


Doctor Who: 1x08 Empire of Death (2)

I kinda like RTD having the balls to do nothing with Ruby's mother and Mrs. Flood after building up and hinting at them so much.

It's funny with all the people who speculated about what was going to happen with them or what huge twists or theories would pan out, and it was all nothing. I laughed when nothing happened with them, probably because i'm not that into this season and i'm not invested in the potential reveals.

Other than that it was a decent episode that had good structure, some deep moments, and wrapped up very well. A lot of things didn't really make sense, but the heart was there and some good character stuff, so i think the episode was good overall, if mostly predictable with what happened to Sutekh, and the subversion of expectations with Ruby's mother and Mrs. Flood which felt anticlimactic. I've been very critical of this season and the first half of this finale, but i liked this second half enough to say it was okay or a good episode.

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Rick and Morty: 6x05 Final DeSmithation

Wouldn't it be stupid if an entire Rick and Morty episode was about Jerry being destined to have sex with his mother?

Oh right, we're in the worst season, so of course that's what the story is.

Think about possible good stories and interesting concepts for a Rick and Morty episode, and hopefully you'll realize this episode scraped the bottom of the barrel.

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Requiem for a Dream

Holy crap what an overrated film.

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Event Horizon

Shout by Ward
BlockedParent2015-08-01T23:43:11Z— updated 2020-05-24T15:59:20Z

This could have been a great film, and i thought it was going to be after a good first half, but then the 2nd half went and ruined everything, very very disappointing/terrible second half in my opinion.

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Battlestar Galactica: 1x09 Tigh Me Up, Tigh Me Down

Why would Gaius keep surpressing the tests, when the Cylons are trying to kill him to stop his work in detecting Cylons? IT'S STUPID! It was stupid last episode when he surpressed Boomer's test, but MAYBE he didn't say anything in order to use her later, but even that doesn't make much sense, i'm just grasping for anything. But now the show has become a bit dumber, especially with the terrible mismatch in tone this episode and with the character of Ellen.

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Doctor Who: Special 148 The Husbands of River Song

I'm just very sad. I enjoyed the second half of the episode when River finally recognizes the doctor, but before that wasn't very good, and River felt out of character compared to her next appearance in the library, and even a bit inconsistent with previous adventures.

But still, the ending was really good. The second half/last third was really good.

I'm very sad because the episode has made think about the sadness of time and things ending. I'm sad Clara is gone and now River is gone, their time has come to an end, just like most of our lives have an end, and we'll all end, die, someday. It's just sad.

It's all just very sad. And i feel very sad and empty.

It was a beautiful ending, Capaldi and Kingston have great chemistry.

And the weight of watching seasons in rapid succession is weighing more on me now. Making me reflect more on those seasons and the show as a whole.

I've enjoyed reading a lot of the specific episode reddit discussions. So much discussion over these episodes, it's nice and comforting to see, that you're not alone in this.

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Law & Order: Special Victims Unit: 3x02 Wrath

This episode is rated the same as the others, but it's actually a step above most Law and Order episodes. It's a full character development piece. It's more focused on the character, rather than the case. This is the kind of episode i dream of seeing. Damn, this was a good episode.

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Star Trek: Picard: 3x10 The Last Generation

The plot was resolved well enough, and we got a very relaxing and satisfying epilogue. What else could you want?

We got old star trek back this season. Some of it's spirit, anyway. We got a good plot. We got legacy characters back and they actually feel true to themselves and are respected. We got new likeable characters, and they made previous Picard season characters more likeable. What else could you want?

I'm not completely satisfied overall in regards to what's happened this season, and i've aired some of my issues in previous comments. But god damn am i completely satisfied right now, because we finally got some of old star trek back. We finally got respect and likeable characters and a good story, with an amazing send off for the old crew, and a good setup for the new crew.

I am so completely relaxed and satisfied. We finally got good and true star trek. I'm satisfied for years now.

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Breaking Bad: 3x04 Green Light

Ah yes, a reminder that walt and jesse were responsible for for the 167 deaths of the plane...

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Breaking Bad: 3x07 One Minute

Please live please live please live

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Dexter: 2x08 Morning Comes

"Trust me when you meet the monster you'll know" :D

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My Cousin Vinny

A good, solid, funny film. Marisa Tomei was Stunning, couldn't take my eyes off her.

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King Arthur

Shout by Ward
BlockedParent2016-01-10T07:37:39Z— updated 2019-10-18T00:23:26Z

I was totally into this film and there were a few moments i was almost brought to tears and many moments i was laughing at how corny it all was but i was just totally into it. I can see why people dislike it though but i was just really into it.

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Rick and Morty: 6x03 Bethic Twinstinct

Remember the episode when Morty got a device which allowed him to have save states, what a cool concept. And then it was used as a deep exploration of Morty's character, with him meeting that girl and surviving in the wilderness.

This show has gone downhill.

It's sad that the two worst episodes in the entire show have happened back to back.

