Glenn Greening


Melbourne, Australia

It Chapter Two

SO much better than the first one. SO MUCH.

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Daddy's Home 2

Really picks up at the end. Was average till then but then was a bit better by the end.

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The actors tried their best but the bad writing and bad dialogue really let this down. Could have been a classic but so bad.

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Quite good except for the predictable twist. Good action and great fx!

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Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Harry had a hair cut

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The Visit

How did they have no wifi but then regularly make Skype calls…?

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Home Alone

Still a classic. Holds up well.

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Harry Potter 20th Anniversary: Return to Hogwarts

A few good moments but felt dragged out. Would have been a good one hour special.

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Don't Think Twice

What a great movie. Not at all what I expected. So good though.

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Your Christmas or Mine?

This was quite charming up until the dog got shot in the head for some reason!!!

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The Noel Diary

Girl turns up in a plug in hybrid and then later says “my fiancé is annoyed at me for spending so much gas money…”


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Nowhere near as good as the premise would suggest :(

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6 Underground

This makes the worst films I’ve ever seen look like masterpieces. Unbelievable.

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Christmas As Usual

It was fine. A nice story but just so sloooow. A shame. Could have been so much better.

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The Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad!

30 years later and this film still holds up. Still so funny.

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Ex Machina

i just kept thinking “dude, she’s not even real. dont fall for her charm. who cares if she gets turned off. shes a machine. not even an amimal! :person_shrugging_tone1::male_sign:“

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Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Harry needs a hair cut

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Home Alone 2: Lost in New York

Controversial opinion: the sequel is better than the original :grimacing:

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Days of the Bagnold Summer

A Very nice sound track. :)

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Basically Shakespeare fan fiction but a lot of fun.

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The Silence

[spoiler] in this new world librarians will rule because they know how to shhhh people. This should have been the ending [/spolier]

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Ready or Not

Great ending. So funny. Better than I expected.

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Your Place or Mine

Was really enjoying this up until the last 5 minutes.

If you ignore all the stupid things that are unbelievable it’s a light fun movie to watch but it all goes as you’d expect at the end which is disappointing. Odd that they make the guy she didn’t end up with quite likeable and the much better option.

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John Wick

If someone did that to my dog I’d probably be the same. (Possibly with less skill though).

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Steve Martin and Martin Short: An Evening You Will Forget for the Rest of Your Life

One of the better comedy specials I’ve seen in a long while. Love both these guys.

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Fireplace for Your Home: Birchwood Edition

Starts off slowly but quickly becomes a roaring fire!

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Home Alone 4

This is supposed to be the same Kevin and Marv as the first movies and they seem to have a history (which I assume is the first two movies) but how? Kevin is 9 in this one and 10 in the earlier one… makes no sense. Didn’t help that this movie was just really really bad anyway.

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The Tinder Swindler

This documentary made no sense. The first girl was from Norway and sometimes in London but had her Mum in her phone as ‘Mom’? I think the producers faked a lot of this and that is just one red flag for me to not believe this one sided story.

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Black Mirror: Bandersnatch

I was excited by this idea and love black mirror so had high hopes. I’m sure if it’s done again it will be better. I think making choices like which cereal to eat, which cassette to play and which record to buy are ridiculous and just interrupt the flow of the story. Real decisions where a character actually takes an action that can lead to different plot/story would have been better. And instead of “choosing” and following that story instead you were made to feel like it wasn’t choosing for yourself but trying to choose the right answer which is not the same. If it’s just going to circle back around till you make the right choice then what is the point of having the choice...?
I think it was good once but would hope in the future that decisions actually had an impact.

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Troll Bridge

Worth the wait. (I have summed up this film in three words but unfortunately trackt will not allow such concise and to-the-point ‘comments’

It’s not even called a review, it’s called a comment, and I know of lots of comments that are 5 words or less, like “no comment” - anyway, sorry about the rant but it’s required for comments on here ‍‍ )

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