
oh dear... oh my... wait, who wrote this? *checks writer's previous credits. Aaaah, I see... I should do that before hand next time. YIKES!

Please don't watch this movie. It's not worth it. Go watch Blade or Terminator 2 or something.

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@applekobe dude, people still are watching Supergirl! Have you seen supergirl? Literally every other movie on the planet is a masterpiece after Supergirl!

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A big pile of nothing. Waste of time.

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@giorgio333 well, I can't stop offering people who say that such movie as this one is nothing to watch Supergirl series. At least the first episode. This movie is the godly perfect creation of eternal universe compared to something like supergirl, so it's definitely not 1.

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This movie is so funny. Can't understand the low rating. Very underrated. Highly recommended. Watch it!

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Yes! Yes! The best comedy ever!

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