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Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 4x10 Carnage of Krell

One of the best episodes in the show so far. One of the best arcs in the show so far. This episode was pretty emotional. Though i kinda agree with andrew saying about the loss of that complexity and also krell being that kind of a villain, i still thought this episode was worthy of a 10/10.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 5x07 Unification (1)

That scene with picard and data in the klingon room was hilarious.

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Planet Earth: 1x06 Ice Worlds

Mabye not the best episode so far in the showcasing of animals lives, but this episode has definitely affected me the most emotionally, the journey of the polar bear, the hardships of the penguins, this episode gave me more appreciation of animals intelligence, and also made me sad at some of the hardships these animals have to endure. Because of global warming i wonder what will happen to the likes of the polar bears in the far future, it's a saddening thought that they might one day become extinct.

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Avatar: The Last Airbender: 1x11 The Great Divide

Aang you sly sly boy hahaha.

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X-Men: The Animated Series: 4x14 Love in Vain

What started as a boring romance drama (Um... What about Gambit, Rogue?) eventually turned into a lovecraftian body horror episode, to my delightful surprise.

That these aliens had been planning for decades to invade (though it's suspicious that there's only one group, and not a lot of them) it made the aliens a bit more interesting. Plus how they convert people, and how powerful they are and that they can't be reached through telepathy. You hear the disgusting sounds of the x-men's bodies physically changing to their alien form. The way the x-men react to this change is interesting, and we see their horror at what is happening to them.

Rogue is such a sweetheart. Feel sorry for her.

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Avatar: The Last Airbender: 3x17 The Ember Island Players

This episode is a break from the main story, and it is not episodic kind but more of a lookback across whole show. It's a great episode which pays tribute to some of the events that have happened since the start but also pays tribute to it's writing and continuity, personally i feel this show has some of the best continuity writing i have ever seen. The show is drawing to a close soon with only a few episodes and feel sad at that, i could watch more seasons with this group and their adventures whether there is a main story or not. This episode made me laugh at points and made me smile with delight nearly all the way through, seeing the skewering of events and portrayed characters when the characters and i know really know the truth haha. Such a great show. Last thought: i hope may is alive.

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Rurouni Kenshin

If the series was episodes 1-62, it would be one of the best animes i have ever watched, this series is BRILLIANT!.

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Rome: 2x10 De Patre Vostro (About Your Father)

A great finale to a great series, i feel mostly satisfied, it was a joy to see this show and i was pleasantly surprised.

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The X-Files: 2x24 Our Town

I was so bored by the episde by the end that i forgot a certain thing until another commenter brought it up...



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Battlestar Galactica: 1x07 Six Degrees of Separation

The drama around Gaius and his reaction to it was well done, but the religious aspect just doesn't work, neither does the psychosexual relationship with him and Six. Also, the story on Caprica just isn't that good and feels tertiary and less interesting than the main plot on the ship. There just isn't much interesting happening on Caprica.

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The Beast Player Erin

Shout by Ward
BlockedParent2019-01-25T03:33:52Z— updated 2020-06-11T02:46:47Z

I think it's took nearly 3 years to write this comment. Truthfully, i can't remember much about the series plot and characters. But what i do always remember is the extreme emotional impact this show had on me. The most emotional, anything, i have perhaps ever seen. Even thinking about the show stirs up emotion inside of me. It's one of the most under-seen shows ever made. I was, and still am shocked at how many people haven't seen this. Almost no one has seemingly, yet it's one of the greatest shows ever made. From what i remember it did have good plot and characters. Great show.

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Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 2x13 Voyage of Temptation

Shout by Ward
BlockedParentSpoilers2018-09-04T20:11:03Z— updated 2018-09-05T22:30:38Z

Aight, wow. Loved everything in this episode. Also i ship obi-wan and satine more than ventress now. Speaking of which we have hardly seen her at all really, which i'm fine with given the quality recently. Outstanding work this season. Loved the dynamics between obi-wan and satine, loved everything in this episode, all of anakins lines and reactions. Could go on for ages about this episode. It had everything you could want. Comedy, romance, action, a sliver of horror with the spiders. Anakin killing that guy at the end was great. Loved everything they did with obi-wan this episode. Loved everything. 10/10 well deserved.

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Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 2x07 Legacy of Terror

Alright, that was freaking amazing. Again way too many cool things i could go on for ages. What a great arc, probably the best in the show so far. It feels like this arc got a step up in camera quality, animation, writing, acting. Just wow. I am now very optimistic for the future of this show, wow. What a way to turn a show around. This arc felt fresh, exciting, amazing, unique, compared to every other episode before it. And this episode was simply amazing. Perhaps an underrated arc in regards to the general ratings, but it's nice to see andrew bloom give this episode a 9 same as me.

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Four Lions

Benedict cumberbatch out of nowhere.

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Black Mirror: 3x03 Shut Up and Dance

Wow didn't expect that image at the end, nice. Nice twist aswell.

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Supernatural: 2x04 Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things

Nice epilogue, i love epilogues.

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