Glenn Greening


Melbourne, Australia

Designated Survivor: 2x12 The Final Frontier

Designated Survivor is great and enjoyable because of the people involved in it... but also increasingly predictable. They have this structure of:

  • "Kirkman is dealing with this situation today"
  • "Situation goes terribly bad, there's a dilemma, decisions to be made"
  • "Kirkman saves the day"
  • And meanwhile, "Agent Wells investigates"

I like the show because I love to see Kiefer Sutherland and the supporting cast has been wonderful as well, and it's been a "feel good" show, really - even when the outcome of Kirkman's problems is not that great, there is still a positive message being shared. And what can I say about Lyor's scenes, always on point. However, I fear that without innovation the show doesn't have much of a future, especially with the investigation stuff not being that interesting. We'll see what happens.

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@playsonic2 yes, it’s getting too predictable. I knew the people in the space station would be ok. I wish I didn’t know andnit was more suspenseful.

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Salvation: 1x10 Coup de Grace

This show just gets more and more stupid with each passing week. It would take too long to list everything, so I'll just mention my one favorite macro and one favorite micro issue: (a) The ex-SECDEF thinks that just disappearing -- when a rock is heading our way that could potentially kill all of humanity -- is the best way to "protect" himself and his husband. And he's allowed to just drive off despite it being painfully obvious that he has critical information that would be good to know. That's a double dose of stupid right there. (b) Elon Musk Jr.'s text messaging app does not include timestamps. Someone probably should have been supervising the high school intern who was in charge of that visual.

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@jimgysin also the room that displays all the graphics of where asteroid will hit has glass walls. Everyone can see it! Thought it was a big secret!

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Outlander: 3x12 The Bakra

Well, clearly the 200 year old baby is Briana. Duh. I wonder if Jamie will get to go to the future with Claire to try and save his daughter. I'm excited about all the time traveling that is to come! I hope all the time lines don't get tangled up and confusing.

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@nightshadee yes they can. But Jamie won’t.

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Maniac: 1x08 The Lake of the Clouds

Annie, I'm a hawk.

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@vhgauto haha was about to comment that exact line.

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Outlander: 4x04 Common Ground

I mean, one of the shots during the intro song shows a woman going down some stairs in a period dress wearing the bracelet Roger gave Brianna. So there's not much of a question whether she'll be able to travel through the stones. Way to spoil the show, intro! LOL

I'm still so pumped, though! Can't wait!

(I've decided not to read the books so I can enjoy the show without it being clouded by all the stuff the screenwriters changed or omitted. Maybe I'll read them once the show is finished to see how they compare to each other).

One thing I'm kinda confused about. The Cherokee grandma basically told Claire she'd grow old enough for all of her hair to turn white, which made me think she was gonna live a longo, long time. But then, Roger's friend had that paper that said she and Jamie died in a fire no many years after the got their land. What's up with that? Can someone explain?

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@abtr if someone explains that’s more spoilers :person_shrugging_tone1::male_sign:
They don’t die in a fire but the house burns down. I can’t remember properly because I read the books a while ago but I think Jamie is working as a printer at the time and they don’t know if they’ve changed history or not so they still print the article so it appears in the future. Something like that. I think. I can’t remember.

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The End of the F***ing World: 1x07 Episode 7

the dog :( so sad... Not necessary at all!!

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@ahmedhamdy90 it might be necessary. It shows that James has changed/is changing as 8 episodes ago he would have had no problem putting it down but now he couldn’t do it.

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BoJack Horseman: 6x16 Nice While It Lasted

Review by Carolina

When season 6 first aired, I just knew it was going to end with BoJack either dead or in prison. As it turns out, he's a bit of both (he's actually in jail and he's basically dead to every single person he's been close with in the past). I also knew that Mr. Peanutbutter, Todd, and Princess Carolyn were going to be fine (did PC's relationship with Judah remind anyone of Peggy and Stan from Mad Men or was it just only me? What a great surprise! I happen to love them together very very very much and I'm incredibly happy at the idea of Princess Carolyn being with someone who actually respects her, loves her, understands how her job works and how important it is for her, and is always willing to go the extra mile for her), but I always worried the most about Diane. I've always felt very connected to her and I kind of hoped things worked out for her because that could mean that things will eventually work out for me as well. I was a little bit disappointed to find out that she's no longer with Guy because I also wanted her to be with someone who truly loves her and cares for her, but then I remembered what Sonny said to her a couple of episodes ago about Guy always choosing "broken women" whom he then "fixes" and who eventually leave him when they're better, and I realized this: maybe that's why Diane is no longer with Guy. She is not "broken" anymore. And her final scene, in which she cuts off BoJack from her life for good, is further proof that she is, in fact, alright.

