episode, but only very briefly and for no real reason. Sure, it could have been a random cameo, but I think it's more. At the end of the episode Lafrey asks Annie who is is going to help her figure out who installed the evil AI. I am guessing that Walger's character is going to be the one behind the evil deed.

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Life: 1x01 Pilot

There's so much to love about this show. This pilot episode is just the beginning.

"Anger ruins joy, steals the goodness of my mind, forces my mouth to say terrible things, overcoming anger brings peace of mind, leads to a mind without regrets, if I overcome anger, I will be delightful and loved by everyone."

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The Brave: 1x12 Close to Home (1)

FInally, Patricia Campbell gets a good backstory episode. The middle section of the episode was a bit muddled and I did not like how they let a known manipulating spy speak freely. I would figure good operators like Dalton's team would have had a sock in this guys mouth to keep him from manipulating them and playing with their minds. Otherwise, a good episode, a little light on action, but good on story.

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Taken: 2x03 Hammurabi

While the show has disconnected itself from reality, this has allowed for the show to get quite a bit more interesting in the stories that it can tell. This weeks episode was fairly entertaining and I am happy to see the personality of Bryan Mills from the movies start to take place.

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Taken: 2x04 OPSEC

I almost fell asleep a few times during this episode. This is an action show right? There was nothing compelling about this episode at all. The action bits in the episode were pretty boring also.

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Star Trek: 2x25 Bread and Circuses

Wow that was a bad episode. The crew of the Enterprise was sidelined for what looked like a pilot episode of a faux Doctor Who (complete with a sonic screwdriver looking device) and his companion (a young Teri Garr).

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America's Test Kitchen: 18x05 Ultimate Italian

There was something off about this episode. Everything felt very stilted, especially the first session with Dan and Bridget.

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Ransom: 2x01 Three Wishes

Does Carlo Rota only play villains?

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Speed Racer: 1x26 The Car Hater

The dude on the horse needs to be thrown into jail for child abuse.

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Life: 1x07 A Civil War

The computer related stuff is hilariously bad.

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Hollywood Weapons: 1x04 Dying Hard

Cringe worthy. It feels like they are trying too hard, the humor really doesn’t work.

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Hollywood Weapons: 1x08 Terry vs. Gorn

What happens when you try to do a myth that was already done by the Mythbusters? You end up with one that fails hard, less entertaining and cringe worthy.

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The Good Place: 2x10 Rhonda, Diana, Jake, and Trent

Even demons can change. Great episode.

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Star Trek: Discovery: 1x03 Context Is for Kings

“Universal law is for lackeys. Context is for kings.” Lorca.

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Star Wars Rebels: 3x18 Double Agent Droid

AP-5 Singing. Most excellent!

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Beat Bobby Flay: 2x03 Bring Home the Bacon

"Is the bandana going to cook this dish?"

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For the People: 1x05 World's Greatest Judge

A powerful, well-written and acted episode.

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Teen Titans Go!: 5x24 The Metric System vs. Freedom

Hilarious episode. Someone on the writing staff must be a runner.

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The First: 1x08 Near and Far

I don’t know what the other episodes in this series were about. But this last episode is what it should have been about. The whole launch sequence and orbit and leaving the orbit of Earth were so well done. It’s too bad there was such an unnecessary slog of melodrama leading up to this.

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