


24: 3x01 Day 3: 1:00 P.M.-2:00 P.M.
24: Season 2
24: 2x16 Day 2: 11:00 P.M.-12:00 A.M.

Shout by Ward

Stupid annoying Kim Bower sees a guy almost kill someone. She then shoots in the air wasting a bullet (like she wasted a bullet a while ago shooting someone's window) and then this idiot guy actually goes toward her even though she's pointing a gun at him? Stupid. Even though he has a pregnant wife, stupid. Then she doesn't shoot him even though he's trying to get the gun and he's already shown murderous intent, stupid, and lets him take the gun, stupid. Kim's storyline has been mostly useless crap, but as someone else said, it helps to keep watching it because she's hot.

Why does the bad guy want Kate warner? What possible reason when she's just a random civilian? Also, i guess Jack is on the run again, gone rogue.

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24: 2x15 Day 2: 10:00 P.M.-11:00 P.M.
24: 2x14 Day 2: 9:00 P.M.-10:00 P.M.

Shout by Ward

Get rid of this annoying new IT woman and bring back MIlo!

I'm glad David is getting rid of Sherri, even though she mostly proved her innocence. Just can't trust her.

We don't talk about Kim's storyline.

I like Mason. After he left, there were no beeps of the clock ticking down to indicate an ad break, and i wonder if that was intentional. He really proved himself this season, and it's a shame he's dying now. What a good character.

Put more pain on Jack! She'd break easily! Still, it was good how he found out through trickery. Jack does a surprising amount of clever trickery, he's not just all action, he's got a lot of knowledge and uses it effectively, as well being a bloodhound on an investigation, and is willing to do what it takes to succeed. Love it.

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24: 2x12 Day 2: 7:00 P.M.-8:00 P.M.
24: 2x10 Day 2: 5:00 P.M.-6:00 P.M.

Shout by Ward

What a pair of morons. Kim and her dopey boyfriend becoming even more annoying, and almost caused the death of an innocent cop. Stupid writing.

As an agent, why are you letting the daughter talk to her boyfriend? How about saying no and getting back on with business since we're trying to find A NUCLEAR BOMB. Stupid. How did he later get taken by surprise by her? She would have had to open the door to get in. Why is the dumb daughter involved in such a big plot? But apparently she's not so dumb and is a super spy assassin person.

Why is Sherri betraying David? If he loses power then Sherri has no link to any potential power, it's stupid! And why would she have any power in the first place to be involved in this big plot? Stupid!

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24: 2x09 Day 2: 4:00 P.M.-5:00 P.M.

Shout by Ward

We're getting back on track again with good developments with Jack and Palmer and their merging of plotlines a bit. That was nice, and i had a tear in my eye from Palmer's reactions toward what was going on and having to make that tough decision. You could see the conflicted feelings within him, Jack who had helped him so much and saved his life multiple times, and then when Jack talked about his daughter, Palmer was even more hurt. Damn, awesome scene. Plus, we had less story of Kim, which is awesome. And with the cia terrorist guy plotline it was nice the bit when they were in the interrogation room. I also like seeing Mason really trying to stop the bomb today. He changed since his diagnosis, not caring about ambition anymore and just trying to serve the greater good no matter what. Awesome, love it.

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24: 2x08 Day 2: 3:00 P.M.-4:00 P.M.

Shout by Ward

Kim will you shut the hell up and get out of the story! Dumb annoying character! Possibly even moreso than the first season! Get her out of the story! Her storyline is dragging the entire show down.

The legacy of this show will always be dragged down and tainted due to her storyline in the seasons.

Even the other storylines i'm kinda fed up with. The terrorist family cia and Tony it's all so dragged out and not that interesting.

Even Bauer and Nina like it just feels strange, like it hasn't fully kicked in yet.

And Palmer seems like he's getting betrayed by everyone around him, like what?

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24: 2x06 Day 2: 1:00 P.M.-2:00 P.M.

Shout by Ward

Jack's interrogation of Nina was fantastic, and i liked the scene at the end. I like progress being made with the father supporting terrorism plotline, and i like David's ex-wife having a role in his plotline now, even though it doesn't quite make sense how much access she still has, but i guess i can buy it. Favors and people giving her favors in the play maybe she gets back with David someday and then they'd have access and she'd owe them a favor. I like the growing conspiracy plotline. Kim's plotline is still rubbish. This was a good episode overall though! We're getting back on track.

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24: 2x05 Day 2: 12:00 P.M.-1:00 P.M.

Shout by Ward

Kim Bauer is boring and annoying and her journey is boring and now she has a boyfriend all of a sudden who she then blabbers about the nuclear weapon instead of him trusting her. Jeez! Which moron decided in a terrorism investigation show that we should have a seperate domestic violence plotline with annoying characters? Stupid. Everything else is boring except for Bauer's parts, though Palmer's seemed to get interesting at the end.

