


Beyond a Reasonable Doubt

It's hard to believe a Fritz Lang movie could be this underrated.

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Zero Hour!

I always thought Airplane was a spoof on Airport ......until I saw this.

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The Mysterious Island

An odd mix of talkie and silent highlighted by the great (pre-confined) Lionel Barrymore.

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An incoherent trainwreck...at best.

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What was that ending all about then?

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The Kettles on Old MacDonald's Farm

Quite funny and entertaining but it's very difficult to get past the recasting of Pa Kettle.

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The Wild, Wild Planet

As a lover of bad movies(apparently, so I'm told) this movie is so pitiful I couldn't recommend it to anyone. And no it's not so bad it's good, it's so bad it's terrible. It makes Asylum movies look like masterpieces.

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Ma and Pa Kettle at Home

That Indian dress up scene is absolutely hysterical.

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Cheap Thrills

Now that's a horrible watch.

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The Phantom of the Opera

But the jokes wearing thin, let the audience OUT! Let YOUR opera END.

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Night Hunter

What a incoherent trainwreck. Boo

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Ghostbusters: Afterlife

It's like Stranger Things meets Ghostbusters. I rather enjoyed this and I don't even like Ghostbusters. I've seen them all because my wife is a fan but this is the first one I can say I enjoyed.

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The Shawshank Redemption

"This is the part I really like, when she does that shit with her hair."

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The Alligator People

Solid mad scientist movie from Fox.

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Lights Out

Generally I don't care for ghost movies but I liked this one. Much better than I expected.

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Carnival of Souls

No jump scares
No dopy teenagers
No endless chatter
No twisty turns

and what you get is an effective horror film. See it can be done.

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Armored Car Robbery

A hidden gem of a heist thriller.

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American Mummy

Way too disgusting to be any good.

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As Above, So Below

I was really hoping for a Rod Serling style ending.

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 Is this Clarice? Why, hello Clarice.

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House at the End of the Street

I was pleasantly surprised. Five

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Let's Sing a Song About the Moonlight

A sing-along for really old people. I remember being a young lad and this type of music always put me to sleep... Nothing's changed!!

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Hitchcock and Dial M

M. Night Shyamalan talking about Hitchcock is pretty cool.

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As a lover of bad movies, this movie is a train wreck unless of course you're 12.

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You know for those times where you suspect your husband......Got milk?

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Devil's Island

If you like The Prisoner of Shark Island, you may like this because it's very similar.

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The Ice Road

So who fixed those mirrors?

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Ferris Bueller's Day Off

If you say Ferris Bueller, you lose a testicle.

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Seed of Chucky

Well I enjoyed the series up until this pile of garbage.

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The Hidden Hand

Here's a hidden gem. Very entertaining.

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