

Omicron Persei 8

Attack on Titan: 4x28 The Dawn of Humanity

There are going to be more parts and episodes in the final season than the rest of the entire anime. I hope this at least means a unique anime ending, considering the complaints I've heard about the manga. I also hope I live long enough to actually see this through to its end considering the rate we're going at.

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Foundation: 1x05 Upon Awakening

Feels like I watched an episode of Star Wars. Why do hundreds of Stormtroopers -- err I mean Anacreonian soldiers with guns completely miss every target except for one stray shot?

Got some really cheesy fighting scenes in this one too, clearly the tremendous effects budget and team couldn't fix this one.

I wish they'd just stick to developing the plot that is being unveiled at glacier speed in a pointlessly convoluted order so I could figure out if I should drop the show. For instance, we were already told what Gaal faced on her home world preceding the events of the story and it felt really washed out because we didn't experience it. Now that some time passed and we just accepted the character's history, we're subjected to a flashback showing us what we already know and it ends up losing almost all of its impact.

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I don't watch many war films and usually prefer strong writing over cinematography. This movie seems to be an exception for me. While the plot was simple, it didn't come off as silly or insignificant. Even though I don't know much about cinematography, I still found myself admiring it through all the continuous shots. Somewhat paradoxically, it shows a very ugly world in a beautiful way. There's also a sense of futility and meaninglessness, particular in Blake's death.

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In my opinion, this movie is best enjoyed without reading a synopsis and with no expectations going in.

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I haven't read the original series, so I'm coming into this with no specific expectations other than wanting the show to be good.

Five episodes in and it's not looking like this show is going to be particularly great. Sunk cost fallacy has set in and I might try a couple more episodes in case the show picks up steam late into the season, but I'd be surprised.

The effects and cinematography are pretty stunning, but I tend to care less about that than the writing which is nothing remarkable. The fifth episode had some cheesy choreography and an army of Stormtroopers who collectively couldn't hit a broad side of a barn.

The timelines aren't exceptionally confusing, but the story keeps jumping back and forth in time including flashbacks for no compelling reason. In some cases we are just expected to accept some kind of event like Gaal's back story only to get the long version later on with no emotional payoff.

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Rick and Morty: Season 4

Not sure if it's just me, but this season has been disappointing by comparison to the rest of the show. One or two decent episodes, a few funny moments, but it just feels like they've lost their passion for this project.

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The Walking Dead: 10x09 Squeeze

In this episode we watch Carol try to undo in a single episode all the good she did in the previous seasons. She also seems to have completely forgotten about her biological daughter.

You'll be lucky to see any of it though because the lighting team was inspired by Game of Thrones S08E03: The Long Night

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Uncut Gems

I was surprised to hear recommendations for an Adam Sandler movie so I checked this out.

I want to say the movie is objectively good, but perhaps not enjoyable, depending on your mindset. To be fair, I think I've also enjoyed movies that were objectively bad, so I think it isn't a contradiction. I've seen a lot of movies and shows ranging all over the emotional spectrum; some made me sad, some angry, some happy, but I think this is the first one that made me feel stressed out. Even though Sandler's character isn't particularly relatable or likable, and a lot of things he experiences are deserved, I still feel pain for him.

Maybe my bad luck just helps me relate to the idea of things going wrong any time I try to do something or the situation getting more complicated any time I try to solve a problem. There's isn't really a happy ending either, so it doesn't leave me feeling too hopeful or optimistic either.

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I was hoping this would be a hilarious disaster like The Room, but it turned out to just be boring. The creepy CGI and movements were fun for a few minutes before I gave up on the movie. Might be worth a watch for people who like musicals, unfortunately that's not me.

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Medical Police

You know those shows within shows that are supposed to be a joke and really absurd? Like the stuff playing in the background of Rick and Morty with improv'd lines, or something in Family Guy? This show is what happens when you turn that into a full live-action TV series. It's okay for a few laughs if you're watching it with others.

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What We Do in the Shadows

I wasn't convinced the show would be good from some clips I saw on YouTube but gave it a shot anyway. It has ended up being one of my favourite comedies so far, but it's hard to explain why. It's kind of like The Office, but with more creative freedom to play with the supernatural.

The characters are all hilarious in their own ways, but my favourite has to be the energy vampire Colin Robinson portrayed by Mark Proksch, basically playing as himself. Watching the others doing Q&A panels can be kind of awkward and painful, but it's evident that Mark is a comedic genius. Season 2 of the show also has a crazy amount of surprising cameos as well.

I gave the movie a watch as well since its popularity is what led to the existence of this show, and I'm probably in the minority when I say that I think the show is much better. The movie was alright, but it just doesn't seem like my style of humour, maybe it's just too smart for me.

