

Toronto, Canada

Spider-Man: Far From Home
The Perfect Date

It's raining it's slightly increased because I put it on an Indian sliding scale. I have a lot of technical problems with the movie. I like tiebreaking, bad editing, inconsistent editing, inconsistent filming.

But it was Stillwell made, the story was interesting and mostly well told. This is primarily a legal thriller. The legal aspects in the movie are really hard because I don't know anything about Indian a law. but the opening was very shaky around the midpoint started to come together and become very interesting. There's a lot of things I really disagree with I can't tell if it's because of cultural reasons or legal reasons that they happened.

But overall it was a very good time.

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The Orville: 2x11 Lasting Impressions

This is merely an okay episode for The Orville. So little 6-7 our of 10 basically. There's just not a lot interesting going on.

I have to assume everyone else reviewing these episodes are 12 because I very MUCH remember smoking on TV when I was a kid in the late 80s-90s

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God Friended Me: 1x18 Return to Sender
The Orville: 2x09 Identity (2)
Canada's Worst Driver: Season 14
Lethal Weapon: 3x13 Coyote Ugly
The Umbrella Academy: 1x01 We Only See Each Other at Weddings and Funerals

A very plodding pace is masked by great but not colourful visuals. It does this thing that I generally find more annoying than not of not tell you everything. Where they introduce some people but not others and you just have to infer a bunch of things. At least everyone is unique looking so you don't have to spend three episodes before you can tell them apart.

Overall this was a very very good pilot episode. After watching Titans and Doom Patrol it's nice to see something with a bit more polish.

The dance scene was great. The fight scene was great.

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This was an okay adaption of a short story. It's super faithful but in this case it hurts the overall product. The conciseness of the short story is what made it work so well. Here we have a story that doesn't work as well visually in the first place and then you throw in an unnecessary side plot to make it a movie and you end up with a film that's dark to hide what becomes obvious in the light and pacing that doesn't work and the only parts that work as what's in the original short story (All You Zombies).

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The Orville: 2x07 Deflectors
Fahrenheit 11/9

solid 4/5 Michael Moore documentary not as good as the original 9/11 or Bowling for Columbine but it's good.

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Young Justice: 3x13 True Heroes

Honestly this season has been a whiplash break neck free for all. It's absolutely wild. And I thought Season 2 was insane. There's a theory going around that this should be the future of DC and I'm both scared and excited for that because I don't know if I can take how fast it's going to get.

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The Orville: 2x06 A Happy Refrain
Game of Thrones: Season 1
The Flash: 5x12 Memorabilia
You're the Worst: 5x01 The Intransigence of Love
Attack the Block
The Good Doctor: 2x11 Quarantine (2)

Hollar at the Asian dude who literally called out Shawn for literally saying what he's thinking all the time. It's WEIRD and more people would be commenting on it. again and again this show doesn't seem real because not enough people hate shawn.

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The Good Doctor: 2x10 Quarantine (1)
Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Season 5

I love AoS against all odds because I in general hate everything about SHIELD as an organization in comics, movies and even TV. But Season 5 of AoS is one of the best comic based seasons of television even with the flaws it hate on the back end. The show had a premise that was weak featured an organization I hate, and opened with bigger ideas than writing. But honestly it's pretty great as a whole and I have no trouble recommending it to anyone. But I'd be happy if they start prepping for the end properly because I don't want this to go cliffhanger to cancellation.

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MacGyver: 3x11 Mac + Fallout + Jack
God Friended Me: 1x12 Ready Player Two
You: 1x01 Pilot

It's definitely a lot less creepy than the original. It's no smash hit but the original wasn't either. It's a fun mostly family friendly film. He has more chemistry with the kids than with the woman but beyond that it's servicable.

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Canada's Worst Driver: 14x04 Crash. Bang. Boom

This was actually a good episode. watching everyone learn to swerve and avoid was great. Darus is as confusing as ever. I'm about half way through the episode and I'm still unsure if he should pass or not? Karlene was great but Alexis was scary. To think she literally had no idea she smashed the center of the obstacle is just horrific.

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This movie is basically every bit as good as I had hoped. The action is good but it's not pointless . Which is all I ask from for basic action movie. This movie exceeded my expectations by a degree or two. It Manages to have a consistent and coherent theme.

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Batman Begins

A fine movie that has literally ruined Batman films.

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