Atmos Black


Omicron Persei 8

Paradise Hills

I need to write at least 5 words, but this movie is just :poop:

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We have a saying here "Is this art or can I throw it to the trash?"
It's BW, slow af, no emotions and boring - it has to be art!
I get it... Art is always in the eye of the beholder though. For me it's trash.

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Palm Springs

The best romcom I've ever watched. Also the best endless time loop thing. Beautiful!

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Deep Water

During 80% of the movie I thought that I didn’t like it. It’s basically about the perverted relationship of a nymphomaniac woman with her cuck husband. It’s disturbing, sado-masochistic and sick.
Most of the movie I was in disgust, because I do believe that these kind of people really exist. At least, whoever wrote the story, is a genius and a very sick person for sure.
Yes, I was disgusted and annoyed by nearly every character, but yes, in the end I like it because very few movie characters do that emotionally to me. I will never watch it again of course…

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Final Score

I tried to imagine that it's Bruce Willis... then I tried it with the Rock... but couldn't make it... I really tried...

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This movie has Johnathan fucking Meyers, so that's why it gets 2 stars from the start. That's it. The story and other actors are so bad that I'm lacking words. really, don't watch this :poop:

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Hail Satan?

it's actually quite interesting, but also repetitive about the same statue story

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First: Taron deserves an Oscar. Outstanding performance!

Elton John always has been some kind of a comic figure for me - like Homer Simpson - simply entertaining but not real.
I went into the movie to maybe find out who the person behind this figure is.
The shocking fact: there is no one behind it!
Just a tragic existence of an unloved boy like the are so many. There is no depth or deeper meaning behind this figure.
If the movie wanted to prove the absolute shallowness of a well known tragic figure, it did well. Yes, there are many reasons to feel sorry for him, but not because of his special story - maybe I felt sorry for the huge emptiness behind the comic figure Elton John.
In that regard I will always remember this movie. It's very well done though.

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This show really sucks - especially if you compare it to an intelligent show like The Following. Already quit...

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Loki: Season 2

Horrible. Just horrible. What a waste of money and talent. I'm finally done with Marvel shows - Loki was my last hope.

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Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery

80% was decent but they Netflixed it for their Millenial audience and the ending was so aweful that it ruined the whole movie for me. That's why I prefer HBO shows - they are for adults and don't need ridiculous, unrealistic over-acting or over-writing to keep their audience edutained till the end.

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So here’s what happened: Some guy played GTA V and his stoned friend, who happened to be a producer, said: Come on, let’s make a movie out of it! I dare you! They laughed, called Michael Bay and the rest is history.
Seriously, the movie makes no sense, is absurd and absolutely senseless. Most of the scenes are just a usual day in GTA. I couldn’t stop laughing at the bs story and absurd „story“. Crank was better because it was funny with a purpose. This is just embarrassing and at the same time it’s not even the worst movie I’ve watched this year.

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The Batman

Horrible! I lost my interest after 30 minutes. Since 30 years it's always the same story, over and over again. His parents died and he wants revenge. Yes, I can't stand DC but I'm still trying to find something to like, but there is nothing. Maybe one of the worst movies ever made. What an utter waste of time. Oh, and why are they whispering the whole time and turn the techno music up? Maybe to distract from the fact that there is no story? Seriously, to make a movie with no story, you have to be John Wick, then you're at least cool. Oh boy... Sooooooo bad!

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Professor T

This was the best Sherlock show since years. Awesome! Only the British version makes sense with this character!!

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I See You

I was so shocked. Absolute horror. Disgusting. Sick. Enough about the face of Helen Hunt and her face lift going seriously wrong like with Zellweger...
Now to the movie: It was confusing - in a bad way. A great story, but told in a unnecessary complicated and confusing way. In the end, the timing and the different storylines feel off several times. Much potential unfulfilled...

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Dangerous Lies

Here is what happened: the writers got so confused by their own story, that they left and got replaced by an apprentice (who actually was just the pizza guy), and he finished the script, leaving everyone so clueless that they called it a day and Netflix released the movie accidentally, because they forgot to delete the file in their trash bin. I'm pretty sure this explains everything!

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Prodigal Son

This is so cheesy and obvious. Is this written for people with IQ < 50? Seriously... Every episode is the same - he goes somewhere, gets in a fight, people just commit they did it without a reason and case solved. This is an offence to every decent human being. I'm done...

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John Wick

Ok... The thing is this: Just forget the stupid story with the dog. No... Forget ANY story - it simply has none. BUT this movie is a piece of art in the category of action movies. Think of Kill Bill without any story and add even more coolness. ;)

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BoJack Horseman

If you like Archer, you will LOVE BoJack! :)

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The Knick

I had very high expectations - Clive Owen is awesome, but sorry - the show just bores me to death.

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The Blacklist

Totally awesome!! I can´t get enough of this show. Great actors - great storyline. For the best new show 2013 together with The Following!

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Chuck 2.0! Totally into it!

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Red Eye

Thank God for British TV! In the flood of mediocre shows these days (I've quit so many like never before in 2024) this was finally a well written & acted show that kept me watching.

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Dark Matter

From all the multiverse worlds we have found the one where they make this show with the most un-charismatic, un-talented, un-interesting and un-attractive actors possible! That's quite an achievement! Also it's horrible.

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A Gentleman in Moscow

The good thing is that this is a classical multi-tasking show. You can let it run, listen 2 podcasts, read 5 books, surf the web and write reviews on Trakt at the same time.... and when you return, you won't have missed a single thing!
Awesome! So good to have lots of shows like this currently otherwise I wouldn't know when to accomplish all of this!

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In the Land of Saints and Sinners

Boring AF but still not one of the worst Liam movies in recent years.

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The Beekeeper

Finally a movie that's worth watching. I enjoyed every minute. Now do a Wick cross-over. Thank you!
Oh and the first call center scam scene was one of the best I've ever seen!

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Road House

Yeah, this could have been a comic book but it was actually ok-ish. The past weeks I’ve quit so many movies and shows after the first hour, that this has been one of the better ones.
I guess it’s the writer strike - so much :poop: coming out these days

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The Regime: 1x01 Victory Day

I didn’t laugh once. I nearly cried though because of this horrible amateur acting.
I didn’t know that this is horror.
Overall the first glorious fail of HBO.

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This movie is a joke. Even if you would buy the artificially made up setup, it's so horribly made - trash dialogues and a storyline that makes no sense at all. One of the most useless movies ever made. Don't waste your precious time.

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