

South Africa, Johannesburg

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1

The Harry Potter movies continue with it's established drag. Barely anything happens in this 2 hours and 30 minutes movie that ends abruptly. Our heroes spend most of their time just milling around doing nothing and traveling the countryside with no apparent purpose. There's a breakup between friends that has no consequence and is resolved immediately and a maguffin that just shows up with no explanation.
It's a shame that a film with such a strong opening was filled with filler in the middle just to stretch it so they could make another one and milk more money from the fans. I would've been a furious if I'd seen it in theatres when it came out.

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@dolivaw I was indeed furious when it came out. Couldve punched a baby in the face.

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Inside Out

This is a gorgeous movie. There is no villain or external force to fight. It is about a girl who had a very happy childhood learning to deal with loneliness and accepting other negative emotions like sadness. She is learning how to balance all the little pieces of herself (what separates children from adults). The movie shows little kids how you are dealing with stuff on the inside affects how you deal with stuff on the outside.

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I dunno what movie you watched. But it sounds great! This movie on the other hand makes it seem like your emotions are living entities that can change a happy memory like a sad memory by just touching it... WTF?! It doesnt work that way!!! Its as if Joy is the only important emotion and the rest is just there for comic relief.

Stupid movie is stupid!

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The Last Witch Hunter

It's not much but to spend time is worth. View Rose Leslie and do not say you know nothing makes me weird

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Your grammar made my eyes bleed.

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Sharknado 2: The Second One

Just as fantastically bad as the first one. Awesome! So many cameos.

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I agree, I'm sure that I even saw Kurt Angle at one part near the end.

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X-Men: The Last Stand

God I hate this movie, A mutant whose powers is to nullify other mutants powers??? REALLY.. FREAKING REALLY?!?! First they say its "EVOLUTION" then ALL OF A SUDDEN they can DE-EVOLUTIONIZE them back to being "normal" homo sapiens??? HECK WHY STOP THERE?!?! Why not DE-EVOLUTIONIZE all of humanity back to primitive APES?!?!


Avoid this movie at all costs. Or better just forget it EVER existed!

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To each his/her own... This movie is what killed the franchise IMO.

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Magic Mike XXL

Reply by Wesley

Great performances, but there wasn't really a story.

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So basically it doesnt even continue on the story of whatever happened to Adam and his drug problem, or whatever happened to his sister or if Dallas' new joint ever made it off the ground to name a few???? What BS! So this is basically a Magic Mike reboot but without a story, and by story I mean: any subplots or 3 dimensional characters??? PASS!!!

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The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent

Pedro Pascal and Nicolas Cage is a friendship I didn’t know I needed in my life. :sparkles:

Such a fun movie, with lots of comedy and laugh out loud moments.

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@jinxnoodles their chemistry really made me believe they really did know each other for decades! glad this move lived up to the hype!

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