


Doctor Who: 1x07 The Legend of Ruby Sunday (1)
24: 5x01 Day 5: 7:00 A.M.-8:00 A.M.

Shout by Ward

You did NOT just assassinate David Palmer...


This is terrible.

It's unacceptable ONE was killed, but BOTH? NO.

There are some of the worst creative character decisions i've ever seen. To do this with two popular and very good characters is a disgrace and disrespectful to the show and to the actors. I no longer feel like binge watching the show, and i'm not even sure i'll continue watching it.

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24: Season 4
24: 4x17 Day 4: 11:00 P.M.-12:00 A.M.

Shout by Ward

Utter idiot of a woman. Jack explained it very simply, if the enemy have both things, they will kill you both.

And within the hour, why aren't there TONS of jets and military vehicles and special forces team swarming the area so no one could escape? Instead there Jack and small team and one helicopter. Stupid. The president was just shot down, the whole area would be completely surrounded for miles.

And then there's something about red pages controlling a warhead? Why isn't the corresponding warhead disabled?

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24: 4x16 Day 4: 10:00 P.M.-11:00 P.M.

Shout by Ward

ANOTHER LOVE TRIANGLE ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Jesus christ, stop with these crappy love triangles in my terrorism investigation show. How dumb do you have to be as a writer to not just make multiple crappy love triangles, but also put them into a terrorism investigation show? So many writers just lack common sense.

Other than that, this is the worst terrorist attack that's happened in the show, and it managed to get through. This falls a lot on the president himself, Driscoll and Michelle for their mishandling in management and not being good/strict enough.

The raid on Marwan's hideout and the impersonating woman later was good.

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24: 4x13 Day 4: 7:00 P.M.-8:00 P.M.

Shout by Ward

I think it was a great episode. Really good firefight and i love the teasing between Michelle and Tony. Reiko Aylesworth is a good actress. Why was i getting emotional over PAUL being shot? Damn, just shows how good the episode/season did in developing his character more. Plus the romantic drama between Tony and Michelle made me more emotional i guess. I know i said i don't usually like romantic drama, but this is an exception, as i like the obvious feelings Tony and Michelle still have for each other. At least, i hope that's the case and they get back together. Still hate the love triangle crap with Jack though, and Audrey is becoming more annoying.

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24: 4x08 Day 4: 2:00 P.M.-3:00 P.M.

Shout by Ward

Excellent surprise at the end of the last episode. THANK YOU FOR GETTING TONY OUT OF PRISON WITH A PRESIDENTIAL PARDON, but... HOW DARE YOU BREAK UP TONY AND MICHELLE. The romantic drama with Jack's partner and her ex is annoying though. All this romantic drama is unncessary except to make characters suffer. It's annoying.

Other than that, i'm not really interested in the terrorist family storyline. The president and his staff aren't that compelling as Palmer's was in the beginning and the CTU storyline is only okay. And Jack and Audrey are just chillin with an embittered Tony, which isn't that interesting so far but it's nice to see Tony again.

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24: 4x01 Day 4: 7:00 A.M.-8:00 A.M.
24: 3x24 Day 3: 12:00 P.M.-1:00 P.M.
24: 3x22 Day 3: 10:00 A.M.-11:00 A.M.
24: 3x20 Day 3: 8:00 A.M.-9:00 A.M.

Shout by Ward

Are you KIDDING me. We finally get the relief of Michelle being alright, and it was so sweet with Michelle and Tony saying they loved each other, and then they have her captured? STUPID! Very annoying. And she just happened to get captured at this moment? After she was immune and leaving? No, hate it!

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24: 3x18 Day 3: 6:00 A.M.-7:00 A.M.
24: 3x16 Day 3: 4:00 A.M.-5:00 A.M.

Shout by Ward

Everyone covered their ass well this episode. Michelle done well and proved herself this episode, and i hope she doesn't die, just make her one of the 10%!

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24: 3x15 Day 3: 3:00 A.M.-4:00 A.M.

Shout by Ward

That rich woman would NOT have gave herself and Sherri up on that manslaughter charge. Is she stupid? She could have easily got away with it and been free and become rich, and if she gives herself up she'll have it up her freedom and wealth. No, that's unrealistically stupid, and Sherri would say they were equally responsible for the death so the rich woman wouldn't get off lightly. There was also Wayne who said NOT to talk unless her lawyer got there, but this woman talked to the detective anyway.

Why is Michelle disobeying protocol and that it looks to set up that she's going to die? Why would you do that? Why did she enter the hotel when it looked like the virus was going to be released there? She also condemned those other agents to die. Though i can't be too hard on her disobeying protocol since the other characters do it all the time, especially Jack.

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24: 3x14 Day 3: 2:00 A.M.-3:00 A.M.

Shout by Ward

A lot of clever moves being played by various characters. I liked Shappel wanting to cover for Jack, Shappel's alright. I liked Sherri covering her ass. I liked Wayne realizing the danger of the situation and the need to cover that woman's ass, which was highlighted in a subtle way by Palmer. I loved NIna's escape, and i loved Jack killing Nina, but i would have preferred Kim doing it. It would have been better if she killed her outright, rather than Nina raising her gun. But even so, Nina was raising her gun so Kim SHOULD have shot her. Still, it's partially made up by the fact that Jack shot and killed her so brutally. Loved it.

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24: 3x13 Day 3: 1:00 A.M.-2:00 A.M.
24: 3x07 Day 3: 7:00 P.M.-8:00 P.M.

