Viper Du'Vark



Safe House

The only good part about this movie was that it had Denzel Washington and Ryan Reynolds. Don't get me wrong, I liked the film. I thought the action scenes were really entertaining and loved every minute of them, but I didn't think this movie was as great as Denzel's other films like "Inside Man", and "Unstoppable". I also thought "Déjà Vu" and "The Taking of Pelham 1 2 3" were better than this.

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This Means War

I thought it was hilarious, and a very entertaining film. I thought all three leads were great, the action scenes were fun to enjoy, and the comedy were funny at times. I never went into the movie expecting anything great, and what I got in return was an enjoyable time at the theater. Just take it for what it is, mindless entertainment.

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Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance

I'm a little confused on what I just saw. I have a hard time hating superhero films because I love them all, despite the fact that Superman Returns and Green Lantern was awful I tried to find some kind of entertainment out of them, but Ghost Rider 2: Spirit of Vengeance was just horrible. I'm a fan of both Crank films, but I don't believe the directors of those films should have been the directors of Ghost Rider 2. Their filming technique doesn't mix well for a superhero film. On top of the bad directing of the film, I felt like the story line was complete garage. Even more so, only 3D showings of the movie was playing in my area, I would have had to drive out of my county if I wanted to see it in 2D, so I didn't have much of a choice, but if you do decide to see it, don't see it in 3D if you have the choice, it was bad.

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Wrath of the Titans

The first film Clash of the Titans like most films that has a sequel is better than this film. I felt like Wrath of the Titans was just an OK movie. It wasn't great, and it wasn't awful either. I never saw Clash of the Titans in 3D so I can't comment on the difference in 3D effects between the two; special effects had improved though. The story line in the film felt boring to me at times, and it could have used a couple of more action scenes in there.

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The Amazing Spider-Man
The Bourne Legacy

I was kind of disappointed with this film. It seemed like to me they substituted action scenes for more dialogue. I am though a fan of Renner and love most of the movies he has been in; he is definitely making his way to become a super action star. With that said his Aaron Cross is no Jason Bourne and because of this I felt the film was missing something great. You really can't do a Bourne film without Damon's Jason Bourne in it, it just isn't the same. While the action was geared down in favor for the story, I also felt the plot line was a little weak as well and wasn't compelling as the original trilogy.

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Act of Valor

Don't believe the bad reviews about this film. Act of Valor is an excellent movie through and through. I do agree with most of the other reviewers that the acting does suck most of the time, but you have to remember and keep in mind that these "actors" are real Navy SEALS. They didn't go and get an acting career. They joined the military. If you peel away the acting you are going to get a decent story and some of the best non-CGI action scenes. I haven't seen any non-CGI action scenes better than this; it was great and felt real. The action scenes were top-notch. On top of all that... Yes, this film was pretty much a feature length long recruitment video; but nonetheless, it was really entertaining.

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The Vow

Coming from a guy who doesn't mind seeing chick flicks; it wasn't that bad, but also very predictable.

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Conan the Barbarian

Had good special effects, was lightly entertaining, and had a bad story line. Despite the latter two of the three, I have seen worst films then this. I only gave it an extra star because of the lead actor from Stargate Atlantis and for the bad story line this movie had I was a little shocked that the special effects were at least decent (not great, but decent).

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The Hunger Games

Taking a step back and comparing this film to other films based off of books (Harry Potter; Twilight); I would have to say The Hunger Games turned out to be a better enjoyable film then those other two series. While I felt like the story line at the beginning of the film was lacking a bit, the acting was much better than anything I have seen in the other series. Once "The Hunger Games" started in the film is when the movie started to pick up a bit in my opinion and after the film was over it got me intrigued to see what happens next in the next two films. Overall, I have seen better films so far this year in 2012, but I also have seen much worse than this and I enjoyed The Hunger Games.

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Safe is your typical Jason Statham movie, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. The action scenes were all very well done but as for the story line; that kind of took a backseat in the film just like any other Statham film. The action scenes were enough for me to stay entertained throughout the film. Enjoy it for what it is and you'll have fun watching it.

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Colombiana is a decent revenge film. The action scenes were alight, not great; I have seen better. This movie was better than I thought it would be. It was worth the rental.

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The story line in this film was lacking, but the fight scenes and special effects were amazing. It didn't live up to my expectations that I thought this film was going to be, which was a disappointment, but it wasn't as bad as a lot of the bad reviews here make it out to be. Freida Pinto was drop dead beautiful, and I can see Henry Cavill was a good choice now to be Superman in the next Man of Steel movie.

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Tower Heist

Tower Heist was a solid good (not great) entertaining film. It could have been better, but wasn't. I wasn't expecting this to be top of the line awesome. It's kind of like Ocean's 11 but with slightly more comedy and a weaker clever story line. It was great seeing Eddie Murphy not in a kid's film and sharing screen time with Ben Stiller, and Matthew Broderick with Casey Affleck.

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The Scorpion King 3: Battle for Redemption

This was a horrible movie from start to finish. It had bad action scenes, horrible acting, and the plot was just awful. You can just tell by watching the movie that hardly any money went into this film. This was a complete waste of talent. It was also a huge waste of my time.

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American Wedding

As with the characters in this film, American Wedding is more grown up then the previous two films. It's less raunchy, and more heart filled than its predecessors. Missing from American Wedding is half the cast from the first two films without a mention to them in the film, but the film still remains to have its hilarious moments without them. Stifler, has a bigger role in this film, while others take a back seat this time. I enjoyed watching Stifler and Finch swap roles trying to win over Michelle's sister. It was enjoyable and entertaining, a nice end to the original trilogy.

