


Forrest Gump

This was my absolutely first watch of it.

I am very impressed. I was over and over with this movie.

I think it pictures what should be important to us. Not intelligence, being smart or what society thinks of us. But rather...being content with our life ourselves.

People mock Forrest all the time as stupid. I don't even think he is. I think he would somehow fit the description of an autistic person. In fact, he can indeed do very many things better than most people - despite failing at what seems to be basic and obvious to people. He just does what people say, and is stubborn and doesn't stop - and by this, ironically, is superior to these people that mock him in such aspects.

We get down. We compare ourselves to our environment, loose hope. smacked down. Forrest don't! He just keeps going, no matter what others think of him or tell him otherwise. We should be all like him.

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Forrest would absolutely not be autistic. Autism people actually tend to have a high IQ. They just don't know how to communicate socially. There's actually no medical test for autism. It's a social disorder.

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Hunt for the Wilderpeople

So this is what passes for a good movie these days? Good luck with that.

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I'm glad you enjoyed it.

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Pet Sematary

Jason Clarke? Really? Please Hollywood, stop hiring this guy... he's awful.

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He was the reason I turned it off. Snoozefest.

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Pet Sematary

Jason Clarke? Really? Please Hollywood, stop hiring this guy... he's awful.

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Not a fan of his boring demeanor. He puts me to sleep every time he's on screen.

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The Grinch

I really enjoyed this movie but the soundtrack was so awful it dragged it down for me.

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I said "for me" .......It's a comment, relax.

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The Thing

Reply by Wambie


Shout by Ben

Just perfect right now (freezing time in europe) ;)

It's a 1:1 copy/remake of the original (1982), but without Kurt Russell and the CGI were better back then.

Quite horrifying, enjoyed it very much.

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The Thing

Shout by Simon

Everyone knows that remaking classic or genre defining films is going to be a let down for many people. The original was amazing because of the use of suspense and claustrophobia as much as FX. I'm a big fan of the original and bearing in mind it's 30 years old the FX are superb and the lack of CGI gives an almost more honest believable feel. That said, if you took this film on its own merits its by no means a turkey. It's a shame many of the scenes from the original are repeated because it didn't really have to be a remake and would have fared much better as a genuine prequel.

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@geeky_herman Actually the original is from 1951. This is the 3rd The Thing movie. https://trakt.tv/movies/the-thing-from-another-world-1951

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The Visit

This movie sucked so bad. In real life this mom would lose custody of her children due to neclagence.

Police officer:"How did you not recognize that these crazy people werent your parents when you first dropped your kids off ma'am???"

Mom:"Aint nobody got time fo dat!!! I dropped them at the train station and made them do the trip ALONE. I didnt even call my parents to find out if they arrived safetly... I only took the word of my children talking to them through SKYPE.. I had a boat cruise with my name on it and man wait for no lonely woman! Im not gonna let my kids steal the little youth I have left to get laid and possibly getting a new hubby. I wanted to get pounded!"

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You dummy... thanks for spoiling the movie.

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Tremors: A Cold Day in Hell

Shout by NovellGuy
BlockedParent2018-04-25T12:22:53Z— updated 2018-08-03T08:52:23Z

Tremors ROCK.....

I don't care how many people tell me I am dumb and watch crap but since the first one I was hooked.
I hope they come back to my country and make 1000 more of these movies... :)
This is just one of those franchises that just grab a following and I can GUARANTEE you I am the in the front with my flag shouting the loudest...
Please Please make MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Michael Gross is da bomb

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@novellguy I see what you did there..."grab" a following.

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Death Wish

Best Bruce Willis movie since Live Free Die Hard. Great action flick well worth the watch.

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@kennywennborg Don't understand what the link is for.

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I did not realize going in that this was only going to be ½ the story. Did WB state that beforehand?

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@mrblonde Ok Thanks. I didn't follow this one too close.

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