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Joker was enjoyable, especially considering I've taken a liking to serialized TV shows over movies because of the complexity they support. I'm personally not a fan of the unreliable narrator style of storytelling, since it's an easy answer to any inconsistencies in the story. The movie does a good job of creating a believable origin story for the Joker. The end of the movie sets up a somewhat different character than Heath Ledger's Joker, which so far has been my favourite. I'm not very familiar with the source material so it's hard for me to tell which Joker is most accurate.

I thought the interview with Murray at the end of the film resembled the viral interview of Joaquin Phoenix with David Letterman. I'm not sure if that was an intended easter egg or just me reading too much into it. For whatever reason, I found the random outbursts of laughter kind of funny. It worked in the context of the character and his story though, so no complaints.

As a bonus, there's commentary about mental health and how poorly it's handled by society, without it being an overpowering part of the film or forced down your throat.

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John Wick

Great choreography and production quality meets terrible story.

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The Mandalorian

Season 1 of The Mandalorian started out reasonably well, had a weak middle and finished off reasonably well again.

The show is probably best watched with the understanding that it's part of the Star Wars franchise, and thus is going to be somewhat simple, fun and have predictable outcomes. The show is not going to impress you with complex character development or shocking plot twists, and might even crumble a bit if you look too closely at some parts.

Still, it's enjoyable for what it is, especially if you like the Star Wars universe. You can certainly do worse with other shows and movies within the franchise.

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Probably dropping this one after two episodes, it's hard to commit to finishing it when there's other good stuff to watch. I don't find the subject matter offensive like some others and think Jojo Rabbit is proof you can mix comedy and dark history successfully. Maybe it's just the plot and lack of internal consistency that bothers me. Maybe it's the comic book style segments, but I've seen that done elsewhere in a way that worked.

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The Revenant

Finally got around to watching this movie and anyone would really love it. It felt like a weak revenge story with a thin plot, kind of like John Wick, which had essentially no plot. The cinematography and acting were great, Tom Hardy in particular nailed it. The movie kind of dragged on at times, especially when Glass encountered his n'th punishment from nature. At times it felt like David Attenborough should have been narrating the beautiful nature shots, as the majority of the movie amounts to just that.

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Vinland Saga

I started the series because of the good things I heard about the manga source material and Wit Studio's involvement. I didn't care much about vikings and it took me several episodes to warm up to the series. After a while, I realized the story was going somewhere meaningful and started to love the plot and character development. With the market being saturated with shonen like MHA, it's a breath of fresh air to get something new with a complex and unpredictable story. Be warned that you might spoil yourself if you take to Wikipedia and read about some of the historical events the anime is based on. This is an easy recommendation from me and it's probably one of my favourites.

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My Hero Academia

Shout by viewlin
BlockedParent2020-01-05T00:42:05Z— updated 2020-01-25T02:03:45Z

So far the plot isn't very imaginative, and most of the characters aren't very complex. Bakugo was probably the only one with a surprising twist.

The quirks and fights can be creative and fun, and if that's all you want this show is pretty good. If you want more then you can probably do better, like Vinland Saga.

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The show is a bit of a brain teaser and it can be hard to remember the characters and their relationships. It's a great show to watch if you like to analyze a story and its characters. It's probably not a good show to watch if you're looking for mind numbing content that's easy to watch while half asleep.

The production quality and acting are great. The writing is phenomenal considering the complexity involved, and how many other shows screw up similar themes. The end of season 2 opens up season 3 to even increased complexity, which runs the risk of the writers making a mess of things. Still, they've done a great job so far so if anyone is going to do it right, it's probably them.

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Cobra Kai

You'd think that this show is just a cheap attempt to cash in on a beloved movie and fans' nostalgia, but like me, you'd be wrong. I started watching out of curiosity, just to see how bad and cringeworthy the show could be, but it completely surprised me by how good it was.

The writers managed to flip The Karate Kid's good guys and bad guys dynamic around. The characters seem like real, relatable people now. They managed to retroactively fit in a backstory for Johnny that makes you sympathize with him and understand why he acted the way he did in The Karate Kid. He has some fantastic character development, and it's fun watching him struggle through a politically correct world after growing up with such a macho and masculine identity.

The show has plenty of corny scenes too, but they're done tastefully. The show is self aware and a lot of those scenes are done as an homage to the original movie.

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The Room

Hilarious, quotable and rewatchable. Other movies try to be funny and fail to make you laugh, this one makes you laugh without trying. Other movies are forgettable with equally incoherent scripts but hide it behind huge budgets spent on production quality and A-list actors. You know exactly what you're getting with this movie, you'll never forget it and enjoy it so much more.

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