Viper Du'Vark



Star Trek

I'm not a "Trekkie"; I was never a huge fan of the original television series or films but I must say I thought J.J. Abrams take on Star Trek was excellent. Star Trek had some great action and amazing special effects scenes and an awesome plot wrapped around it nicely. All the actors and actresses were perfectly cast for their roles. J.J. Abrams yet again does an amazing job. I have a feeling everything that man touches turns to gold. Even if you compare this film to others in its genre besides just past Star Trek films, it's still better than most I have seen.

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Underworld: Awakening

Underworld: Awakening in my opinion wasn't the best in the series, but at the same time wasn't a bad film. It took a step back from the heavy mythology of the previous films and ramped up the action much more. I guess they are done telling the story of the history of Vampires and Werewolves and are starting to tell a different story of them in the present which I'm not against. I'll be looking forward to the next one.

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Man on a Ledge

Man on a Ledge was surprisingly good. It was entertaining and thrilling. It kept me on the edge of my seat a little bit at the end. I went into the theater with my brain turned off and with low expectations, and it helped me enjoyed the film more than it would have if I came in with high expectations. Take the movie for what it is, mindless fun. Don't over think it while you watch it. It was a great watch.

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Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen had well... fallen from its predecessor. Bay's signature action scenes are there but wasn't a great as those from the first film. Despite the subpar story line from the first film Revenge of the Fallen had a much poorer plot line. Also I couldn't stand the Autobot Twins, every time they were on the screen I would just want to fast forward through it. They annoyed me that much along with Sam's new college roommate which I think shouldn't have been in the film. This sequel to Transformers despite its flaws still was entertaining enough to keep my attention.

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The Hurt Locker

I thought the movie was over rated, over hyped. I found myself a little bored watching some of the film. I have seen much better war movies than this. I read another reviewers comment, he said "...first 10 minutes are good the rest the same". He was actually right nothing really changes. The story line was weak. There is no way this film should have deserved the Oscars they received.

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Chronicle took me off guard and blew me away. It is the best "found footage" movie in my opinion, more enjoyable then Cloverfield was. It is a little slow to pick up, but once you get to the point when they get their abilities it picks up. It was funny, dark, and thrilling. Some of the scenes when they are using their abilities are a lot better than most superhero films I have seen. All around it was a fun movie that I loved a lot. I highly recommend this film! Go see it!

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Crank: High Voltage

Although this sequel to Crank is entertaining in its own way, it was pretty much the same as the first one with just a few changes here and there. In an attempt to raise the bar for craziest and nuttiest action movie out there they up the ante on the gory violence and added these quirky interruptions like a Godzilla like fight scene and an interview type afternoon show like Jerry Springer periodicity throughout the film. I wasn't a fan of the latter addition. While it kept the same format from the first film, Crank: High Voltage slowed down just a little bit on the thrill ride compared to its predecessor. As I said at the start Crank: High Voltage was still entertaining in its own way; I had a lot of fun watching it. Hopefully they can make a third film some day.

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With a mix of action-comedy and things blowing up Transformers turned out to be an entertaining blockbuster to watch. Michael Bay did a really good job bringing the robots to life. They looked as real as a CGI robot could possibly be. Because this is a Michael Bay film you can expect the acting and story line to be subpar. Bay's true talent is making great action scenes and he delivers them well. Still five years later the action in this movie gives me thrills every time I watch it.

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I had a lot of fun watching this film; I don't understand why people hate on it so much. Battleship was an excellent popcorn flick through and through. Yeah the story line was light but the special effects and action scenes were amazing and I found myself cheering for us (the human race) a couple of times throughout the film. There is just one scene in the whole movie which mirrors the game this film is based off of, but besides that one small scene nothing else about the game Battleship is used in the movie except for the title of the film. Instead everything else about this film is your typical science fiction/alien attack movie. As far as the acting goes, you can't go wrong with Liam Neeson and Alexander Skarsgård; Rihanna should just stick with her music career, and Taylor Kitsch was just OK for the lead, but I felt like they should of got someone else for the part. All in all, Battleship is a solid entertaining summer popcorn flick.

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Project X

Epic fun party movie; the best party movie I have ever seen. I want to go to a party like this at least once in my life. There isn't much of a plot to this movie; it is just about two friends trying to put together a massive party for their friend's birthday that is it. The real purpose of this movie is the out of control, fantasy, over the top, unbelievable, crazy, insane party - and what a party it was! I thought the movie was awesomely funny, and enjoyed most of it. By most of it, like others have said the movie has a slow start and doesn't really pick up until just after the party starts. Once the party starts, the movie starts getting fun, and some moments I felt like I was there. This movie isn't for everyone (like the critics), it is mindless fun. The people behind Project X promoted this movie as the best epic party movie of all time, they never once claimed that this movie had an in depth story.

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American Pie 2

Very rarely does a sequel to a movie outperform the first, and in my opinion American Pie 2 does just that. The overall story and comedy was better than the classic hit of the first film and the acting got a lot better. This is my favorite film of the original trilogy.

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Total Recall

You know... this remake of Total Recall wasn't that bad despite what others are saying. The action scenes I thought were really great and the special effects were excellent to look at it. While the story line could have been better - Farrell's Total Recall was overall a decent action film.

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The Invention of Lying

In an era when original films are few and far in-between I thought The Invention of Lying was actually a pretty decently good film. Sure as a comedy it wasn't really hilarious but it had a good plot that was interesting and heartwarming and an excellent cast as well.