Shout by Ward

The absolute audacity... To get Jack BACK undercover? What? No, i don't think that makes enough sense, not with what has happened, jeez! Jack almost died like 100 times to do this "back undercover" mission, and Ramon almost killed him and WAS going to kill him. Nah, they were going for a good twist but it doesn't make enough sense. On another note, i like how Shappel is kinda turning from an asshole to a likeable asshole.

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24: 3x05 Day 3: 5:00 P.M.-6:00 P.M.

Shout by Ward

We already saw how Kyle's friend/girlfriend had done some stupid behavior, and then she saved him from killing herself, so she might be responsible for millions of deaths if the virus is eventually released.

So, they found Kyle, so all what Jack did and ruining his life and all the prison deaths was all for nothing. This is not good writing, it just wasn't a good setup. Nor do i care much about Palmer's storyline that much, and i certainly don't care about Kyle's. And while the big bad guy is getting more development, i don't care too much.

The prison sequence was really good, though i don't believe they would have let Jack and Salazar really escape.

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24: 3x04 Day 3: 4:00 P.M.-5:00 P.M.
24: 3x03 Day 3: 3:00 P.M.-4:00 P.M.

Shout by Ward

It's funny how Palmer plans to pay someone off to avoid the news that his partner might have been involved with a crime years ago, when in real life the current presidential frontrunner is a felon.

Will Palmer really go through with the bribe? It doesn't seem like him, he's always been pretty honest. Besides, he's ahead in the polls. And what if the ex-husband decides to expose him for trying to bribe him? Just better off not doing it.

Agree with what someone else said about it's strange Tony going there alone.

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Doctor Who: 1x06 Rogue
24: 3x01 Day 3: 1:00 P.M.-2:00 P.M.
24: Season 2
24: 2x16 Day 2: 11:00 P.M.-12:00 A.M.

Shout by Ward

Stupid annoying Kim Bower sees a guy almost kill someone. She then shoots in the air wasting a bullet (like she wasted a bullet a while ago shooting someone's window) and then this idiot guy actually goes toward her even though she's pointing a gun at him? Stupid. Even though he has a pregnant wife, stupid. Then she doesn't shoot him even though he's trying to get the gun and he's already shown murderous intent, stupid, and lets him take the gun, stupid. Kim's storyline has been mostly useless crap, but as someone else said, it helps to keep watching it because she's hot.

Why does the bad guy want Kate warner? What possible reason when she's just a random civilian? Also, i guess Jack is on the run again, gone rogue.

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24: 2x15 Day 2: 10:00 P.M.-11:00 P.M.
24: 2x14 Day 2: 9:00 P.M.-10:00 P.M.

Shout by Ward

Get rid of this annoying new IT woman and bring back MIlo!

I'm glad David is getting rid of Sherri, even though she mostly proved her innocence. Just can't trust her.

We don't talk about Kim's storyline.

I like Mason. After he left, there were no beeps of the clock ticking down to indicate an ad break, and i wonder if that was intentional. He really proved himself this season, and it's a shame he's dying now. What a good character.

Put more pain on Jack! She'd break easily! Still, it was good how he found out through trickery. Jack does a surprising amount of clever trickery, he's not just all action, he's got a lot of knowledge and uses it effectively, as well being a bloodhound on an investigation, and is willing to do what it takes to succeed. Love it.

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24: 2x12 Day 2: 7:00 P.M.-8:00 P.M.
24: 2x10 Day 2: 5:00 P.M.-6:00 P.M.

Shout by Ward

What a pair of morons. Kim and her dopey boyfriend becoming even more annoying, and almost caused the death of an innocent cop. Stupid writing.

As an agent, why are you letting the daughter talk to her boyfriend? How about saying no and getting back on with business since we're trying to find A NUCLEAR BOMB. Stupid. How did he later get taken by surprise by her? She would have had to open the door to get in. Why is the dumb daughter involved in such a big plot? But apparently she's not so dumb and is a super spy assassin person.

Why is Sherri betraying David? If he loses power then Sherri has no link to any potential power, it's stupid! And why would she have any power in the first place to be involved in this big plot? Stupid!

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24: 2x09 Day 2: 4:00 P.M.-5:00 P.M.

Shout by Ward

We're getting back on track again with good developments with Jack and Palmer and their merging of plotlines a bit. That was nice, and i had a tear in my eye from Palmer's reactions toward what was going on and having to make that tough decision. You could see the conflicted feelings within him, Jack who had helped him so much and saved his life multiple times, and then when Jack talked about his daughter, Palmer was even more hurt. Damn, awesome scene. Plus, we had less story of Kim, which is awesome. And with the cia terrorist guy plotline it was nice the bit when they were in the interrogation room. I also like seeing Mason really trying to stop the bomb today. He changed since his diagnosis, not caring about ambition anymore and just trying to serve the greater good no matter what. Awesome, love it.

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24: 2x08 Day 2: 3:00 P.M.-4:00 P.M.

Shout by Ward

Kim will you shut the hell up and get out of the story! Dumb annoying character! Possibly even moreso than the first season! Get her out of the story! Her storyline is dragging the entire show down.

The legacy of this show will always be dragged down and tainted due to her storyline in the seasons.

Even the other storylines i'm kinda fed up with. The terrorist family cia and Tony it's all so dragged out and not that interesting.

Even Bauer and Nina like it just feels strange, like it hasn't fully kicked in yet.

And Palmer seems like he's getting betrayed by everyone around him, like what?

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