

Toronto, Canada

You: 1x04 The Captain

Giving Beck a voice was great. It removed the creepy idolization stain on her from seeing her only from Joe's perspective. It gives her agency that is starting to be needed to take this show to a new level.

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Severance: 1x09 The We We Are

While severance has been a slick show from the beginning. Well shot. Well paced. Well acted. It's been kind of a slow drag to nowhere. Even the revelation of Petey while interesting didn't really take us anywhere. But episodes 8 and 9 really do successfully deliver on the tension that's been building all season finally unite the inside story and the outside story.

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Inside Man: 1x01 Episode 1

Okay, well that was confusing. The most notable storyline in this episode is the one involving the maths tutor, well specifically the maths tutor and the vicar.

Good lord woman why are you so.... and I struggle to find another word for this but stupid. Just one stupid moment flipped the entire path of the story for a character who honestly was amazing before then.

When you know someone so well why would make the presumptions she makes. Being shocked at CP I get. That's awful stuff I can't imagine. But assuming that Ben your math student is gleefully and casually taking ownership of it is ridiculous. The worst part is that in spite of the fact that his father is a vicar she can't imagine any other outcome than it's Ben's "He told me from his own mouth". Now Harry is also a moron for being unable to explain a simple concept like "it belongs to a parish member" without going through three fumbles. Just explain. How this ended up with her bleeding in your basement is beyond belief.

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The Rookie: 2x01 Impact

talia was being sexually harassed by a guest star. For some reason the show did not take her completely seriously there's no reason for them not to have done that because she is a main character and the perpetrator was merely a guest star who had no important role in the show. However she decided to stick to her guns and leave the show . this is very unfortunate because I really did enjoy her character. I've been wondering how they were going to deal with her character not being on the show anymore turns out they just use the laziest solution they have. It does the job but there's a very noticeable hole in the balance on the show.

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Jennifer's Body

Jennifer's Body is a fun romp. I remember when it came out and I definitely avoided it because of Megan Fox but also because I don't like horror movies. If I had been sat down to watch it back then however I definitely would have enjoyed it even back then. It's not the scariest movie out there and for me that's a bonus. It does a lot of very interesting things with characters. The hot girl and the nerd girl friendship is common enough it's becoming a trope but in spite of the many times I've seen it before this movie came out and before I actually saw this movie last night I actually like their relationship. The movie isn't about a giant schism between them from middle school they're actually friends and that's interesting. I even liked the ending. I might even watch a sequel to this movie because i think there's room to do things with this world. But I don't need it. I'm completely satiated.

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The Titan

a compelling and paced opening that doesnt deliver in the back end. the acting is solid the writing and directing are okay. until the movie can't stall any longer and is forced to try to do something with what build up it has. then it stumbles and falters to a finish.

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Percy Jackson and the Olympians: 1x03 We Visit the Garden Gnome Emporium

Shout by wolfkin
BlockedParent2023-12-28T04:50:01Z— updated 2024-01-22T16:13:29Z

This episode feels like they set it up to be interesting but ended up reductive. But that's just storytelling. I'm not a fan of this particular story. Previously we were told that just because something looks like a monsters doesn't mean it is. It kinda felt specifically like a hint that Medusa was a victim (and she is) in need of sympathy for what happened to her and not revulsion for how she looks. And yet we have Medusa who saves the children and ends up with her head cut off. Almost like we could have just judged her by her monstrous appearance in the first place.

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The White Lotus: 1x01 Arrivals

oh dang Rachel those are TEENAGE GIRLS. Don't talk to them. Just don't make eye contact and hope they don't speak to you.

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The Afterparty

Shout by wolfkin
BlockedParent2022-03-04T14:52:20Z— updated 2022-03-06T00:25:34Z

What a fun time and satisfying conclusion. Heck yeah the murder mystery genre is BACK!

All the twists and turns you want without any of the double crossing you get in the spy genre. All ending in a pretty solid conclusion.

As long as you're not the sort of person who is looking for the killer yourself You can sit back and watch our "bumbling... or is she?" detective do her interviews and drill down to the murderer complete with just enough tangles. I don't mind but I know some people really get annoyed when they can't follow along with the mystery and find the proof themselves. In this case the proof is so inconsequential I refuse to believe anyone would have noticed it on first watch. Yet it's not entirely inplausible that in the telling of the story that inconsistency didn't stick out.