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Hollywood Homicide

This is a story about two police detectives in Hollywood. One detective works as a real estate agent on the side. The other teaches yoga while pursuing an acting career. This tale sounded promising for an action-comedy mix film to me, but for Hollywood Homicide it fell short. As far as the comedy part goes there was only one scene that got me to laugh in the whole movie, the scene in which the main leads are being interrogated by IA. Everything else was just "bla". While this tale was an interesting take as an action-comedy style film the overall plot felt boring too.

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Just like Chev Chelios who can't stop moving otherwise he'll die from the poison that was injected into him, this film is always on the move from the start of the movie to the credits rolling at the end. There is little down time in this film unlike most movies in its genre which slows down on the thrilling action to give time to develop the plot, but just because it doesn't whine down for the plot it does well intertwining the development of the plot with the action. Besides the thrilling entertainment you can get from this film, this film never takes itself seriously mixing in a few number of humorous scenes as well which were all funny making it a fun film to watch at least more than once.

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The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift

I have to admit, when I first watched The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift I hated it. None of the casts from the first two films are in the third one except for one actor who only shows up in the last ten seconds of the film in a cameo role. On top that the acting was much worse than the previous films and the story line was more lame and boring as well. It wasn't until after I got to see Tokyo Drift's successor Fast and Furious when it hit theaters that I found a new sense of appreciation for Tokyo Drift because of Kang's "Han" which gave the feeling that Tokyo Drift felt like it belong in the franchise whereas before it felt like it didn't... to me at least. Still with my new sense of appreciation Tokyo Drift still is the weak link in the franchise.

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Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

I never really watched the first three films, only bits and pieces here and there so I can't really compare. I did think the ending was a bit over board to have in this franchise.

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Men in Black 3

Men in Black III is different than the other two films before it. I thought it was not as good as the first film, but much better than the second one. The 3rd film in the franchise is a little darker than its predecessors which was alright, but was missing that humor from the first film. It kept me entertained throughout the film, but at the same time I was hoping for more to happen like more action scenes which Men in Black III lacked in a little.

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I thought it was like a female version of the Bourne movies with the filming of the movie mirroring the Ocean's movies with the flashbacks showing more story of how things came together and the locations they were in, as well as some of the music reminded me of the Ocean's films. Which doesn't shock me as much as the guy who directed this movie, also directed the Ocean's films. Though, while I did think it was like a female version of Bourne in away, but by all means I don't think it was a good as the Bourne movies were. Haywire's story was less compelling, but the action scenes was great enough to keep my attention in the film.

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Real Steel

Good fun movie to rent. I didn't love it, but I also didn't hate it either.

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Lockout is a fun popcorn flick through and through. Never once did I feel bored watching this at all. Guy Pearce has a ton of one-liners in this film and delivers them perfectly; it was hilarious; which caught me off guard because there aren't many funny scenes in a true action film. This isn't your typical A-type Hollywood movie; it is a B-type so I took it for what it was -- mindless fun. The story wasn't that bad it was just average; it was your typical spy film meets prison break story line. The whole movie is just surrounded by pure action and it takes no time getting to it.

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I must say, this movie wasn't that bad. Besides Taylor Lautner's acting which is a joke, everything else about this film was at least decent. I thought the action and suspense was enough to keep me entertained through the whole film. I don't know why everyone hates this film so much, maybe because a dude from Twilight is in it (who cares? I don't). His acting wasn't great, if they got a different actor then this movie could have been much better, but with the movie as is; I have seen much much much worst films then this.

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In Time

Not the greatest film, but the interesting concept and a solid good cast kept me engaged through the whole movie. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would have been. The story line isn't as horrible as most people make it out to be; it could have been better I agree, but I have seen worst than this. I didn't feel like I needed to steal time to get back what I used up watching this, it was a good rental.

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Fast & Furious

Ever since The Fast and the Furious came out in 2001, Fast & Furious was the sequel I was hoping for. With four of the main cast members from the original film back Fast & Furious was just as entertaining as the first and better than 2 Fast 2 Furious and Tokyo Drift. Fast & Furious geared down on the usual street racing the franchise was built on and instead focused on a darker and compelling story line than previous films in the series. The lack of racing in involved in this film sucked but overall I can appreciate the change in format. The acting was stepped up a bit and while there were less street racing involved, there were plenty of action to go around. This shift in format brought new life for future sequels in the franchise to come.

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Is it possible for Denzel Washington to be in a horrible movie? The man can act. Unstoppable is an excellent thriller. The plot in this film was amazing. The film - no matter how many times I watch it - every time during scenes involving saving attempts to stop the train grabs me in tightly and gets my heart pumping. From start to finish this film is a thrill ride. I enjoyed every minute of it.

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Déjà Vu

Déjà Vu is yet another great Denzel Washington film. This thriller was really fun to watch. Although the plot twist around sometimes it was still entertaining and enjoyable to follow. The cast were all excellent. Overall it is amazing and I never get tired of watching it. Déjà Vu is definitely on the top 10 of Washington's greatest films.

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I don't know why this film is getting a ton of bad reviews, but I loved it! Sure it is 90 minutes of just car chase scenes with few breaks, but that is what I loved most about the film. Was it the greatest movie of the year? No, but was it also the worst movie of the year? Heck no! I could name a dozen other films that was way more worst than this.

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Rush Hour 3

This movie wasn't as great or funny has the first two films, but nevertheless it was enjoyable to watch.

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Live Free or Die Hard

This movie was great! The best I've seen this year alone. Tons of action, and it was also humorous through out the movie. It might not have that same feeling as the old movies because of it's PG-13 rating, but it was still great to watch.

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The Bourne Ultimatum

This movie has got to be my favorite out of the three. I really enjoyed how well they've blended the first two films with the 3rd one. The only thing I didn't like about the movie was the fact it took Bourne just over half the movie to get to New York. Everything else was just perfect.

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