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@carolinaoftarth she married him though. They are still together.

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Money Heist: 1x11 Episode 11

Netflix mapping: this is the 2nd episode of season two on Netflix.

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@ahmedhamdy90 i think it’s also episode 3 since the image for this episode (above) is of Nairobi on the phone which is the final shot of episode 3 on netflix.

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The Boys: 1x06 The Innocents

Best episode yet. Anthony Starr is just amazing. And can we please get more Hayley Joel in more things?

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@theavereviewer watch future man if you haven’t already. Lots of HJ there.

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Only Murders in the Building: 1x07 The Boy from 6B

It seems others might have really liked this silent episode but we felt it a bit gimmicky and over-done. The first part of the episode it felt like a novel way to showcase his point of view, but by the end it felt cliche and forced. We actually thought this was the worst episode so far.

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@itswilder yep. Very unlikely that the characters suddenly don’t speak to each other.

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Servant: 1x04 Bear

I still don’t like the wife. She’s so annoying.

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@minibutmighty I don’t like any of the characters. I don’t find this show enjoyable at all.

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A Discovery of Witches: 1x03 Episode 3

After the 3rd episode, I quit. Just not into this show. I did try.

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@mosesmsj same. I tried my best. And just noticed there’s more after this season so no. Can’t keep going.

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The Lazarus Project: 1x05 Episode 5

That is a big boy. Indeed it is. What I don't get is does he really think he'll get away with it? The unit will surely find out and arrest him and he'll never see his wife. He is not thinking clearly. I don't know is Shiv is bad. I'm confused. Anyway, it's still a good show

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@aid45 I thought it would be bigger :person_shrugging_tone1:♂

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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 7x10 Admiral Peralta

Jesus... what happened to this show ??

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@eleon holt didn’t seem as holt-like this episode. A bit over the top.

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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 7x10 Admiral Peralta

I love the way Amy finds out the gender haha best bit of the episode. (But as many other comments said: gender reveal things are dumb).

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@waltandmartha closely followed by the second best bit of the episode: the blindfolded “cleaning” of the kitchen hahaha :joy:

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Blockbuster: 1x10 Sh*t Storm

I don’t even know why I went through the whole season without liking a single episode. I guess after my Brooklyn 99 binge I was just excited to see Melissa Fumero in something but this show just isn’t good. The characters are bland, the writing is way too reference-ridden, the plots are formulaic and worst of all, the jokes don’t land 99 out of a 100 times.

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@tadici 100% agree. This is the exact same reason I watched, I just finished 8 seasons of B99 but this was just such a let down. I feel like it started showing promise mid-season but then went bad again.

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Succession: 4x02 Rehearsal

Tremendous episode, both among the show's funniest ever -- the kids together are pure gold, but the humor is firing on all storylines, really ("He's still just kinda walking around, but with a slight sense that he might kill someone. It's like Jaws if everyone in Jaws worked for Jaws." lmao) -- and also just so complicatedly, emotionally bruised, as in that whole karaoke room scene.

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@pongpeng “like Santa Claus, if Santa Claus was a hit man”

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The Good Place: 3x09 Janet(s)

Janet was brilliant at playing everyone except for Chidi.

So now we know why nobody gets into the good place. Yet another new plot wall they're rushing to tear down; these writers rip through plots with such alacrity, as if they're starving dogs chowing down. Don't know if I should admire or condemn them for it.

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@dewdropvelvet I thought her chidi was very well done. The way he pauses in his speech and stresses certain words really came though and she did it so well.