A fun cast, a fun mystery. I mean seriously. How Great Is This Party?!?!?!

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Evil: 2x07 S Is for Silence

A fantastic premise for this show. An abbey of silence where they have to assess a miracle without saying a word. There's an air of the disturbing throughout the whole episode in spite of some of the most genuine moments of amusement in the series today. Some clever and unexpected visual design on the internal monologues really help keep the engagement up without disturbing the air of silence.

An utterly delightful episode that plays with the line between reality and fiction that is practically the trademark of this show.

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Russian Doll: Season 1

Not the biggest fan of the ending but I also didn't hate it. It was a fun ride and it did something new with the GHD formula which I liked. It added a second person. Talk about co-dependence ehh?

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Shout by wolfkin
BlockedParent2017-08-12T13:40:14Z— updated 2017-08-21T03:05:30Z

Naked is a good but not great groundhog day clone. It's above decent even, with a touch of gross out humor (and I'm not talking about Marlon's naked body) that plague Wayan's films since Scary Movie 2. Still sincerity is developed eventually, though it doesn't feel that way from the start.

Groundhog Day movies are about characters becoming better people. The main character in this movie usually has to start off as a bad character and become better. Rob Anderson, our naked main character, does not start off bad. He actually starts off very sympathetic, but as the movie goes on you realize that he's not exactly good as he seemed.

It's a sort of backwards wave for character development and it causes things to start off a bit slowly because you don't realize if anyone has had any actual character progression. By the end of the movie, however, a solid argument could be made that the film is worthwhile. So to reconclude, in the end the movie is better than decent but not fantastic.

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Abbott Elementary: 1x01 Pilot

A middling pilot, but there's certainly a lot of room to grow

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Evil: 2x01 N Is for Night Terrors

A great season opener reminding you of everything you like about this show. The amount of memes you could make from Kristen's face alone

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Younger: 7x02 It's the End of the World, Worm Girl

just a quick shoutout to the faux Greta Thurnberg. I'm sure Greta as barely a teenage has well intentioned but incompletely formed thoughts on the environment that are probably still worth listening to but this caricature of her is ridiculous.

"She's amazing. Sixteen and speaking truth to power like that?"

The girl said it was literal WASTE for everyone to have a microphone. hahah. She tried to shame everyone for the waste of energy it takes to make ice cubes. Someone introduce faux Greta to the ADA because there's a lot of wasteful things in there that don't NEED to be done but get done because they serve a purpose of making life dignified for people with disabilities. Like maybe people with poor hearing get to hear clearly because microphones exist. I'm only 3 minutes in but I feel like this character is a huge swing and a miss. Even if you don't like Greta this is really unfair.

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The Falcon and the Winter Soldier: 1x03 Power Broker

We can't end every episode with a character reveal. All the people who hated WandaVision for "being so slow". Well this is the show for you because it's basically a marvel movie without any of the recap. If you don't know who everyone is before you started episode one this series is just a mess. SO many people wanted to know if they could watch WandaVision without seeing Marvel movies first and it's so doable with so little information. "She's a witch, he's an android" that's it. TFatWS is so far the opposite. I've seen every MCU property and I'm still barely keeping it straight. I'm sure this will be the most fun for the people who do the entire MCU marathon and having just watched 15 movies going right into this it will feel great but watching it live is still not that good. It's just so hard to care about anything or anyone in this series.

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Russian Doll: 1x02 The Great Escape

As this episode opens I begin to see how this concept can work as a television series. The first episode was good but this is the episode that seals me in. Now I'm ready to see where this leads.

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Insatiable: 1x10 Banana Heart Banana

what i really hate in this show is the constant pattern of disrespect that leads to an irrationally overdone moment and no one addresses the pattern of disrespect. its maddening.

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A Murder at the End of the World: 1x04 Family Secrets

No seat belt, no helmet and I've never heard anyone pronounce Vi that way. What about Vim?

A few other things than this show is have done the same sort of weird tech. I think we're in this weird age where tech issues are represented more accurately, but tech is still represented Awfully. I remember earlier one of the big kings of tech still picks his password to be a date that personally significant to him. No one does that.. especially not the tech elite. I mean men that especially not people who are actually technically literate. The tech elite are a bunch of morons who just have money but anyone who knows any technology know if you don't put your birthday as a password

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Mrs. Davis: 1x02 Zwei Sie Piel mit Seitung Sie Wirtschaftung

The pilot was good.. not great but good. This was better. This was good enough to sell me on the entire season. I'm starting to think I do see though to the plot I just don't connect the dots. I noticed "the character" in Glass Onion and I kept seeing these bits of stupidity I just didn't think anything of it. In the pilot I noticed the cow looked odd but I didn't think anything of it. And here I saw bad logic and just didn't think anything of it. I think a lot of people are quick to call out plot points long before the story has even really decided on them but maybe there's a degree of merit to the proceedings.

