
Shout by Dity

Ok, let's break this down:

- Homophobia
- Michelle's character is constantly insulted for half the film by Sandler, all because he didn't brush his teeth
- Women are used as a reward for the men even right from the first present day scene
- Game characters post-1982 used
- The jokes made by the cinema audience were funnier than any joke in the film

- Adam Sandler says "Donkey Kong"

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@dity Okay, let’s break this review down:

Butthurt humorless SJW drivel, into the trash it goes.

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Drive Angry

soooooooo.. anyone else hate 3D movies translated to 2D at home?

Wait, wait.. let me rephrase.. anyone else just hate 3D movies??

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@sean Perhaps you should stop being a peasant and get a 3D TV. The 3D Blu-ray of this movie is excellent.

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Gemini Man

It's certainly not the best plot ever. That said, it was a greatly entertaining experience due to the number and quality of the action sequences. They're well edited, and well choreographed. It felt like a great Terminator-style action movie from the '80s/'90s bu shot with more modern technology.

From a technical perspective, the movie is outstanding and shows off the benefits of shooting a movie at a framerate higher than 23.976 fps very well. The 3D was solid too, and certainly a welcome experience (as it is for every movie that gets a 3D release), but the 3D ended up taking a backseat to the real draw of the higher framerate.

120 FPS was a great choice particularly for an action movie like this one and I'm happy to see someone in Hollywood willing to be innovative instead of just doing things for the sake of "that's how it's always been done."

From the opening train sequence to flying scenes or scenes that take place in water, it really gives everything an increased sense of speed that looks more close to how these activities would go down in real life. During the action sequences I felt like I was watching a fight taking place right in front of me instead of watching a fight that was recorded on a camera. There was a certain added level of engagement that I normally only feel when playing a modern video game. I think this high framerate technology is going to be a game changer, especially for action movies, if we can just get some of these old fogeys in Hollywood to start dying off and pass the torch on to younger directors who have grown up consuming higher framerate media.

You're certainly going to have the typical peanut gallery of boomers who grew up watching exclusively 23.976 films who have been brainwashed into thinking that a framerate considerably slower than the human eye can process is somehow more "realistic," but hopefully as we see more high framerate movies it will eventually be an adopted video improvement standard like color, widescreen, higher resolutions, surround sound, and HDR. As those older generations kick the bucket you will see less and less opposition to more realistic higher framerates in movies and eventually the majority of the population will think that slideshow framerate 23.976 movies are the ones that look "weird."

The inevitable 4K Blu-ray release with a framerate of 60 FPS is going to be the way to go for this movie, until we get some future format that can deliver the full 4K 3D 120 FPS. If you can see it in a cinema that can play it at 120 FPS, I highly recommend it, but even 60 FPS should be a considerable improvement over your typical movie's framerate.

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@jaw72 This movie is a tech demo for high framerate movies. The high framerate is critical to the experience and without it this movie would not be worth watching.

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