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Stranger Things: 3x07 Chapter Seven: The Bite

Shout by Vicquell Lightbourne
BlockedParent2019-07-07T13:48:38Z— updated 2022-02-22T04:02:12Z

I love Robin and Steve's friendship

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I’m @vicquelly thanks I also removed mine

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The Good Place: 4x13 Whenever You're Ready

If what Chidi said to Eleanor didn't make you cry, what is wrong with you?

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@maryjanewatson the Michael on earth stuff was more emotional I thought.

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The Mandalorian: 1x07 Chapter 7: The Reckoning

Finally something actually happened after they dragged the season for absolutely nothing.

After four mediocre episodes in a row with three of them being filler, this episode is decent enough. Those previous episodes serve no actual purpose other than waiting for the plot to trigger itself by that call.

The dialogues in this episode could be better and so could the way the scenes are cut, especially for the first half. People seem too eager to join The Mando in his quest for the sake of moving the story. However the last 5-10 the minutes is quite watchable with enough tense. The brute killing in the last scene seems to suggest they're going with the "evil Empire" cliche, but I wish they could do better than that next episode.

It seems like the story just started to be set in motion and we will be left with more questions as Season 1 ends, which unfortunately seems to be Disney+ business model: just make cute Baby Yoda stuff for moms and Star Wars reference for dads, figure things out later in Season 2.

On positive notes, it's nice that they attempt to do more world-building like shocktroopers having signature tattoo, each Imperial province having their own insignia, and the Imperial warlord trying to convince people that the world is better with colonialism.

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@xaliber why do you bother even watching if you don’t like it and just want to complain. :person_shrugging_tone1: I’m quite enjoying it.

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High Fidelity: 1x06 Weird... But Warm

Damn, I find it hard to get through an episode because I have to pause it so often to grab music from it

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@tombmaker it’s a great series. I wish there were more shows for music lovers.

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Fear the Walking Dead: 5x09 Channel 4

I almost fell asleep as I watched this. I'm not exaggerating or talking figuratively.

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@rosetheflower I did fall asleep... :sleeping:

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Futurama: 1x09 Hell Is Other Robots

[7.7/10] It’s amazing to me how fully formed Futurama is this early. All the characters are recognizable, to where when you do an episode focused on Bender changing and going out of character, it still totally works.

The first act is probably the weakest, with the Beastie Boys material being perfectly entertaining concert riffs, but nothing that really jumps out at you. By the same token, the Bender as junkie stuff is funny enough, but not outstanding or anything. (Though the sequence where he first trips out is creative and well done.)

But it's the second act, after Bender finds religion, that things really pick up. It perfectly captures the way that you want to be supportive of previously neer do well friends who find something wholesome to occupy their time, but then you get annoyed at their new, button-down presence. Jokes about Bender's "exceedingly long, un-air-conditioned baptism ceremony" are great, as is Bender's new goodie-goodie persona, where he hugs Fry and says "you're my friend" in a loving but kind of creepy tone. It's well-observed, very funny stuff (along with Fry and Leela tempting him with sleaze).

The third act capitalizes on that, with Bender being dragged to Robot Hell. It's always a boon to cast Dan Castellaneta in just about anything, and he hams it up delightfully as the Robot Devil. The "Levels of Hell" song has clever and amusing lyrics, and the "Devil Went Down to Georgia" homage and great, angel-tinged escape are all fun comic set pieces.

Overall, a fun, Bender-filled way to close out the show's first season, that brings the laughs and the well-observed character-based stuff early on in the show's run.

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@andrewbloom season one is good but the one character I would have liked to see more of is zoidberg. Doesn’t have much to do this season.

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This Is Us: 4x14 The Cabin

I loved the scenes with Toby and baby Jack

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@soraia-silva they were my favourite part of this episode as well.

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Squid Game: 1x02 Hell

Shout by Agnetė
BlockedParentSpoilers2021-10-09T19:14:36Z— updated 2021-10-17T10:09:15Z

Gihun really could've helped the officer, we don't even know what he wanted from Gihun and now he just looks like an apathetic asshole

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@agnetebu he did help him didn’t he? By telling him where the pickup was and he is following? I think that’s what was happening. I will know more as I keep watching…

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Squid Game: 1x04 Stick to the Team

It was just a matter of time someone would start killing the others. Of course, if it means more money.

