Glenn Greening


Melbourne, Australia


I had high expectations since I loved Get Out. This movie had many good funny moments. The horror part wasn't consistent. Some of it were well done, others felt rushed. I have two main issues with this movie. The first one was the pacing, the first half was super slow and the second half was rushed. SPOILERS The second issue is that the "orange clothes" people back story wasn't well explained with incoherent things like having similar children as the originals. It shouldn't have happened since biology doesn't work like that. I wish they explained it better if they had an sensible explanation. Some may say just ignore it and enjoy the movie but I can't, I need logical explaination even if it's fictional. That's what most B horror movies which I didn't expect of this movie.

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@alexnader also, what was the point of the monologue explaining everything if the girl she was talking to spent her childhood there anyway which is revealed later. Makes no sense!

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Knock Knock

Has to be in running for the worst Keanu Reeves movie EVER.

I appreciate the fact that he's 50 and looks 35, I was even starting to think he was gonna have like some Matthew Mccona-however the fuck you spell it renaissance with John Wick and that ronin movie, even though Keanu, in his 30 year career has NEVER in my opinion, but a particularly good actor and this movie exposed the hell out of that.

First of all, Keanu was going against his type cast, and watching him trying to be like normal upbeat dad guy and joking with kids and shit came off awkward and forced as hell because he's no good at "emoting".

Second, nobody and I mean nobody believed either of those girls were 15, so suspension of disbelief is already difficult.

Third, usually when you build a villain up for upwards of 45 minutes, they better get a hell off a comeuppance at the end, these bitches got NOTHING, they basically raped and tortured one guy and murdered his friend and got off clean without a scratch on them.

So many holes in this movies as well.

For example, in the final 20 or so minutes, it's revealed he had a gun hidden in some piece of pottery or whatever it was, but for some reason, whenever he got free, he never went for it, opting instead to attempt to strangle them.

His racially ambiguous friend Louis (couldn't tell if he was black or Spanish) does this spiel when he realizes something fucked up is going on about being from Oakland and not taking no shit blah blah and instead of untying Keanu's character, he decides to get all up in arms over some piece of art and ends up dying like a dickhead.

They also said the girls went to every house during the night scene and that nobody in the whole neighborhood was home so he could scream for help all he wants.

I mean you're telling me in an affluent looking neighborhood that there's not one person in their home at all at night during this whole ordeal?

And I hate to just beat this point home, but GOD Keanu reeves was awful, it's bad enough he kept his EXACT john wick look, which made it seem as though he filmed this right after filming wick, but he delivered his lines with as much enthusiasm as a guy getting pulled out of a ménage e trois with 1999 Jennifer Lopez and 2002, fuck, 2015 Monica Bellucci to go home to 2015 Amy Schumer.

And the best part of all of this shit is that no real motivation nor any background are ever given on these 2 girls, why the blonde with the thick accent insists on calling him daddy and acting fucking crazy, why they run around fucking up guys lives, where they come from, how they were able to spy on him, nothing.

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@hoochzilla all good points. And yet I really enjoyed it.

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Home Alone 2: Lost in New York

The best out of the 5 films.

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@sparklindiamond also agree. While watching I was thinking that this was almost as good as the original but a bit further in I was thinking actually it may be just as good as the original and then by the end I had decided it was better than the original….

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Don't Look Up

A film for the covid/climate change/bad things won’t happen to me deniers. It goes on too long but this is still an enjoyable, relatable, and pretty sad satirical comedy. Stay tuned for the early credits scene.

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@lee-brown-barrow the post credits scene not as good.

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