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21 Jump Street

This remake of 21 Jump Street was very entertaining, hilarious, and raunchy. Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum had some great chemistry. The story line was surprisingly good; usually movies of this type lack greatly in that department and the cameos were well done and hilarious. I'd recommend this film to anyone who enjoys a good laugh.

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The Hangover Part II

This film was essentially The Hangover with just a number added at the end of the title and placed in a different city. It was almost an identical copy of the first. There was only a couple of scenes in this movie that made me laugh; nothing really special. With that said, even though it had a recycled plot it was entertaining to watch somewhat; yet at the same time it was easily forgettable after words.

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London Boulevard

The only good thing about this film was the cast, mainly Farrell, Knightley, Winstone and Thewlis. These four did their best in their performances but failed in the end; I blame the bad script given to them. This film really disappointed me and the story loved to wander around so much that it was losing my interest; and the ending? That ending was the second worst ending I have seen in a movie after True Grit (the 2010 remake).

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Mission: Impossible

Mission: Impossible has your average typical spy film story line. For a late 90's film the action scenes weren't that bad and some of the special effects seemed impressive for a film of this age. Mission: Impossible proves that you can make a great movie out of a television series. For a classic of a film this came to be, it was pretty entertaining to watch; which says a lot because I don't like watching old films. On top of all that, the Mission: Impossible (with the exception of Mission: Impossible II) sequels that follow get better and better which is rare in a film franchise.

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Mission: Impossible II

The first sequel to the Mission: Impossible film series turns up the heat on the action and romance, and chills the story line way down. The second Mission: Impossible felt like it has a lot missing and the weakest film in the whole series thus far. With its flaws, Mission: Impossible II still kept me entertained enough with the ramped up action scenes until the credits started to roll. Overall, it wasn't that bad; just wasn't great either.

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Mission: Impossible III

With J.J. Abrams directing this film, it is no wonder that Mission: Impossible III is excellent in every way. J.J. Abrams knows how to make a good television show and film. It was because of J.J. Abrams great work that I instantly became a fan of the Mission: Impossible franchise. The story line was perfectly balanced out with the action; which is a big improvement over the second film. Even though as a person Tom Cruise is a joke; when it comes to his acting there isn't anything to joke about. I enjoy how this guy does his own stunts and he does them well; this adds to the film experience, and Phillip Seymour Hoffman was an excellent choice to play the villain. Great story line, great cast, great acting, and above all else - great action scenes; all and all Mission: Impossible III was a welcome sequel to the franchise.

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The Sitter

The Sitter wasn't laugh out loud funny, and it had a typical story line you would expect from a film like this. This is definitely not Jonah Hill's best movie. Though he does try in this film, it just wasn't good enough.

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Thor as an excellent superhero film that it was, I felt like it could have improved in the story line more. The story line kept me interested throughout the film but wasn't as good as compared to say both Iron Man 1 & 2 and Captain America. Although in my opinion Captain America had a better story in its film, Thor was much more fun and entertaining to watch than Captain America. The cast was prefect, Hemsworth was an excellent choice for Thor, and Hiddleston played Loki so well along with Hopkins who was great as the great Odin; also Portman is great in anything she is in. With SHIELD more involved with this film than any other, it was a solid build up to The Avengers film and overall a great addition to the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

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Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter

I must say I thought Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter was really entertaining for the most part. I thought the film did really well in mixing real history with fiction. I actually went into the movie with low expectations and expected mindless action and it turned out to be a fun film to watch which possibly helped to enjoy the film even more. The action scenes were excellent and the cast and acting wasn't half bad.

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This film was really hilarious! Never have I laughed so much during a film at the theater before. Ted has what you would expect from an adult comedy - raunchy fun. Seth MacFarlane did a great job on his first big screen film. Besides its great points, I felt like the ending was a little weak and it was somewhat predictable but I guess all films are now; still a solid good comedy to watch.

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Transformers: Dark of the Moon

The third film in the Transformers franchise Dark of the Moon was a huge improvement over Revenge of the Fallen and was just even a little better than the original. Dark of the Moon got just a little more dark than its predecessors cutting out some of its subpar comedy/silliness and making the plot of the film more interesting than the others. While I'm not a fan of the new female lead actress Rosie Huntington-Whiteley I was short of glad that I didn't have to see Megan Fox again, though they should of went with a different actress other than Huntington-Whiteley. Bay really stepped it up with the action in this film.

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Fast Five

With all of the main cast members from all previous four films joining together in Fast Five the fifth film in the franchise is top of the line pure epicness. With the addition of Dwayne Johnson Fast Five builds upon Fast & Furious format of less street racing and adds more car chases and now the element of a heist film. Fast Five continues to remain a little dark in its plot-line like its predecessor Fast & Furious but throws some extra comedy in the mix again like the earlier films in the franchise. Thus far Fast Five is my favorite in the series and if the trend continues hopefully the next film in the series will be even better.

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The Expendables

(This was a review I wrote back in 2012 on another site. This was during a time when having movie rentals mailed to you was huge.)

In all honesty after about 5 to 10 minutes into this film I just stopped the movie and sent it back in the mail. The entire story line fails, and the cast were all forgettable. The only good quality about this film is the special effects. I only wasted at most 10 minutes on this film; don't make the same mistake I made and instead just act like this film doesn't exist and go watch a different film. You have been warn.

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