What I find almost more interesting than the players themselves is whatever is going on with the staff and managers. We clearly have more people on the inside than just the detective. Who's the staff members bringing people to the doctor? Old players? People who didn't stay anonymous? I don't see many chances for them to be talking to each other and making big plans. Wondering greatly how they came to get together in the first place. And why. So they took an eye off of one of the players? Huh.

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@kyria-crosszeria I’m wondering if the detectives brother is a dead player or is he one of the staff… I guess I will keep watching.

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Mare of Easttown: 1x06 Sore Must Be the Storm
  • What's in the damn photograph?!? :question:

  • Hope Siobhan gets her own spin off. Just kidding, can you imagine. :laughing: Episode 7 will finally answer the question on everyone's mind: will Siobhan go to Berkeley!! I know she is the only way Mare can deal with her grief that she has been avoiding but Siobhan's storyline feels like filler, and her scenes are bad. I start scrolling on my phone whenever her side story starts up.

  • Mare going out to arrest a suspect with no backup like she didn't just lose a friend and colleague last week? :rolling_eyes: I'm kinda annoyed that she hasn't learned her lesson.

  • That bathtub scene was unnecessary. Definitely a cheap suspense scene. I know it's to show Carrie is not ready and she will need Mare and her mom's help to raise Drew. I get it, but still it's was a little too much.

  • When the penultimate episode of a murder mystery ends with the protagonist saying, "X character was the killer", I feel like it's safe to say that X was not the killer. John is definitely hiding something. He knew Lori would tell Mare. He is pinning the murder on Billy. I think in the next episode John is going to kill his brother and frame it as a suicide. John has to the baby's father, and the murder weapon is Mare's fathers gun that is stashed in the attic "where no one goes anymore".

  • Kate Winslet and Jean Smart are an amazing team. All of their scenes, comedy or drama, are :fire:.

  • Is it possible that Guy Pearce is just a normal and regular dude Mare met at a bar? Hmm. There must be a reason a random stranger shows up in the plot.

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@cutecruel agree with all these points! Exactly what I am thinking. I will find out how right it all is when I put on the last episode now.

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This Is Us: 5x05 A Long Road Home

I was ok with them including the pandemic in the storyline but at this point it is like they are not sure what to do with it anymore. We get all these moments where the pandemic is emphasized and then others where it doesn’t seem like that big of a deal, like Kate choosing that specific moment to confront Marc or Randall deciding to travel and find out about his mom!

Now about that whole Kate/Marc story, the show gave us glimpses here and there and really took its time teasing us about Kate’s past but never divulging all the truth, and now it seems the reveal and resolution were rushed. Kate suddenly decides to confront Marc (during a pandemic nonetheless) and after one talk with him, she is suddenly free of an abusive past that has taken years of her life. She never even spoke about it! I mean good for her but how realistic is this? In one episode, she is triggered to remember her past, tells Toby the truth, stalks Marc, confronts him, and then done, chapter closed!

I still don’t like the whole Randall’s mom story but I am kind of curious to see what will be the reason for her not looking up William or her son all these years?

Kevin calling Randall for advice really got me all teared up… BUT what is going with his storyline? The whole disagreement between him and Madison really came out of nowhere! It is not like she suddenly discovered that he is an actor, and Kevin really doesn’t travel that much! Specifically, it came right after she pushed him to accept the location change of his latest movie. Why can’t you just sit and talk and maybe come to some agreement, like she can stay with the kids in LA and Kevin can travel back and forth when needed. One line that cracked me up though was when she told him “you come from a family of great speech-givers.” :joy:

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@tago1987 if they are including current real events (pandemic, blm) then that means next season (which I’m not up to yet) must include the capitol and sept 11 in the 20 years earlier story.

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The Last Man on Earth: 1x06 Some Friggin' Fat Dude

Shout by Deleted

Phil is becoming too annoying. makes the whole show annoying.

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@ferdioss came here to say this. Trying to keep going because I love the idea but man Phil is annoying. Almost unwatchable.

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