

darkened theatre

Monk: 2x14 Mr. Monk and the Captain's Wife

Reply by mookie

I never realized that they kept adding years to how long Trudy was dead. At first in season 1 it was 4 years. Then they made it 6 and now it is 7 years.
It is only season 2 lol.

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Maybe time has past? Each season doesn’t have to be just a year in time?

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SEAL Team: 1x03 Boarding Party

Review by mookie

This week's episode was a marked drop in quality over last week's. There are too many extraneous plot lines in this episode that seem to be only there to pad the running time to get it to 43 minutes of airtime. The Clay Spencer arc is boring and the character is unlikeable, making it even harder to watch when he's onscreen. The Nate plot line about the burner phone and Hayes going to investigate... What is going on here? He's a Navy SEAL with enough time to go on a stakeout? C'mon, please.

The best thing this show has going for it is when the team is planning and executing missions. Tonight's mission was great, I love the authenticity of the show during these sequences -- from the way tracer rounds ricochet off metal to the tongue of flame that was coming out of the gatling gun.

The show writers should stop with the silly, unbelievable personal stories like Nate's and ditch Spencer altogether. I am wondering if the Nate thing will lead to something that is not what it seems (gasp!). But, that would come off even worse than if she was Nate's affair. We'll see how it goes. I liked the first two episodes a lot because they had a laser focus on the team working together. This episode was full of distractions and that made it a less likable show.

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@larziej between the two storylines, I’d rather them do the Spencer one and drop the Nate one completely. The Nate one is either too frivolous if t turns out Nate was just a cheat or too unbelievable if it turns into some conspiracy theory plot.

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Halo: 1x04 Homecoming

This episode was not an episode that needed almost 60 minutes. The episode was unfocused, cutting between three storylines with one of them (Madrigal) that is totally uninteresting. I wish they would focus on John and Halsey’s story and drop the other two storylines. Kwan Ha and her story continues to be the weak spot of this series. The character and story are uninteresting, the character acts irrationally. The rest of Silver team was boring until one of them does something to become more interesting.

  • They don’t have metal detectors in the future?
  • What’s with all the nudity in this series?
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@nescobar-a-lop-lop :laughing: lol less of a complaint, more of an observation.

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Lethal Weapon: 2x03 Born to Run

Shout by mookie

Does this mean that Hilarie Burton will no be on Lethal Weapon? :(

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@wakeup706 me too, the character was a good foil to Riggs.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 7x21 Firstborn

So what explanation was to given to the sisters regarding the dagger and the K'Mtar?

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I assume K’Mtar brought it from the future.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 7x15 Lower Decks

Shout by Galileo5
BlockedParent2017-03-05T12:50:47Z— updated 2022-07-25T17:50:44Z

One of the very best TNG episodes. It might not have any aliens, time travel, Borg or Spaceship battles but it does something 99% of all other episodes fail to do. It genuinely makes you feel for a non-bridge-crew character. The death of Ensign Sito left a mark on me unlike any other TNG death including Tasha's. Truly heartbroken. She went out like a G. Courage and duty above and beyond.

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Spoiler warning and hiding text would have been nice.

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Titans: 1x02 Hawk and Dove

Robin went full beast mode! He took scissors and jammed into the guy's balls. Then, he beats some guy to death with a clip from a gun. Seriously, that was one of the best fight scenes that I have ever seen from DC or Marvel.

I'm definitely diggin' the old school costumes. I'm loving the cinematography and the characters.

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@datbabyaintmine It's one of the best ones in the DC series of shows, yes. But, it doesn't hold a candle to the hallway fight in the first season of Daredevil on the Marvel side of shows.

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The Orville: 1x07 Majority Rule

This episode shows why The Orville is such a wonderful show and my favorite of this season. The show is reflective of real-world issues while being entertaining at the same time. This episode was a tad preachy, but it still entertains and is thought-provoking.

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@jim222001 I also think the reviews are all based on the pilot episode which was pretty weak. Starting from the second episode on, the show has been solid. It’s unfortunate that critics don’t revisit their reviews and revise throughout a shows season.

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