


Anne Rice's Mayfair Witches

I love the Daddario siblings and will watch anything they are in. I loved Alexandra in this and so i was immediately pulled in.

Unfortunately, I think, like many shows recently, this has fallen victim to a short episode order. This needed to be in the 22-episode tv format and not 8. They tried to cover too much in too little space and nothing had a chance to build out and be adequately explained.

This was a 22-episode script compacted down instead of being written as 8 episodes and so, everything was rushed and at times confusing. I'm hopeful that season 2 is better as I think it could end up being worthwhile.

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Warrior Nun

Even if this wasn't from 'no renew' Netflix that cliffhanger still wouldn't be okay. Didn't even truly feel like a cliffhanger, more like they just didn't know how to continue the story or have the budget too.

The plot only really started 2-3 episodes ago so feels like a massive let down... Wasted a shocking amount of time on a love story that isn't going to lead anywhere (where is he, is he just not going to be mentioned again??) as it seems Sister Beatrice is the next love interest.

A lot of hours to get zero conclusions and a non-ending.

In short; subpar storyline, pointless love story, no ending and a let down for what was an interesting premise. First ten minutes and the last ten minutes are the only interesting parts of the whole of season 1.

Tip to the people over at Netflix:
If someone has watched the last episode and can't figure out why the 'next episode button' hasn't shown up, you've done something very wrong. When you get an interesting story idea, make sure you get the correct people to write the story.

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Wu Assassins

The acting is pretty bad, the CGI is laughable, the story doesn't appear that original to other Netflix Originals where a hero with new powers has a parental figure/family friend that has to be defeated (The Protector, Iron Fist, The Order) but I'm going to continue to give it ago, in the doubtful hope that it improves.

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