

Potsdam, Germany

Deutschland: 2x07 El Dorado Canyon

Terribly constructed "coincidences" in this episode. And yeah, totally realistic. East German police would totally kill any random West German lady and there wouldn't be any consequences.

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@onlime I thought the men were from the StaSi, therefor would've had no scruple to shoot someone on the run

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Fargo: 3x01 The Law of Vacant Places

Thank god for Mary Elisabeth Winstead!
A good mix of the tried and trusted Fargo formula, multiple intertwined story lines, a police chief, bad and dumb people and death combined with new faces.
I've never been so relived seeing someone hit by a A/C-Unit
And I wonder if "Ehrmantraut" was a shout out to the other best TV-Show currently airing?

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@thefomoguy i checked the subtitles, it is Ermentroub. But in my heart i know it's Ehrmantraut ;)

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Mr. Robot: 2x05 eps2.3_logic-b0mb.hc

It feels like the season misses a general narrative. The single story lines are nice, but the feel disconnected not only from each other, but also from episode to episode. I don't see yet how they will bind those vignettes together

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@reindertot maybe you are right. I think (or hope) that they will tie it together in the back half of the season, but for me the show has the Game of Thrones Problem. They opened up to many story lines and now they are struggling to give all of them the time they need. Just Elliots and Angelas, or Elliot's and Dominique DiPierro's storyline would be enough for one season. But i am also holding the show to it's own standards. It is not bad in a general way, but i felt a bit overwhelmed.

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Steven Universe: 3x09 Too Short to Ride

After the excellent episode Mr. Greg this was a real classic one. One gem learns something about herself and reveals a fact about Homeworld. I became a real Peridot-Fan while her transformation from an antagonist to a protagonist. This is for me the quintessence of SU, don't fight your enemies but make them your friends. Peridot is a tragic figure, like the Crystal Gems she gave up her initial ideology to fight Homeworld and still struggles with her new life and her decisions. But we can see all this in "realtime". Furthermore i hunger for every tidbit about Homeworld. Now we know, why Homeworld has this expansion drive: They need resources because HW itself runs out of them. We know already that the farming of Gems needs a lot of planetary resources and maybe even Homeworld is used up in this process. This subtle world building is another aspect what makes SU great.
In the episode itself i think i see a commentary on millennials and their connection to technology: As we know now, Peridot is an Era 2 Gem, who, because of the lack of resources, has not the ability to shape shift and therefore uses technological advancements. In the real world, baby boomers depleted more or less the resources of planet earth, ruined the economy and the now emerging generation, the so called millennials, are relying on technology instead of the old ways. Despite this technology being an integral part of the society, both at Homeworld and here, the older generation looks down on the younger for the extended use of it (like Amethyst trying to convince Peridot, that she doesn't need their tablet). In the end Peridot shows that she developed her own abilities, which are connected to her reliance on technology. I would be very interested if someone has a similar theory or another one.

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@agentgrasshopper thank you very much! i try to write at least some thoughts on every episode and film i watch and creating a habit.

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Stranger Things: 1x08 Chapter Eight: The Upside Down

The finale Episode showed once more how good the set-design was. You could see that the Upside Down was full of real props. Also the Byer's house had a real development. I told the story of the whole show in the background. It was like a focal point of the whole plot. Furthermore it showed the strength of the series storytelling: Chief Hoppers backstory was hinted in some previous episodes and one could already think, that his daughter is dead. So the flashback didn't feel forced but natural.
On the other hand the finale showed how bad the CGI was. It begun with the CGI flies in Episode 1 and continued through the whole show. It's sad, that they didn't try to make more with physical props. Like the portal. Did it have to repair it self and therefore needed CGI. I don't think so. It would be fine, even better without.
The last scenes in the Byer's house gave me last one kick in the gut. There are so many unanswered questions: What are those slugs. We saw them in Barb's corpse earlier. Why put Chief Hopper food in that box. It is obviously for Eleven. Where is she? Who and where are One to Ten?
Some thoughts on season 2: Now that the expectations are so high i fear that season 2 will feel worse, even it isn't. This show hit me from nowhere, this advantage will season 2 don't have. Maybe a time jump? (But i want to see the actors again). I really hope the Duffer Brothers will take their time and won't become the Wachowskis (Matrix --> Matrix 2+3).

Conclusion: Stranger Things showed us that you can build on existing themes and tropes and at the same time do something completely new. I think Netflix will learn something from this: Don't just continue an existing IP (Full House, Gilmore Girls). Nostalgia is prevalent in today's pop culture, but that doesn't mean viewers want to see old things with a fresh color. In building on a whole decade of cinema and Zeitgeist, the Duffer could develop new ideas. It's like: We like the 80s but we don't want to retell them. There are still new stories in this period that cinema and TV just hadn't time, money or motivation to tell. For that i am eternality grateful.
Good Night, readers, good night.

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@witter56 i am sorry, but i can't see where they need fixing. First line is not marked as spoiler. Then all is marked as spoiler until the conclusion. The conclusion is not marked as spoiler, because i wrote it spoiler free. Or do you think i should mark that part, too?

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Vice Principals: 1x02 A Trusty Steed

I want to found a religion where we'll exclusively worship Walton Goggins

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@tasa24 where we ritually burn houses?

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