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24: 2x03 Day 2: 10:00 A.M.-11:00 A.M.
24: 2x01 Day 2: 8:00 A.M.-9:00 A.M.

Shout by Ward

Once again 50% of the plotlines i don't care about and i won't care about until probably half the season is over; the woman investigating terrorist guy and Kim's dumbass adventures. Ugh. We just want to watch Jack Bauer!

Loved the bit with Jack's moral complexity at the end. Do the end justify the means? Does killing one pedophile murderer illegally to save millions of lives worth it?

The justice system and most governments would say no. Interesting, isn't it? The perhaps flawed morality of humanity, or most of humanity, or the justice system and governments. Yet it's how this world is run.

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24: Season 1
24: 1x23 10:00 P.M.-11:00 P.M.
24: 1x07 6:00 A.M.-7:00 A.M.

Shout by Ward

This idiot girl stupidly goes back to a camp of criminals who will kill or rape her, instead of leaving to go for help.

Stupid writing.

But Jack's move was nice with the vest.

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24: 1x03 2:00 A.M.-3:00 A.M.

Shout by Ward

It was her computer but it wasn't her who done it because she was away? Why do this plot then? To make it seem like "Oh she might be a traitor" drama? Eh? And those two girls just happen to get trapped in a city area and always run into their kidnappers? No, that doesn't make sense. Then she runs out onto a deserted road and sudden car knocks her over? No. Then one of the people working with Jack says he needs to be relieved even though he hasn't done much if anything wrong and there's no proof against him? No, that doesn't really make sense. A lot of things don't really make sense this episode, along with the dumb girlfriend of that woman asking for an extra million even though they're dealing with extremely dangerous people? No, that doesn't really make sense except to explore the theme of greed, even though it doesn't really make sense, neither does keeping the other woman alive.

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24: 1x01 12:00 A.M.-1:00 A.M.

Shout by Ward

Brilliant. THIS is how you do a pilot episode. Strong characterization for the main character and good characterization for the supporting characters. And they balance the various groups of characters really well, it's like a proto game of thrones but a thriller version. It's excellent! And there's a realistic history that's gone on in the show and we get bits and pieces of that, though it's a bit soap-opera-y for my tastes. I also don't like the daughter plotline, but it does serve to highlight some of the stupidity and dangerousness of party culture and how trusting people still were back then and how you shouldn't be. I like the splitscreen real time parts as well and they're done well, which i haven't really seen done since. The story is quite good and well set up. This show really was ahead of it's time, or at least the pilot episode is.

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Doctor Who: 1x05 Dot and Bubble
Doctor Who: 1x04 73 Yards
The Spiral
Doctor Who: 1x03 Boom
Doctor Who: 1x02 The Devil's Chord
Doctor Who: 1x01 Space Babies
Law & Order: Criminal Intent: 7x09 Untethered

Shout by Ward

I love it. Love these kinds of episodes in episodic shows. Actual character progression and change, it's fun!

These days though, this kind of episode would be done in season 2 or 3. At least this episode rewards long time viewers of the show.

The old captain would have backed Goren and not suspended him or make him take a psych eval. The current captain hasn't known him long enough.

I was happy seeing Goren's brother seem to have got clean and they were getting closer, and Goren had a nephew, but then it all went bad in the end. Brother is still on drugs, Nephew used the chaos of Goren's imprisonment to escape. Goren suspended. It's all quite interesting.

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Doctor Sleep
The Shining

The descent into madness feels rushed. I would have liked a middle ground between this and the mini-series. In this film you have 2 whole hours, and he's already acting erratic and a bit mad within 30 minutes? It's too rushed.

It's not really scary either, though of course the feeling of horror is subjective. In the film it just feels like random strange stuff happening. The mini-series had an actual plot and build up and a rhyme and reason to things going on, and having a strong build up to the characterization.

The thing is, i appreciate the quality of writing more than any other aspect. While i can see the good sense of direction, acting, music and production quality, it's the writing that lets this film down, in various ways, and it's quality of writing i appreciate and scrutinize the most in productions that have it. The mini-series was better in this regard, and why i prefer it over this film.

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The Shining
He-Man and the Masters of the Universe: 1x02 Teela's Quest

The jump in quality is extremely surprising. You would think judging from the first episode and the age of the show that the whole show would be generic but fun adventures with little to no complexity or depth, but you'd be wrong. Right here in the second episode, everything is explored deeper, and the whole thing is tightly plotted. It's not completely unsurprising given the writer of the episode, Paul Dini, of batman fame.

I'm just so surprised. I was captivated the whole episode. Most of the characters were explored more, and given more developed personalities and even backstories. What Paul Dini has done here, is partially architect the mythos of the characters for the whole show. I love it, and he's done a really good job in this episode.

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He-Man and the Masters of the Universe: 1x01 Diamond Ray of Disappearance

Good nostalgic fun. Kept my interest all the way through. The plot is kinda kids generic, but a lot of events actually happen, and the characters are fun to follow. The episode is mostly held up by the excellent music.

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