But this episode was solid. We learned a bit. People acted a bit and the AI did it's thing a little bit.

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From: 1x01 Long Day's Journey Into Night

Well that's a spooky start. Very chilling. high in tension with little relief. Little unclear on a few things but mostly things I expect to be cleared up.

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Avenue 5: 1x06 Was It Your Ears?

Now this is a good episode but in the end the beep's purpose was to let everyone re-calibrate for the baby because that's +1 passenger but one of the central premises of the show is that they're actually down 4 passengers. Joe the engineer and three people who die during Yoga. They shouldn't be needing re-calibrate for the baby.

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Man it's good to see Jennifer Garner get back to her roots. I kinda want to see her in a comic book character role but I also kinda want her to do her own thing.

Now the truth about Peppermint is that it doesn't do anything special. It's a revenge action movie just like you expect it to be. The good news is... it's the revenge action movie you expect it to be. I actually prefer to this The Equalizer 2 which I kind of expected more out of and which positioned itself to be more than it was. Peppermint is just the story of a girl who loses everything and then has to kill people to get some semblance. It's a fun ride actually. The action scenes aren't fantastic but they're good. Which is how I would describe the entire film. May this be the first in many of the rise of Jennifer Garner's 2.0 action generation.

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Russian Doll: 2x01 Nowhen

I went in without a rewatch and it's.. ok in that respect. I don't feel like I forgot so much I'm confused and they do a good job setting the play ing field. Nadia is still a weird character to me. But at least she's not every other female character on TV so there's that. It's a good promising start.

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The Cleaning Lady: 1x01 TNT

In these episodes I often have issues with how the relationship works between the unwilling employee and the gangster. Especially when it's female employee and male gangster. One thing this opening does well if give us Thony as a character with agency. She actively seeks out and demands employment and conditions. It's a small thing that endears me to this character. Aside from that it's a typical sexually tense force working environment with a gangster situation.

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Monk: 8x13 Mr. Monk Is the Best Man

This episode has one of the most brilliant lines in the entire series. Captain Stottlemeyer once again checks in with Monk to see if he's ok with another Trudy and he replies something like "Yeah, everyone should have a Trudy in their life." Written out this a powerful testament to his character on par with the many times he's given up love or failed to find love. A normal character might become bitter and resentful but Adrian carries bitterness as a facade. The fact that for him it's not even a consideration that more Trudys is a good thing even if they aren't his Trudy is just genius. It's why we love him.

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Evil: 2x06 C Is for Cop

That could have been worse. Subject matter wise it was a bold attempt. TV over all has been notoriously bad at handling this. Even Evil a show that is imo so well written i trust it could have done this poorly. In the classic refusing to answer fashion Evil does a pretty good job of having it's characters react in a pretty realistic way to a ridiculous situation even one that has a degree of merit in their world.

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Resident Alien: 1x06 Sexy Beast

Easily the worst episode of the season so far. But considering how good this show is overall that's still better than so much else out there. I don't find the "inevitable jealous over the perfect replacement" storyline nearly as funny as tv executives think we should find it. But Harry does what he can. There's just not as much room for him to spread out and go fully geeked when he's focused on Dr. Perfect. Yet still I give this 7/10.

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You: 2x06 Farewell, My Bunny

How did I miss all the totems? I thought I was watching for them.

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The Mentalist: 6x17 Silver Wings of Time

Death row episodes are the worst. It's a barbaric practice and everything about it just screams how immoral this country is. It's exceptionally gross. The idea that "Oh hey we killed someone for the crime we're never going to open the case again even if we get evidence" is so horrific it makes me gag and it's the central premise of this episode as Jane and the FBI have to get a confession before the execution or else no one will care what the real killer has to say. The irony of someone in this episode pointing out how it's about justice when they end up being proven that the death row inmate isn't the killer. Which we know from the episode construction had to be true from the start. All this and that's ONLY the ethical consideration. Not even accounting for the physical and fiscal considerations that of course aren't the purview of this show.

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